
The Heiress and the Female Gangster

Gayara accidentally saves a pregnant woman from being assassinated and died on her way to the university. Afterwards, she got reincarnated as the daughter of the woman she saved but in a parallel dimension called the ABO world. She was supposed to be restarting her life but, her identity proves otherwise. After being subjected to an experiment by the Chief Scientist of Styx Organization, she realizes that this world isn't that simple either. As such, she participated in all kinds of military training, absorbing all the necessary knowledge to parry against all evil at a young age. Upon graduating, she unexpectedly saved her fiancee from an assassination attempt, who was appointed by her mother whom she didn't think of until then. Alas, even her fiancee isn't that simple either. The seemingly weak omega who faints or trembles at the sight of blood, is secretly a member of the Military Intelligence Corps. She feeds them information about incoming attacks, dangers, disasters or any kind of conflict she saw from her vision. As a result, her life is always at the top of the knife. Knowing this, Gayara is determined to support and protect her from the dangers created by the citizens of Cosmos continent, a society of mad scientists whose creations disrupt the order of the world, creating chaos at every step of the journey.

Leueret_Yiyuero · LGBT+
17 Chs

Chapter 10: Chicken Rampage in Tyren City [ 2 ]

----Deus POV----

+District 5+

The bleak morning blew cold winds amidst the ruins in district 5. Rubbles of broken cement scattered beside fresh, broken glasses where the architectural structures stood. There are cut electric wires, hanging dangerously at the sides of the road like vipers ready to bite anyone near.

*knock* *knock*

"Hello! We are the search and rescue team. Please open the door and follow us to the evacuation area."

A squad of four soldiers led by Captain Curie Sen knocked on the second last room in an apartment having 4 rooms at the second and first flour: of which are all locked tight. They are all armed as they scanned the internal structure using a motion detector and a thermal.

Only the room they are knocking at the moment showed heat signatures and human activity. However, the person just huddled inside their room without moving: not a single inch from their position, their back at the door.

" This is Captain Curie Sen under the 1st division and 3rd platoon of Black Wolf Corps. A mandatory evacuation has been issued by the Central Government so please cooperate."

Captain Sen hid his impatience behind green-colored orbs: the only facial feature that is not hidden from sight by a helmet and a mask. Finally, the person stood for a moment: hesitating for a while before reluctantly opening the locked door with caution.

Captain Curie Sen isn't a patient Alpha: he didn't like the idea of persuading anyone but he also didn't want to appear violent as a disciplined military officer.

"Please wait, Sir. I would like to pack my things."

A man swung the door a little bit: his full body blocking the gap he created. He was wearing a white shirt and a yellow short. His messy hair looked like he had been pulling on it but there's no sign of eyebags.

" That would be okay but don't take too long. "

The man didn't bother responding as he ran back inside: stuffing important files, identification cards, money, hygiene kit, clothes, laptop and phone into a backpack.

He looked around his room for the last time: unwilling to let go of his computers, stacks of book and figurines with which he worked hard for just to buy.

He turned his back regretfully: not forgetting to drag his extra large suitcase filled with instant noodles and chips he had as a stock.

[ It won't hurt to get them back later. ] he thought before locking it with 5 different types of lock: closed shackle padlock, circular padlock, electronic lock, knob lock and deadbolt lock.

" I'm ready. " he said softly, observing every corner of the way with his eyes while keeping his head straight.

The 4 soldiers accompanying Captain Curie Sen didn't say anything but they eyed the extra large suitcase, the man's backpack, the five locks on the door and his overly casual clothing.

" Do you know where the other residents have gone? "

Captain Curie Sen wanted to get information from the person they are escorting for he thought [ if we know where to find people, it would make it faster and easier for us to send them to Region 7 at the end of the day. Besides, we were briefed that we would be going against oversized animals who have awakened their violent impulses. At best, getting the civilians out of the way would allow us to focus on cleaning things up. ]

" I heard the other people who rent here talking about going to the Bomb Shelter near Saint Avenue. I ..didn't go because people there are already cramped. I...am also anxious since... a sudden attack is all it takes to cause mayhem. "

[ This man has good brains. He's not the kind to be easily herded. ]

Captain Curie Sen signaled for 2 of his soldiers, "escort this man to the loading area."

The 2 soldiers stood to the man's left and right while the rest continued to scour the area for survivors.

" Report! Lieutenant Colonel Stane Marosa, a witness has informed us about a bomb shelter near Saint Avenue. The residents must have gone there."

" Received. Good job, Captain Curie Sen. Continue with your search. "

A voice answered through the radio earpiece but before he could hang up, Captain Curie Sen stepped on something: there are eggshells everywhere, including blood trails.

When they followed the trail, something came into view that made them go into alert mode: 17 long inches eggs are scattered in the park. There were less than a hundred but more than fifty of them are imbedded to the ground.

There are evident signs that some have already hatched and are expected to be roaming about somewhere in the district.

