
The Heroes’ Reincarnation

Six Heroes had completed their destiny, slaying the Demon King. The Gods and Goddesses, wanting balance to their world, decided to send the Heroes into another universe. They wouldn’t go unrewarded however. The Gods and Goddesses gave the Heroes one fate-twisting chance before sending them off into their new lives. The Heroes found themselves in the future of earth. Separated and with no way to contact each other. They joined the newest game release, A World’s Legacy! The first game to succeed in a fully immersive VRMMORPG. The Heroes join the launch in hopes of coming into contact with each other. What adventures awaits our heroes? Well there is only one way to find out... ————————————————————————- Author Note: I am inexperienced in writing novels. This is my first ever novel so I apologize for my inevitable mistakes and inconsistencies beforehand.

UnableToOpenDoor · ゲーム
625 Chs

Beyond The Realm Of Genius

Kan'na fell to the ground exhausted. Her hands felt sore beyond belief, and her body ached terribly.

Still she looked up with an expression full of joy. In fact she was so full of joy she couldn't help but laugh, "Finally!"

Nine, who stood next to her, stared upwards with a complicated expression, "It's actually. . . I didn't think it was possible."

Kan'na stood back to her feet, "You have no idea how long it's been. How long I've been working to make this a reality."

What was above Kan'na at the moment was the pinnacle of magic design. Nine, even with his near unmatched comprehension, couldn't quite grasp the concept of this design. The complication was so dense and complex that Nine felt he could study it for the next decade and barely scratch the surface of what it was capable of doing.

Now what exactly was this design? It's physical appearance was a massive sphere. Upon closer inspection you would see several flying runes, in shapes of Formations, Circles, and lines. But this was merely on the surface. If you were capable of looking further inside, you would find hundreds of thousands of runes floating inside. There wasn't an inch of space free, and anyone inside the sphere would be overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of what this was capable of.

Nine couldn't help but feel his heart race. This wasn't some powerful magic spell. It was something much more. He was thrilled at it's completion, excited to see its capabilities, and fearful of what it could possibly mean. Turning to Kan'na he asked somewhat timidly, "So. . . Why did you make this?"

"To fulfill a dream of mine.", Kan'na replied. She floated upwards and gently caressed the sphere, "I didn't think I would get this far."

"What will you do with it?"

"I don't have an answer for that.", Kan'na shook her head, "This isn't an object to move towards a goal. This is the goal. An answer to all of my problems, future, present, or past."

"I might've helped a bit, but I really don't understand what I'm looking at. I have maybe an inkling at best."

Kan'na explained as if it was obvious, "From the start my magic was limited to one thing. The runes I write, they're put into a circle for the most efficient way to gather mana. Except there was just one problem. Mana doesn't move in two dimensions."

Runes, although were writing, they lacked a three dimensional figure. The magic circles Kan'na used were strictly two dimensional writings. Like how a shadow had no thickness. Mana didn't swirl in two dimensions. Rather it gathered from all directions and swirled into a single point. You could try visualizing this similar to a whirlpool. Just from every direction instead of one.

Kan'na spun and extended her arms. The magic sphere began to glow and turn about in various places, "This! This won't have that issue. I shall step into a realm of higher magic! This is Third Dimensional Magic!"

Third Dimensional Magic. To be able to create this, the difficulty was not light. Currently magic scholars couldn't fully comprehend current Second Dimensional Magic. Kan'na however didn't study Third Dimensional Magic, she created it. Nine felt like even if he was given a millennium to complete the same task, he would fall drastically short.

This person, she managed to not only create a magic language that spoke perfectly with mana, but also managed to raise magic into another dimension?!

To call this ground breaking was a incredibly low statement. Calling this heaven shattering might be more accurate, but Nine felt even that fell short. He massaged his hands, with the mana line refinement technique Kan'na gave him, he felt his power significantly shot upwards. Yet in the face of another dimension, he realized his height wasn't even a dirt pile.

Kan'na turned back towards the sphere, "This magic. . . it's name was long decided. Advertanium Tyesion. A ridiculous name, but one I didn't come up with."

"Those words are unfamiliar to me."

"It's in a different language. One I highly doubt anyone in this world knows. A rough translation would be. . . [The Answer to All]."

<Your Creation will change the course of this world!>

<The World is astonished!>

<The Gods are amazed!>

<Some Gods are fearful!>

<Your name is being written in the World's Legacy.>

<The World deems you worthy of being a candidate!>

<Due to your accomplishments, your Prominence is ignored!>

<The World claims you are more than worthy of being a candidate!>

<Your ascension to Third Stage begins!>

<Calculating bonuses. . .>

Kan'na smiled, "Alright we should probably leave this place. I need to consolidate its power."

