
Chapter 04 - Total Release from Darkness

Rael couldn't stand the pain and ended up passing out in Violeta's firm arms, she could feel the boy losing his strength. Not even an adult would endure such pain, let alone a child. In fact, he was still awake for too long before he passed out.

Seconds later Violeta sighed as she let her deformed mouth go back into place, as well as her missing teeth, she could still taste the taste of Rael's blood on her lips, which almost made her go into ecstasy.

She laid him carefully on the floor and calmed down while watching the spectacle take place on Rael's body. Now the shoulder with nothing opened in the flesh while the skin throbbed, the cells looked giant as they bubbled inside the boy's shoulder, giving life to bones and the new hand that was just emerging covering itself with a blue skin, if Rael was awake now, he would certainly be screaming, because the pain would probably be much greater than the previous bite.

The little hand came out and just like the little arm was still disproportionate to the body, it was a baby arm in a child. Then the arm continued to grow and grow along with the hand, until they became the same size as the other arm and hand.

Everything was very fast, a few minutes, then the new right arm was there stretched out beside Rael's body and the whole shoulder returned to normal, closing all possible wounds. Violeta smiled pleased with the result, and sighed then, she was grateful that it was all over before he woke up.

Rael woke up later feeling still strange, he had a little headache and a little dizzy, lying on a soft cover, sat down and found he was in a room. He turned and looked at his new arm, his eyes went wide, because he had sat down and propped himself up with his left arm to support his body, and automatically the new right arm had done the same thing on the other side, supporting up on the covers too.

He tried to move his right arm and failed, all that happened was a slight movement of his fingers. Rael also found it strange that his arm and hand were very light blue, the shape was the same as his arm and left hand, only the color was different, even his nails were white as well. It didn't bother him for a long time, he was happy to have an arm even though it was different and that at the moment he couldn't move it right, but he felt he was going to get used to time.

Rael inspected the room he was in, there were several covers on the floor, spiritual stones had been stuck on the walls lighting the room, just like the ones in the room before, there was only a dresser in the corner of the wall, where several papers and scrolls were on top and probably also kept in the drawers. Rael got up and opened the door ahead of him, returning to the living room. Violet was standing up preparing something on the stone stove and turned to him, as soon as she felt her presence.

- So you already woke up, it was faster than I imagined. She said with a satisfied smile.

Rael was still looking at the new hand trying to move it and all he could do was make small movements of his fingers as before. Although he felt his new arm and hand normally, he still couldn't move properly.

- Do not worry about it, soon you will be able to move it better, the important thing is that now with the new arm you will finally be able to cultivate.

- Let's start right away! Rael rushed in a firm voice, and his two hands clasped together, clenching his fists. Although Rael only made this move with his left hand. Violet noticed, but said nothing, smiled to herself, turned to the pot and with a wooden ladle, tasted the liquid carefully.

- Okay, it's ready. - she quickly filled a cup with the ladle and took it to Rael who was looking confused. - Drink it all, your headache and dizziness will improve, I know you're feeling it now. - Rael obeyed holding with his left hand and when he tried to take it, he almost burned himself as it was hot, he had to take the liquid more slowly even though he was in a hurry, while blowing a few times. Violet just stood there calmly with her arms crossed, while she looked at him from above.

The reason that a cultivator cannot cultivate without an arm is not exactly because of the lack of it, it is because of the initial activations that must exist, it is like a baptism that must be done early on when you are still a child. There are movements and shapes that the two arms need to do, as well as the rest of the body. These movements activate the forms of the spiritual veins and initiate all the necessary transformation to release the inner power. It seems a relatively silly thing, but it is the most important initial step in the life of a future grower. Without making these activations, the body is not fit and so it is impossible to continue with any training.

- Great, now come with me. - Violet said, pulling the boy to the center of the room in a more empty space.

Violeta knew that most people chose between nine types of movements to release the spiritual veins, these movements are usually linked to a special type of element or support, such as fire, earth, strength, life, water, wind, lightning, amplification or light. The starting point of this release is the most important in the path of a cultivator. Because it is this point that will specify an expert's ability to learn and develop. A specialist who follows the path of fire for example: he can still try to combine other paths such as earth or strength, but his greatest strength will be that chosen by the initial release (fire). There is no absolute law that clearly states all combinations and a person's limit, but in general, the starting point of liberation is the most important.

- What is the most suitable release for me? Asked Rael, standing in front of Violeta. Rael knew the movements, but he didn't know where that knowledge came from. He had never done it, nor had he seen it. He strangely knew how it worked, he even knew all the moves.

- We will not use any release you know, we will use one that was developed by my people, her name is Total Liberation from Darkness - Violet said in a serious tone.