[ Since there are already this many eggs, it must mean that the chaos happened at an earlier date than when the Military Intelligence Corps had gotten wind of the situation here. This is odd...]

Captain Curie Sen noticed the oddity of the obvious signs, telling him that the Chicken Rampage began more than just a day ago: the vicinity within the district are almost clear of any passerby, almost all of the architectural structures have been damaged in one way or another and the casualty rate being transported to the town square reached a staggering 180 for just district 5. If there's no corpse left, then they would have been swallowed whole.

The damage is far too great if it truly happened just in the span of one night and yet there was no call for help until the day before, when the Military Intelligence Corps found out about it while a member was spying on the electronic devices in Tyren City.

[ In the age of computers, how was the information blocked from being spread in the internet? ]

The Captain can no longer ponder over the thought when they heard something that caught their attention.

*tock! tock!....tock! tock!....tock!*

A huge yellow hen of about 16 feet in height and body stretching for about 38 feet is eating a brown egg which the soldiers who saw, concluded not to be its own.

As such, the only thing they could do is freeze on the spot before the Captain signaled for them to quietly hide behind a bush. When settled, the only sound they could hear are the rustling of the trees and the crowing of 5 crows, perched on the park name board 'Devinov Park'.

+District 5, Saint Avenue+

Soldiers are lined up on the length of Saint Avenue: 5 meters apart, their backs facing the road. Each of them held an assault rifle or a shield, alternately, just in case of an unforeseen attack.

The low hum of parading military transport vehicles can be heard as black smoke rose from their exhaust pipes.

The civilians huddled together on the vehicles while hugging their luggage close to them. Insecurity, tiredness and fear are etched on their faces: like the portrait of people in times of war.

They passed by incomplete corpses of no more than just a head, an arm or a single leg, left on the road to rot on its own while ants bit off chunk after chunk of meat before darting away with their loot: lined up in a successful hunt for food as they trace their way back home.

Nobody dared to make loud sounds nor any unnecessary moves for they just wanted to settle down and be at peace.

"Mom, where are we going?" a little girl whispered to her mother.

"We will go to Region 7. It is safe there."

The mother took the child's hands into her own; squeezing them due to the uncertainty of their future.

The other passengers who were rescued from where they were hiding or rescued from the Bomb shelter are among the many who had hopes of resuming their daily life to the place they are headed.

Some civilians are injured: cuts and bruises showing on their bare skin while some suffered from fractures which are visible from the blue coloration of the fractured part and the unattended swelling.

+Temporary Mini Base+

Lieutenant General Vincent observed the monitor flashing the city map and the red dots that are either on the move or just stayed in one location. He is focusing on two dots which moved the fastest among all the dots: one red and one blue.

He knew that the red dot is General Gayara Veldora while the blue dot is the massive rooster their General is fighting. Another red dot is moving away from them, moving to the tallest structure in District 9 whom he recognized as Lieutenant General Jupiter Gauss: the assigned support for the General who loved to operate solo.

Agora on the other hand, went out to who knows where, after sending another drone towards District 9.

Vincent wanted to follow after the aide de camp but he can't leave his post as the commanding officer that intercepts all information from the city and from the Commander-in Chief.

He leaned on his chair, remembering the conversation he had with the Aide de Camp a while ago.

---The Conversation---

" Officer Agora, where are you headed? You can't just abandon your duty while in the middle of a mission! "

Lieutenant General Vincent called out to the Aide de Camp, attracting the attention of the other soldiers in the command control center.

As a result, the soldiers turned their head to check the commotion before concentrating on their own responsibilities: not wanting to be caught listening in on the conversation and being accused of dereliction of duty.

Instead, they came up with their own way of spying on the Lieutenant General without getting caught. One blackened his screen which reflected the Lieutenant General and the Aide de Camp. Another soldier pretended to concentrate on his computer but his hands on the keyboard are not even moving.

"I have permission. Please pardon my rude behavior, Lieutenant General Vincent."

Agora moved her uniform to reveal a golden bracelet on her wrist. It had a small digital monitor, displaying the Roman numerals LXXVIV which is glowing in red. Below it is a name that is impossible not to recognize, 'ANTARES LACAILLE ', the reigning President of Eldram country.

The mini command control center became silent at once, save a falling water bottle and a clumsy beta apologizing in a whisper.

Lieutenant General Vincent was taken aback after seeing the bracelet on Agora's raised hand. The Aide de Camp didn't waste any second, disappearing in a flash from Vincent's sight.

---End of Conversation---

The conversation raised many questions in Vincent's mind.

[ What exactly does the President want that she went as far as having Agora Struve in the Black Wolf Corps? Why are they spying on the General? Are they hostile or not? ]

It is a known fact among the upper echelons of Eldram country that a bracelet like the one Agora showed, represent an S-class criminal.

They are criminals with heavy sentences beyond life imprisonment, who are willing to do a total of 100 missions from their handler in order to obtain freedom.