"Of course."

The two flickered out of the zone. Suddenly returned to The Gated Arena. Kan'na immediately placed her palm to the center of her body. Mana was being absorbed towards her at an alarming rate. So much so that Nine was concerned at the potential consequences it might make.

<Your Epithet is being decided. . .>

<Error in calculating Bonuses!>


<Recalculating under new parameters. . .>

<The World considers your Journey and Titles. . .>

<The World remembers your achievements!>

To Kan'na, the ascension to Third Stage didn't matter much. Rather it was what now currently lay in her body. Compared to when they saw it in person, its actual size was much smaller. No bigger than her heart, the sphere lied in the center of her body. In a realm only accessible to her, yet still a part of her body.

Currently she was studying how it behaved, assuring there wouldn't be any issues with its performance. As she dedicated everything to this, her body was undergoing heavy change.

<Error calculating bonuses!>

<Something is interfering with the bonuses!>

<Calculating under these new parameters. . .>

<The World has decided!>

<Due to your ascension to the Third Stage you are granted access to The Framework!>

<Your Epithet will be revealed to those in The Framework!>

<The Settings of The Framework can be modified anytime>

<The Framework acknowledges your existence!>

<The Framework announces your Ascension!>

<|Sky Rending Artist| expresses his shock!>

<The Framework has 26 new messages>

<The Framework has 78 new messages>

<The Framework has 325 new messages>

<Temporarily muting the Framework>

<Your Epithet is being revealed!>

<Your Epithet is |Unparalleled Dimensional Magician|>

<Your bonuses have been calculated!>

<The bonuses are as follows:

- Limitations placed upon you have been further removed!

- Your Stats have drastically increased!

- Your Titles have merged with your Epithet! (They can be viewed in The Framework)

- Your 'Prominence' becomes more known!

- Access to The Framework!

- A position as 'candidate'

- Several Skills have become available to you

- Due to your achievements, a unique Skill is not created

- The Scaling of your Stats drastically change

- Due to your achievements, your Mana reaches a new density!

- Due to this an additional reward will be given!

- The World wishes to add something of its own!

- Due to this an additional reward will be given!

- Please check your rewards when available>

<The World states your achievement is worth being its own Skill>

<The Unique Skill [Advertanium Tyesion: The Key to All] has been created!>

[Advertanium Tyesion: The Key to All (Passive)

A magic which surpasses all known magic. To call this unparalleled is no understatement. A magic designed to be the answer to all problems, of future, past, and present.


- Negates any casting time for Skills, Magic, and Berserk abilities

- Increased MP regeneration by 5,000%

- Increases Max MP by 25,000%

- Automatically completes spells according to the User's will

- Mana's eternal infatuation

- Increases Mana Control by 10%

- Increases Intellect by 500% permanently

- Increases all future stats by 500% permanently

- Negates all spells aimed towards the user if under Current Stage

{Open List}


The effects granted by [Advertanium Tyesion: The Key to All] were long enough to be put into a list. To Kan'na this list was just an explanation. How could she not know what her own creation was capable of? A smile formed on her face as she opened her eyes, "A stunning success."

Nine felt his words failed to come forth. Looking at Kan'na he felt as if she was an entirely different being. The mana around her danced as if trying to gain her attention. He even felt as if his own Mana control failed to compete, which was a shocking reveal. After all his mana control reached the peak, could there actually be a realm beyond what he was currently capable of?

Kan'na placed her hands behind her back, "You have my gratitude Nine. I wouldn't have completed it so soon if it wasn't for your help."

"I. . . only offered a bit of help. This was mostly your ability."

"I'll be able to help out now.", Kan'na laughed joyfully, "But I still have some preparations to make. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

Nine was about to refuse, but almost immediately wished to slap himself. Such an offer from someone so talented, it would be a huge waste to let it go! So he said without care of his image, "I won't hesitate for even a second."

"Then you'll have to excuse me."

To Nine's fascination, a magic circle of incredible complexity formed underneath Kan'na in an instant. A flash of light occurred, and Kan'na was nowhere to be seen. Nine felt his face twist, "To make a complex spell such as teleportation in an instant? This. . ."

He felt his previous evaluation of Kan'na was far from the truth. This wasn't some genius. No, this was something far beyond a genius. It almost felt like she was a god of knowledge.

I'm at a troubling spot. It's becoming more difficult to maintain a decent schedule in my current situation. Thus, if you're willing, give me your opinion:

Would you rather this book remain free, but with an upload schedule uncertain?


Would you forgive me for getting the contract? Making some chapters paid, but with a far more consistent schedule? This would also mean longer chapters.

I struggle to decide, I'm not sure.

UnableToOpenDoorcreators' thoughts