
The Heroes’ Reincarnation

Six Heroes had completed their destiny, slaying the Demon King. The Gods and Goddesses, wanting balance to their world, decided to send the Heroes into another universe. They wouldn’t go unrewarded however. The Gods and Goddesses gave the Heroes one fate-twisting chance before sending them off into their new lives. The Heroes found themselves in the future of earth. Separated and with no way to contact each other. They joined the newest game release, A World’s Legacy! The first game to succeed in a fully immersive VRMMORPG. The Heroes join the launch in hopes of coming into contact with each other. What adventures awaits our heroes? Well there is only one way to find out... ————————————————————————- Author Note: I am inexperienced in writing novels. This is my first ever novel so I apologize for my inevitable mistakes and inconsistencies beforehand.

UnableToOpenDoor · ゲーム
620 Chs


Akiol had no mercy towards those who committed evil deeds, the only reason he let the bandits go in the first place was because he was protecting Veryl.

Now that there was nothing to distract him, he could fully focus on eliminating the bandits.

The bandits weren't going to sit there and let him attack. With a war cry the three one-handed sword bandits charged forward. The remaining three following behind.

Akiol initiated the combat, swinging his sword at the closest bandit. The bandit blocked the attack easily. The other two sword bandits then swung at Akiol together.

Akiol was not having it. Stepping backwards twice, he narrowly dodged the attacks. As soon as the bandits stopped their swings, Akiol bolted forward. He roundhouse kicked a bandit in the head, causing them to stumble.

<-15 hp>

One bandit swung his sword towards Akiol'd leg, wanting to disable, if not remove, the leg. Akiol quickly retracted his leg and kicked the sword's fuller. The bandit's attack was redirected towards another bandit, causing some damage. Since Akiol did not attack himself, he could not see the damage.

Akiol swung his sword at the bandit whose sword was redirected. Slicing him several times, using the momentum of each strike and aiming for various muscles to disable the bandit.

<-10 hp>

<-10 hp>

<-10 hp>

<-10 hp>

<-10 hp>

The poor bandit was still alive, but was unable to fight. The other bandits flinched at this, but their will to live outweighed their fear.

With more vigor the two remaining sword bandits charged, swinging their swords like madmen. Akiol blocked one attack, the other attack sliced through his cheek but he was fine. Kicking the bandit's, who attacked him, knee. He spun and sliced into their neck.

<-10 hp>

<Critical Hit! -100 hp>

Without missing the beat, Akiol turned and stabbed the other sword bandit in the back. Barely managing to pierce him.

<-30 hp>

'Odd, not a critical hit huh?'

Akiol quickly finished off the two sword bandits before the remaining could charge him.

<You killed Bandit (level 25) gained 10% experience>

<You killed Bandit (level 25) gained 10% experience, Iron Sword>

Sweet, Akiol's first kill drop. One should know that 'A World's Legacy' did not operate like normal mmorpg's. Instead of money and equipment dropping rarely from monsters, it was only monster parts that dropped. These parts could be sold however. The only enemies that did drop equipment were rare bosses, and equipped humanoid creatures.

To make up for this lack of equipment drops the developers came up with two things: first, one could find and buy higher level equipment from blacksmiths. Instead of just low level gear. Second, equipment did not have a durability stat. So players did not have to worry about their weapons they bought breaking on them when grinding.

This did not mean equipment were indestructible. Any equipped item can be broken if faced with a powerful enough attack. This was to prevent players from fighting higher level creatures with no consequence.

Back to the fight, the two spear bandits charged stabbing towards Akiol. Akiol jumped and landed on the shafts of the spears. Knocking them downwards and ineffective. Akiol quickly dispatched the two bandits with a handful of swings.

<You killed Bandit (level 25) gained 10% experience>

<You killed Bandit (level 25) gained 10% experience>

The final bandit was the one holding two daggers. This bandit, while cringing at the brutal deaths of his comrades. Still had a tint of confidence in his eyes. This did not escape Akiol, making his eyes narrow.

The two had a stare off, reacting slightly to every movement. Like two cowboys getting ready to draw. The dual dagger bandit no longer waited, and initiated the fight.

The bandit was fast, much faster than the other bandits. This speed also didn't seem like the kind you would gain by wielding a smaller and lighter weapon, but rather the kind you would get from being stronger.

This was shocking to Akiol, since it showed that the dual daggers bandit was the same level as the others.

Barely blocking the first strike, the second dagger was already aiming for his heart. Or rather his core, but the bandit didn't know this. Akiol used his [Absorb] and [Dispel] technique to quickly block the second blow.

