
Rip and Tear

Travis read the announcement with a troubled expression.

<Sudden Event!>

<Due to the infamous figure "Dot" having not turned themselves in, or being successfully bounty hunted, Bounty Foundation is releasing an announcement!>

<Dot's location will be known at all times for participating Players. The one who successfully eliminates Dot handsomely rewarded!>

<For Player Dot: Eliminate the incoming opposition and last as long possible! The longer you stay logged in, greater rewards! All your actions will be given a numerical value at end of event, rewarded accordingly.>

<The event lasts for one week!>

Such an event never happened before. The White Phantom had significantly more PK value than him, and lasted far longer. However this never happened to him!

Clearly this was the developer's response to the outrage. A poor bit of timing, and he was to take the downfall. Enough was enough! Being used by Eternal Candle as a tool to fight against the Guilds. Now being used by the developers themselves?!

Screw it then! Enough trying to handle things calmly behind the scenes. If they want a show, they're going to get a spectacular one! Be rewarded on a numerical value? He will rip this game dry of every last reward!

"I intentionally avoided using the Forums for a reason, but now I'm just going to add fuel to the fire!"

-An Amusing Effort-

[Everything below is a subtitled version of a video]

"I attempted to handle things peacefully, I prevented myself from making a statement to the drama for a reason. Yet time and time again I am being pointed at, blamed for, and targeted. So I tell you this, you're all weaklings. Crying that your precious bodyguard won't come and save you. That you're being bullied and can't stand up for yourself."

Dot pointed at the camera, "And I'm going to prove it, you know where I am at. Come to me, allow me to show you why you're not worth my time. Allow me to once again show you all the reason why I am not to be messed with! Perhaps you will learn your lesson this time. I no longer care if you're from a Guild or not. Everyone is welcome to die by my hand!

"And you developers! I know well the reason behind this event, and I will not stand idly by. Prepare to have every last reward ripped from your hands. I will wring this event dry, and make you bleed money."


The post gained traction almost immediately. Within a few hours it became the top post, dwarfing even the developer's announcement of the event. It wasn't all positive response, many were offended at Dot's arrogant words.

There was a few who thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing. Some approving of the response in general. One thing was for sure, Dot had pointed his weapon at the playerbase. Fully intending on taking them all on!

Travis closed out the forums and and apologized, "Lumen, I'm sorry for what's about to happen."

'What? What's going on?'

"People are trying to use me, and I grew tired of it. The semi-immortals decided to band together to fight me, all because I didn't wish to help them all."

'Really?! That's unjust! I have no objections to you defending yourself.'

"No, I'm not going to defend myself."

'You seriously aren't planning to take them all on right?' -Abe

"I will be directly hunting them. It's been far too long since they've seen me in action. I think they need a reminder."

Lumen was silent for a moment. Suddenly she spoke, 'Do it. Although I am a weapon of Holy energy, I do not directly follow the laws of the Holy Codex. I am your weapon, although I do not support reckless killing, I will still stand by your side.'

"Glad to have you on my side. Now let's begin."

Travis was located somewhat near a Kingdom. The first wave of players most likely were already approaching. It was time to show them what he was really capable of. Everything before was merely to give them a lesson. This time however, he was fed up. There will be no mercy.

"There he is! Kill this guy!"

Hundreds of players charged forward, eager to be the first to get their hands on that reward. Travis watched as they approached and lifted a finger, "Kneel."

A massive pressure was released, covering them all like a tsunami. Forced onto their knees they were barely able to understand what happened before their vision turned grey.

Travis stepped over the mounds of players, "This isn't even the beginning."

Player hubs, Guild houses, Kingdoms, Cities, it no longer mattered. He will find every player and make sure they remember why he is not to be messed with. This was his reward! For the painstaking effort he went through to free them from the Guilds! To even the playing field! A brief moment of praise?! He'll even the playing field alright. Guilds? Gone. Player Groups? Dead!

It no longer mattered! He will tear everything down!

Thousands of players surrounded him, enough time had passed for them to prepare. They all planned to end the event as quickly as possible! Yet for a moment they all hesitated. Travis didn't find it amusing, "I am glad you all have the resolve to throw your lives away."

Lifting a finger he pointed downwards, "Kneel."

The ground rumbled as thousands of players died without any resistance. Travis began to walk towards the nearby Kingdom. Due to the nature of the event the guards would not attack him unless he attacked any NPC. Indiscriminate killing against Players would be ignored. Leaving no safe place for anyone. This required an extreme amount of control over his War Sight to ensure no NPCs were harmed. If he were to hurt any NPC the entire Kingdom's guard would come after him.

