
The hero from another world

A human from another world is summoned to save a unknown world. A young lost fairy becomes becomes the responsibility of the human. This world has elves, robots, monsters, anything but no humans. the world is in danger by the monstrous demons called Nightmares, spawned by the king of darkness. Will this human have a chance to defeat the king of darkness?

Devo2421 · ファンタジー
5 Chs


Talos- (wow this is real. Gonna find some food for her I guess. Wait a sec.) Ramona. Ramona

*hears Ramona in a distance*

Ramona- give it to me

Man- you have to pay for it I got a business to run

*talos gets up as fast as possible*

Talos- what's going on *sees them fighting over a moon cake*

Man- is this your daughter sir *accidently let's go*

Ramona- ha I win

Talos- no but I'm responsible for this mess. Here how much is the cake? *pulls out wallet with 400$

Man- 2 gold

Talos- ok then *gives 2 dollars*

Man- what's this?

Talos- 2 dollars

Man- did you just hand me paper

Ramona- you gave him paper

Man- just forget it she can keep it. Man you really have no gold, well your young why not be a taskmaster they make well money my son became one and has his own house.

Talos- what's that?

Man- seriously where are you from? Do you know anything? Task masters do jobs for people like helping an old lady do groceries or walking someone's dog. I have a holoscroll around here somewhere. Ah found it. *gives scroll to talos*

Talos- uh ok. *opens scroll and has a holographic touch screen* woah! What the heck this world is pretty advanced for a world that looks old.

Man- you apply with your name and a password. It'll give you a currency code to send people money or you can make your gold pop into your pocket, literally.

Talos- alright got it. Do you want this back? Or do I..

Man- keep it, I have a bunch of them in the back and need to get rid of some.

Talos- thanks, (how does this work, it doesn't use WiFi but it updates still)

Man- for a job you can see the distance and how much you get paid for it and still message people Incase you need any extra information on the job.

Talos- this one says I can babysit for 50 gold.

Man-that's a good start

Talos- alright this is cool I guess I should start working now and maybe pay back for that cake too.

Ramona- mr.talos I'm bored

Talos- oh, well bye sir thanks for the help.

Man- no problem kid


Talos- alright I'm keeping you with me right now until we find someone. Actually I guess I don't have a home either.

Ramona- your supposed to help me.

Talos- I am but you running around like that isn't safe

Ramona- well… so what?

Talos- hey watch it! I'm gonna do this delivery one

*does deliveries left and right*

*hours later*

*in a nice new house*

Talos- it's cool that I'm allowed to own a house being only 16

Ramona- I'm gonna go watch Salina on my holoscript

Talos- I'm going to sleep for the night. goodnight

Ramona- goodnight mr.talos

*hours later*

Ramona- *sleep on the couch with phone on* *wakes up in the middle of the night* mr.talos? *walks in his room* mr.talos? Where is he? Is he working? *Opens up talos's jobs* oh he's working rights now. This late? Woah he's getting so much work done! Every second he completes a task. How? This is amazing. He's ranked #1 taskmaster.

*cuts to talos In an alley*

Talos- *breathing heavily* wow I got so much work done in one night. Mainly deliveries and cleaning but I'm very proud of myself.

Crazy guy- hello taskmaster

Talos- uhh hello

Crazy guy- ha ha ha. Your doing those boring jobs I see

Talos- who are you?

Crazy guy- I'm a task master as well but on my haloscript I get paid hundreds of gold for illegal jobs

Talos- what kind of illegal jobs

Crazy guy- kind of like murder, stealing or a criminal just wants a babysitter.

Talos- why are you telling me this

Crazy guy- I can jailbreak your holoscript talos

Talos- uhh I don't know. It sounds scary kind of

Crazy guy- this world isn't the safe world you think it is. Your not from here are you? You'd be extremely rich from this

Talos- uhh fine I'll do it

Crazy guy- give me your holoscript

Talos- hands over holoscript

Crazy guy- thank you *rips holoscript in tiny pieces and eats the scraps* ha ha ha

Talos- hey what the hell *punches guy in stomach*

Crazy guy- *holoscript with purple aura pops out of his mouth* there you go

Talos- woah *opens script* woah there are millions of tasks.

Crazy guy- *disappears*

Talos- this world is crazy. (This task says delivery for 500 gold) HELL YEAH.

*cuts to Ramona*

Ramona- *singing with educational video* a, b, c, d, e, f,-

*knock on door*

Ramona-yay mr.talos is back. *opens door*

Royal guard- where is he?

Ramona- who?

Royal guard female - search the house

Ramona- wait what are you doing?

Royal guard female - your father may be in danger