The bandit did not miss that Akiol's main hand was now empty and continued with his first strike.

Akiol was not enjoying this conflict, it was nearly one-sided. With him on the losing side!

Akiol quickly rotated his body and used [Leap] on the dual dagger bandit's chest. Causing both him and the bandit to go flying opposite directions. Akiol flipped and recovered sliding along the ground.

He soon found that the dual dagger bandit also recovered. Standing there with a cold gaze fixated on Akiol.

While scrambling for a plan Akiol attempted to buy some time,"You're much different from the other bandits. Who just are you?"

The bandit didn't seem to mind replying,"The name's Scorpion, I hid my strength as a bandit."

Akiol then was shocked that the name above the bandits head changed! It now showed:

<Bandit (Scorpion) level 40>

The name change was expected, but the massive increase of level was not. That was double Akiol's current level!

This meant Akiol would need every little advantage he could gain. He was sure he had more battle experience, but his stats were massively weaker than Scorpion's. Akiol then remembered the Iron Sword he gained from the previous bandit. Akiol attempted to [Dispel] it, but quickly realized he could not! This was because he never absorbed the sword. Thinking quickly, Akiol attempted to open an 'inventory' and a menu popped up.

Akiol pressed on the Iron Sword, scanning its stats.

[Iron Sword]

Strength Requirement: 10

Attack: 10

While it was weaker than his Steel Sword, it would serve as a perfect off-hand weapon. He quickly pulled it out.

Pointing towards Scorpion he then offered,"Let's end this now, yeah?"

Scorpion nodded, then readied himself.

The two charged at each other, swinging and blocking, dodging and counter-attacking.



The two soon locked blades, staring at each other, hatred brimming in their eyes. The two pushed off each other, circling.

Akiol then praised,"You're pretty good with those daggers."

Scorpion responded,"Not to bad yourself, in fact, I do believe this is the longest fight I had in a while."

"A real shame it's your last."

"We'll see about that."

The two went back to fighting, Akiol managed to sneak an attack in, slicing the cheek of Scorpion.

Akiol smirked at this. Scorpion frowned, he was getting tired and his opponent seemed to never tire. This was the first time Scorpion ever came across such a situation, thus he decided to end it now.

"Prepare yourself!"

Akiol got serious immediately, he could sense something was off.

Scorpion suddenly started glowing, grinning he dashed towards Akiol.

Akiol was stunned, he got even faster! Akiol was only able to keep up with Scorpion's attacks through his rich fighting experience. But even then he barely was able to hold on!

Now that Scorpion was faster, Akiol lost the upper hand. Soon focusing on defending.


Akiol grew nervous, was he not going to uphold his promise? Akiol new he couldn't allow that. So Akiol used a technique from his world.

This technique was called {Mind Cleansing} this technique sacrificed one of their senses to boost their mental speed. This was a gamble however, for the sense that was taken was random.

Akiol had no choice if he wanted to live. He needed a plan, and fast. Using the breathing method to start the process Akiol's mind began to clear. {Mind Cleansing} was a success, however his hearing was disabled, which was a major downfall. Akiol depended on his hearing to listen where the attacks came from, Akiol could hold on with his boosted thinking speed for a bit however.

Akiol focused, paying attention to every movement Scorpion made. He noticed the desperation in his look, but could not understand why. Akiol thought quickly when a faint flash happened.

The faint flash would normally be impossible to spot, but with Akiol's enhanced mind he managed to spot it. The flash came from the glow around Scorpion! Akiol quickly noticed the desperation in his look growing.

This could only mean one thing. The buff Scorpion got was running out soon, and he was going to go for a final hit.

Akiol was right, for Scorpion pulled back and dashed forward at an even greater speed.

Akiol was not going to miss this chance, he used [Form] and turned into his slime form. Scorpion did not expect this and his two knives missed causing him to slow for an instant. Akiol immediately used [Form] again and stabbed Scorpion's chest with all his might, piercing through his heart, killing him instantly.

Akiol let his body drop. As the lifeless body slumped to the ground, Akiol sat down breathing heavily. It wasn't a matter of physical fatigue, but rather mental. Akiol once again disliked his weaker body. If it were his old self he would have won within one move. Akiol saw a notification appear.

<You killed Bandit (Scorpion) level 40 gained: 30% exp, Scorpion's Dagger (1), Scorpion's Dagger (2), Skill Stone>

This reminded him, he walked over to the disable bandit, and finished him off.

<You killed Bandit (level 25) gained 10%>

Akiol had leveled up, but he didn't put the stat points in anything. He rested, recovering his mental energy.

'That was the hardest fight I have had yet.'