
News About Fast Sword

Just like that, the others who were promoted also received their new positions. 

Rendell officially became the butler of the Lassiter Household. Ramiel was now the new commander of the armed forces, and Albert became the leader of the new unit responsible for gathering information. The other experts also got their new roles.

Everyone was excited about their future and they all expressed their loyalty to Aethelwolf. 

With the help of these people, the Lassiter Household would soon become stronger!

Aethelwolf dismissed them after giving them new contracts. "Sir Anton, Hyacinth, Rendell. You three will stay. I have something to give you guys." 

The three people stayed and stared at each other in confusion. 

"Relax. I just want to give you guys something." Aethelwolf said as he handed one wooden box to each of them. 

"What is this, Sir Aethelwolf?" Hyacinth asked.