Every step he took another hundred players died. None were capable of standing up to him. This was the result of his full ability unleashed. Through their own greed, they released a monster.

Posts scattered across the Forums. Complaints about it being unfair were everywhere. Many called for action against Dot's rampage.

Their pleas weren't answered. Nobody was safe anymore. Dot's PK value skyrocketed into the hundreds of thousands. Yet not a single person rose up to the challenge.

~ ~ ~

"Guild Leader! He's-"

A terrifying pressure forced everyone to their knees. Reverence grit his teeth, "What do we do Choice?!"

Torn Choice used a Berserk Skill to fight against the pressure, "This psychopath attacked our headquarters directly?!"

The door was smashed in, a menacing figure dressed in black walked inside the room. Their hood covered most of their head, their face under a white mask with a singular black dot in the middle.

Torn Choice shouted, "Dot! We already settled our differences! You won! We obliged to your demands! Why are you doing this?!"

Dot unsheathed a sword, "Enough is enough. Everyone shall die, including you."

"Don't push your luck Dot!!", roared Torn Choice.

The Guild Jumpstart Pavilion, completely annihilated.

~ ~ ~

"It's Dot!! Get out of here!"

More players fell beneath Travis' War Sight. Very few entered Second Stage, thus stood no chance against him.

"Another place down, I'm sure I'm making far more progress in one day than they thought. . ."

Travis looked to the sky to stretch his back, yet a sight made him pause. A Dragon circled above, green scales glistening under the sun. Normally Travis would have been horrified to see a Dragon, but this one was familiar. It seemed like someone else came to cross blades with him.

A scarlet haired individual landed, the ground shattering under her feet. Travis unsheathed his weapons and greeted, "Opportunity, I hadn't expected your presence."

Opportunity Strikes lifted her two axes, "We shouldn't have had to cross paths again. But your indiscriminate killing needs to stop."

"I didn't take you to be a hero."

"I stand for what is right."

"Then you should've done your research. Who in their right mind lets a lone player take the downfall for pointless drama? I am the victim here, and I intend to make them pay."

"I understood that, but you have supporters behind you as well. Those who are standing against this unfairness, but yet you kill them as well?"

"I'll have to send my apologies, but a sacrifice must be made."

"Which is precisely why I am here to stop you."

"You'll find that the fight will be much different from last time. I won't be holding back."

"Good, I don't want you to have any regrets."

Travis took a breath, he would make sure nothing stood in his way!

His figure flickered for a moment before appearing in front of Opportunity. His time spent causing chaos in the Demonic Plane gave him quite a bit of Exp. With his vast amount of levels, Abe being fully repaired, and his training with Dimitrin, he was no longer the same opponent!


Opportunity struggled to block his attacks. She was stunned at the sudden difference in strength, it wasn't like she was being idle the whole time! Before the gap was minuscule, but now she could tell how much of a disadvantage she was in!

Travis kicked her away, "It's really a shame it has to be like this! You're among the top of the players, of the few I respect!"

A massive golden arm holding an axe swung horizontally. Swinging Lumen to the side Travis clashed with the attack. Exerting a bit of extra force the attack shattered, leaving him unharmed.

Opportunity leapt forwards, two golden arms forming above her in an 'X' shape. Travis clashed with the attack head on. Golden energy fluctuated as their weapons met. Opportunity struggled to push down, while Travis only stood there.


The golden arms shattered from Travis' absurd strength. Opportunity was thrown back and flipped through the air.

He pointed Lumen forward, a blinding white ray shot directly towards Opportunity. She crossed her axes and blocked the ray, but only managed to partially do so.

Wincing as the white ray grazed her shoulder she fell to the ground and landed safely.

Travis watched in interest, by now those who were capable of fighting against him would despair at the difference in strength. Yet he could feel Opportunity raging to fight on. To find someone this passionate about fighting, it was rare.

Sadly he didn't plan to admire such tenacity passively.

His figure flickered and he appeared above Opportunity, one hand holding a ball of dark energy.


An explosive force hit Travis' chest and he crashed into a tree. He rapidly returned to a battle stance and inspected the newcomer.

They spoke, "You didn't think I was going to stand idly by like your previous fight did you?"

Opportunity stood up, "I appreciate the assistance this time Ryolu!"

Travis understood now, it was the Dragon in human form. This certainly changed the tides.

Not intending to back down Travis pointed Abe forward, "Evening the playing field are we?"

Ryolu rolled her shoulders, "I'm not going to let some arrogant youngster belittle me."

Opportunity returned to a battle stance, "This ends here!"