These missions entail spy missions, assassination, war, infiltration mission and any such ideas approved by the Central Government no matter how outrageous or trivial the tasks are.

Even if the Handlers decide to assign the S-class criminal to babysit their children, it's okay. Even if the Handlers decide to appoint them as the Chief Executive Officer of their Company, it's okay.

The Handlers are people of power and authority that are able to pay a considerable amount of money and are able take responsibility for taking the S-class criminal under their wing.

If the S-class criminal does anything illegal or anything that violates the law of Eldram country, then both are hold accountable.

It would have been dangerous to keep the S-class criminal by their side but this concern does not exist.

As to why that is so, the S-class criminals who have signed an agreement with the Handlers have undergone surgery. During the surgery, Biological Bombs are implanted at 3 points in their system: something that is kept secret from both the Handler and the S-class criminal.

The Handlers have a control switch given to them. In the instance of defiance, attack, or attempt to escape on the S-class criminal's side, the Handlers are given the right to activate it.

However, the Handlers are stipulated to use the control switch only under the above mentioned instances otherwise, they will be court-martialed and imprisoned.

*beep!...beep!..beep beep beep beep!*

Vincent would have kept on pondering over his thoughts if not for the sudden beeping of enemy contact indicated by the monitor.

" Lieutenant General Vincent, Captain Curie Sen and his squad made contact with the enemy in District 5! "

" Lieutenant General, District 4 also made enemy contact! "

" Wait! The blue dots are increasing! "

" Oh my God! They're all over the place, even in the sewers! "

Lieutenant General Vincent immediately rushed to the monitor, assessing the overall situation. There isn't a single District that is not occupied by the enemy.

" This is...not good. " the Lieutenant General concluded.

+University of Eldram+

" Hey, Venus. How does cohabitation with your fiancee feels like? "

Mercuria whispers to Venus who is busy taking notes from the lecture given by the professor. Venus noticed the other students conveniently taking pictures of the PowerPoint slides about marketing strategy but she dared not to copy their method


[ I'm not shameless enough to do that, It's rude and undisciplined. Mercuria on the other hand...]

Status Update

Name: Mercuria de la Rosa

Age: 22 years old

Primary Gender: Female

Secondary Gender: Omega

Race: Human

Occupation: Knight of Styx, Messenger, Entrepreneur

Skill: Product Development, Market Trend, Acting, Driving, Medicine, Proficient in Firearms, Combat

Physical Health: Healthy

Emotional Health: Fear of being hated by Venus Alva

Mental Health: Guilty for hiding her secret identity from her friend

Speed: 22 mph

Code Name: Trickster

Father: Helois de la Rosa (deceased)

Mother: Gregoria de la Rosa (deceased)

Sister: Satina de la Rosa

Friend: Venus Alva

[ Since she's not harming anybody, I guess it's okay even if she has her own secrets. After all, secrets are meant to be kept by the owner to themselves. ]

" Aren't you going to copy the lesson? "

Venus gave her friend a questioning look before Mercuria answered, " No need. I just have to ask him to send me the PowerPoint or the link. Venus, you still didn't answer my question. That's cheating! "

[ So nonchalant as always. ] Venus thought.

" Well, good for you. " Venus once again, concentrated on the lecture.

" Veeenuuuhs! Don't ignore me. "

Mercuria kept shaking Venus like a kid trying to shake a fruit tree, hoping for a fruit to drop even if it's just one.

" Mercuria de la Rosa, please don't disturb your classmate even if you don't want to listen to my lecture! "

The Professor gave Mercuria a warning look as Tony, a guy with dimples and braces who sat behind them snickered at her.

"Yes, Professor." Mercuria replied merrily and then glared to Tony.


" Okay class, let's continue the lecture next meeting. You're dismissed! "

The students emptied the classroom in a minute except for Venus who approached the professor.

" May I help you, Professor? "

Status Update

Name: Laine Roy Michigan

Age: 28 years old

Primary Gender: Male

Secondary Gender: Omega

Race: Human

Occupation: Teacher, Knight of Styx

Skill: Archery, Close Combat, Stealth, Master of Disguise, Teaching

Physical Health: Blind

Emotional Health: Surprised ( current ), Nervous ( current )

Mental Health: Twin Brother Phobia

Speed: 30 mph

Code Name: Orion

Father: Arphen Michigan

Mother: Sefia Michigan

Twin Brother: Loan Ray Michigan

Love Interest: Artemis Night

[ He's blind? But how is he able to see? ]

*system notification: The hairband worn by Laine Roy Michigan has two artificial eyes installed in its Mickey mouse ears which converts digital signals to neural signals, allowing the brain to recognize realtime images and video recordings.

" Quee- I mean Student Venus, there's no need to do so. I am more than capable at handling things here so you can rest assured. "

[ As Gayara's subordinate, Laine is too humble while Mercuria is too laid back. No wonder, Mercuria can just ask for the PowerPoint from him. ]