
Argus’ Ocular Skill, Gozgel the Transcendent Being

Zachary's task was to help the Lion Fang Tribe and The Blood Wolf Tribe in destroying the nearby Underworlder settlement. There were more than fifty thousand Underworlder soldiers in that settlement, but they were annihilated by the combined might of the two Barbarian tribes. Moreover, experts like Argus and Zachary were there to lead the army together with the Shadow Guards and elven warriors. The Underworlders were decimated and they weren't even able to call for reinforcements. Because of this, the two tribes were safe while the Engravers were making the Transportation Rune. 

"It's almost done, Sir Zachary." An assistant reported in a joyful tone. 

"Good! How much time do you need to complete the rune?" Zachary asked.

The assistant pondered for a moment before he replied. "We should be able to make it within six hours." They didn't have a Level 5 Engraver like Elder Gild so it would take them more time to complete the Transportation Rune.