
The Heiress of Canterbury

"Money, greed, and power can change a single person, and I will not let anyone who's greedy with money and power take over," Amelia said with confidence in front of his father. Amelia Chandler, a 19-year-old girl, who will fight for her right as an heiress, will encounter a lot of challenges alongside her brother, Kei Chandler. Little by little, they will discover a secret that was buried for 10 years when Alexander Ross, the Chandler siblings' classmate, entered their life. Amelia and Kei slowly felt attached to Alexander as the days go by. The three of them have a chemistry that no one has ever seen. One day, sudden flashbacks of her altered memories showed up. She will slowly become active in finding the treasure that will uncover the whole truth but Amelia's life was suddenly in trouble. Someone will come for her life again and will do everything just to eliminate her. Her life turned upside down when a man from the past eventually show himself and claims that he is the rightful owner of Canterbury. Will Amelia be able to find out the whole truth? How will Amelia claim her place against the person she loves the most? Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. All of the names, characters, places, events, and incidents are products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to a real name, place, events, or incident are purely just a coincidence. Also, this story may or may not contain some mature scenes and words and many grammatical and typographical errors, so read at your own risk.

ACistus · 若者
18 Chs

Alexander Visited The Chandler's House Pt. 1

The commotion went down after our teacher arrived. Alexander tapped me and passed a paper and exchanged some unsaid thoughts.

["Are you okay?"]

["I am fine."]

["Are you sure? You're not bothered?"]

["For what? For just some insects, bugs, and worms? I've seen more hideous thing. It's not a big deal, don't worry, and thank you for asking me."]

He just sighed after reading my reply and then we both focused on the lecture. After class, we saw Mr. George waiting for us in front of the school gate.

"I've come to get you young master Kei and lady Amelia," Mr. George greeted us.

Kei and I bid farewell with our friends and hopped into the car.

"Did father asked you to fetched us after what happened at school?" I asked Mr. George.

"Yes, lady Amelia. But I need to dropped of young master Kei to the company as well."

"Again?! Mr. George, can I just focus on one thing. If father wants me at the company, I'll stay. I cannot just go to the company right after class. I'm mentally tired."

"I'm just doing Mr. Chandler's order. Tell that to him, young master Kei."

Kei let out a deep sigh and turned to me.

"What about you, Amelia. What will you do when to got home?"

"I don't know. I'll stay at the basement, I guess."

"You never fail to amaze me. Even though in this situation you still want to stay at your playroom. Do whatever you want."

He sighed once again and leaned to take a short nap while I kept on observing the road and leaned towards the window.

Just what is happening? Who the hell sent that lunch box at school?

I did not notice that I fell asleep not until Mr. George woke me up because we have arrived at our house.

"Lady Amelia," he tapped my shoulder. "We're home," he added.

"I fell asleep. Thank you, Mr. George."

He handed me my things while he hopped in back the car to park it. The maids welcomed me home and prepared some snacks and went back to the kitchen to cook dinner. I listlessly laid down at the sofa, opened the television, and watched whatever while eating the snacks the maids gave me. Couple of minutes after Mr. George sat down at the sofa and talked.

"Young master Kei called and asked me to pass his message to you."

"What it is?"

"I gave your number to Alex, and he told me that he will visit tonight. So, enjoy!"

"Yeah...okay. He will visit to—what?!"

"And that's what young master Kei said."

"Kei Chandler! This brat! Oh! Thanks for message, Mr. George."

"You're welcome, lady Amelia. If you need anything, I'll be on my office."

Mr. George really went to his office after relaying Kei's message. Then, I picked up my phone when it ring suddenly. A call from an unknown number. I hurriedly answer the call.

"Hello, Alex—"

["Cassandra Canterbury"]

I momentarily froze for a second and when I decided to speak the call was suddenly hanged up.

It is not Alexander. What was that? Who is that? An voice synthesizer? Where did it get my number? How did it know my name? Is that the mysterious person who wanted be to be dead?

I lost in my thoughts when suddenly my phone rings once again. I hurriedly answer it with the thought that it was the same caller.

"Who the hell are you? How did you get my number? How did you know who I was? Why do you want to kill—"

["Amelia it's me, Alexander."]

Oh, it's him. I thought it was the caller.

["Amelia...hello? I am currently in front of your gate."]

"O-okay. W-wait, what?!"

I hurriedly went to the window and look outside. Alexander was really there, waving, and smiling.

"I'll be ther in a minute. Hold on," I said and hanged up the call, hurriedly went outside, and opened the gate.

"I"m sorry, I made you wait."

"No, I am tge one who's supposed to be sorry. I came without notice."

"No, you not. Mr. George clearly relayed Kei's message that you will dropped by. But may I know why?"

"Well... it's because I have something to tell you."

"To me? Like what?"


"Lady Amelia, dinner's ready!" said by the maid which made Alexander interrupt with whatever he wanted to say.

"Whatever it is, can we eat? I'm actually hungry and since you're here. Feel free to join me."


Alexander and I went to the dining table while waited for the maids to finished preparing the meal. After a while, they finished setting up the table and we began to eat. Due to my hungerness, I might be a little fast but I also noticed that Alexander does not have any appetite.

"Is it not your liking? I can tell the maids to prepare some for you."

"No, it's fine."

"Come on, what fine? You barely touch the food. Be honest."



"I am allergic to shrimps."

"Oh? I see."

I called one of the maids to create some new meal for Alexander and they did. I stopped eating and decided to wait for Alexander.

"Why did you stop? Continue eating, it's okay."

"Maybe you but not me. After all, I am the one who convinced you to eat it's not respectful to let you eat alone."

"Pfft. Hahahahaha!"

"What's funny?"

"Nothing. It's just like you're an old lady, hahahahaha."

"Old lady?! Alex, do you want to fight?"

"Of course, not. Before I forgot, what happened earlier?"

"What do you mean?"

"When I called, you seem agitated."

"That's because..." I signaled him to come closer because I want it to whisper. "...I'll tell you later, after we finished eating."

Then, as what I felt. The maid came back with Alexander's meal. We started eating and finished after a while. On our way to my room, Mr. George saw us and greeted Alexander. Alexander greeted back and smiled.

When we arrived at my room, I asked him to wait for a moment since I have not yet change my clothes since I came home. After a couple of minutes, there were no traces of Alexander from where I have left him.

Where is he?

I went outside and look around but silence ia the only thing that I've experience. I went back down at the living room and saw Mr. George and Alexander talking to each other and laughing.

"So, here you are, Alex."

"Oh, sorry if I went outside without telling you. It just doesn't feel right to stay into a lady's room alone."

"What a gentleman, indeed. Anyway, what it is that you wanted to tell me?"

"Oh, about that—"

Is it because Mr. George and the maids are here?

"Amelia...can I tell it you privately?"

"I see. Well then, follow me."

I decided to bring him to the basement.

Just a perfect place that no one can eavesdrop.

"Where are we going, Amelia?"

"You said you wanted a place that you can tell whatever you want to say privately. Don't worry, no one will eavesdrop here even if I wanted to do something bad to you no one will notice probably."


"I'm kidding, you seems tense. I just want to loosen you up."

We arrived at the lounge of the basement while it is clearly that Alexander was flabbergasted by what he sees.

"Amelia, what are you?"