

"Attack....." Apollo shouted as the ran towards the dwarfs in attack , the dwarfs had built a wall with their shied sticking out there sword and spear in between the shield.

The men of Apollo fought, breaking through the defenses of the dwarfs, but the dwarfs fought relentlessly and bravely they were short but united and skilled. In the midst of the fight Herod was protected back into his palace and the doors were shut and locked with a latch.

The soldiers were still combating when Apollo struck the dwarfs with his magical powers causing them to fall and loosing all their weapons, it was as though a great tornado hit them, he casted some spell pulled the commander of the dwarfs to himself and said.

" I will have you command your men to open the door ." he was infuriated holding tight the clothes to the dwarfs who was off his feet.

" i will do no such thing" said the dwarf he was furious and willing to give his life in protection of his king.

Apollo being filled with anger threw the dwarfs to the stairs and approached the doors wiith some of his soldiers . While most them were with the army of the dwarfs about a hundred being stuck to the ground with weapons pointed at them by the

Spartans. Apollo said

"You fleet of rats are really stubborn "he said being arrogant and full of himself.

"Oh you coward, why not let's get into a real combat without your magical powers-and see who is man enough "

one of the Spartan soldier hit him with the hedge of his sword causing his face to hit the stairs.

" You've gotten what you deserve " Apollo said walking past him in a scornful laugh.

He got to the doors struck it with his magic once again and it blew opened like a bomb, scattering he woods to faces of the people in the palace . Herod was filled with fear same as the people in the palace.

" I already told you I don't have the girl with me" he said in a fearful tone .

Apollo replied " well you seem to like war and harshness . Cease his wife he commanded . "

" No not my wife "Herod begged but Apollo did not seem to be giving a listening ear , he then ordered that her both eyes be plucked out .

As the soldier of Sparta was about to do so with a knife in his hand and two other men holding her both hands she shouted,


Now Herod being terrified he ran to the feet of Apollo and begged confessing he had seen the girl and the child and that she had left his place heading to the lands of the elves.

"Let her go "Apollo instructed .

Looking earnestly at the dwarfs laughed and took a walk round the hall in anger and and was buried in thought.

"I will have you suffer for this great trouble you caused me "he said again.

Then Herod begged for his life and that of his clan , little did he know the intentions of Apollo turned over and at this did a magical spell causing the dwarf to freeze into a statue with the different postures they had at the moment they all were going to freeze some had their mouth opened his opened, some looking surprised like someone who had just seen a ghost and Herod himself on his kneels like one who is about to propose to a bride. Apollo and the Spartan soldier took a walk out the place these had happened leaving the people of the village as statue wasn't really a good sight to behold but was funny as they looked like clowns.

" what a hilarious sight to behold "Apollo said, with a chuckle as he climbs his horse.

All this took place in hours, Eva had gone far into the woods to the road that lead to the the lands of the elves.it was a great experience for Eva the night, the morning and all that happened the day before and the morning before she had left, Eva was quite brave and determined .

Wind bustled through the branches of the trees making the leaves howl In their symphony. Riding taking the path in the woods make one realize how intricate the clash between weather and nature can be , cos' at that time it was about to rain, there were lighting and thunders it was going to be one heavy downpour, gusty winds blow through the woods, in an instant the clouds were dark but had kept riding across the path with the baby in her hands, seeking for a shelter for the baby and her.

While they were moving she saw a smoke come out of a hut in distant going up to the sky, she rode towards it. It is one isolated huts she thought to herself as they galloped towards the house .

The clouds were heavy and gradually dropping bit by bit, she quickly tied the ropes to a tree nearby took the baby and walked through to the hut, when she got the the door, she knocked and there were no one to answer she then knock yet again still no sign of anybody coming to get the door.

The rain had start to fall but she covered the preventing him from cold and rested on the door gently pushing herself away from the splash of water from the drops. Suddenly the door was opened and she fell through the door with the baby in her hands, as she went down she turned to her back to protect the child.

She was shocked at what happened, facing up she saw this old woman looking all dirty and nasty the woman had a knife in her hand and was about to stab the girl. Then she took a pause seeing a baby in her hands,the old woman gradually closed the down as wind from the stormy rain blew into the hut causing Salem of her lamps to go off.

"I seek a place till when this storm is over " Eva pleaded as she got to her feet.

Then the old woman asked "where are you heading to young lady in this dangerous forest?"

Eva replied " I seek for a greener pasture "she said.

She lied and was secretive about where she was heading to, definitely no one was to be trusted with such vital information anyone could be an enemy she thought to herself as she spoke.

The old woman had perceived she was lying and said " There is nothing but death across the woods and nothing greener than horror" Eva was frightened and dumped founded as she had nothing to say.

The old woman said come in you may have a seat, it was a small room with a lot crammed into it. There was a narrow bed and four legged stool to sit on, on the wall clothes hung from hooks and more clothes were strewn untidily on the floor, a shelf beside the wall held this old woman little possession, the old woman felt self conscious seeing her room through Eva's eyes.

"May I offer you some tea "the old woman said pointing to the small table she had, Eva rejected but the woman insisted and poured some into one old looking cup with the handle broken .

The woman told Eva how nutritious the tea was because she plucked the leave used in making it.

Eva seemed less interested and gave a strain smile and said,

"oh how beautiful "

"What is you ordeal? what would lady like you be doing in a dangerous forest like this ?,The woods is no safe place for any young person most especially a lady like you" .

" if I may, how many of ur questions would I have answered "

"Oh ! Sorry to ask you then ,But for the child sake please do head back to the city if you want to be saved this woods you see is filled with monsters and wild animals "

Eva saw she was only concerned and requested on a safe route forward, explaining that she could not head back to the city and she needed to be across to the other side of the forest.

The rain had stopped but it was cold and Freezy outside the old woman showed her a route through the woods leading to a new city she got to the horse and continued her journey.

The old woman was still wondering what she could be looking for in the woods slammed her door and went back into her hut.

Apollo had rested with his soldiers but instantly after the rain they continued through the path that she had passed through, little did they know that the forest was an evil one, the men were hungry and tired some on there feet and some on the horses. As they walk passed the bush, there was after holding fruits it was an apple gee men thought to pluck and as they did ,Apollo brought the soldiers to halt with to get some food. The soldiers brought some apples to the commander Apollo he instructed one of them to have a bite from it and as he did he fell to the ground shaking and convulsing as he died the men were terrified, threw away the apples, and they continued their search for the Eva and prince Hugo,

Apollo advised the soldiers not to eat or drink from the forest for it was an evil one .

As they moved they also saw the same old hut in the same manner Eva saw it and they all approached it for a check.