Rael did not understand, but did not question, he had won an arm from this woman, and therefore, he would follow any teaching, as long as it did not hinder his future dreams.

- What about my new arm? Won't he get in the way for now? I still don't control it. - Said Rael remembering that fact while he looked at it.

- Don't worry, just keep the movements in mind and he will cooperate.

- And the essence of baptism? Where is it? Asked Rael, looking around.

In addition to the movements and words it also had the essence, it is an energetic liquid, it was prepared and poured on the beginner's head before the movements. This essence was prepared by alchemists, using special stones and some herbs. It was not the same type for all releases, each one had a different preparation and therefore the prices were varied.

- Do not worry about it, the baptism of this one is a little different, it only occurs at the end. - Violet explained quietly.

Violet then started the movements and for each movement the words of activation. The new arm was not a problem because it moved according to the movement even though she was not in full control of it. Rael was impressed with his arm, he did everything right.

As Rael obeyed, he felt the energy of acceptance running through her body and making him shiver.

Rael found it strange that the movements and words were only four. For each choice there were usually up to seven movements, in addition, he had never seen any of these movements, not even those words, but even though he did not see them, he did them so perfectly and said the words so spontaneously that even Violeta couldn't help but rise eyebrows impressed. She only needed to make the move and say the word once, and he was able to do everything next perfectly, even she, who was considered a great genius of her time, was unable to make all the first moves, not even after gaining her bloodline. demonic.

Once the movement was done correctly, at the end, he felt the veins awakening throughout the body as the power flowed in him, so he already confirmed it to Violeta. With each confirmation, Violet was increasingly shocked, even trained people would have difficulty doing that at first, especially a ten-year-old boy ...

- Is it over yet? Asked Rael, a little confused.

Violet looked at him as if she were trapped in hypnosis, while Rael stood looking back, waiting for her to say something. It didn't last long.

- Now, how are you feeling? Violet asked, after putting her thoughts back in place.

- I feel like my body is bathed in hot waves inside, it's like my blood is bubbling, but without leaving me in pain. - explained Rael looking at his own body.

- So it looks like everything went well. - Violet agreed with a slight smile.

- And the essence of baptism? Asked Rael, remembering.

- I'll do it right now. - Violet walked forward and approached Rael standing in front of him, then crouched down.

Rael remained serious looking at her curiously.

- Keep your eyes closed and don't open until I tell you. Ordered Violeta.

- Will it hurt like that time? Rael asked as she closed her eyes.

- No, but you can only open it when I say. Violet repeated.

- All right. - Rael agreed, looking a little relieved.

Violeta spent some time looking at the boy ahead, she tried to imagine what future he would have and how far he would go. She sighed, closing her eyes for a few seconds while she lowered her head. After she lifted her head and opened her eyes, they were dark as the night itself was lifeless, pulsating black roots sprouted around her eyes and spread across her beautiful face. Despite giving her a more obscure and somewhat monstrous feature, she still managed to remain beautiful. She didn't want Rael to see that part of her, she wanted him to always remember her with a perfect, beautiful human face. As her voice would be different, she also said nothing, just reached out holding the boy's neck and slowly brought her lips closer as she closed her eyes. Her mouth opened and it was possible to see dark smoke coming out between her beautiful lips. Then she kissed the boy. Rael was not very surprised to be being kissed, after all this was not the first time. At the same time he also felt receiving something strange, because his whole mouth and cheeks heated up. Right after the neck and your chest.

Violeta continued kissing and passing the essence for a few seconds, until finally she stopped and walked away. She closed her eyes and calmed her instincts by making her face normal. Rael still stood there, eyes closed as ordered, feeling his whole body start to pulse inside. His veins seemed to be coming to life, he could feel even his nerves moving inside. This feeling was incredible. Rael was sweating, but he wasn't in pain, his whole body was hot. He still had the sweet taste in his mouth due to the kiss, which didn't just involve the essence.

- You can open your eyes now. She said, still crouching in front of him. Rael did as he was told and saw Violeta's face. He looked at his own hands and her body with a curious look.

- My whole body is hot and tingling, incredible. Said Rael.

- This is wonderful, you really had no problem with the chosen element. - Violet said satisfied and stood up.

- Violet what kind of element or support will I be better at? Asked Rael curiously.

"Darkness," Violet said, leaving Rael confused and at the same time impressed, he had never heard of that kind of power.

- What does that mean exactly? Asked Rael.

- You have your heart covered in hate, your soul cries out for revenge, so I decided to release the path of Darkness for you. - Violet said expressing a thoughtful air.

- I do not understand. Does this Darkness match any other element?

"With all the existing ones, that's why it's called the Total Release from Darkness," Violet said.

Rael was impressed. Even though he did not know all the laws of the elements and supports, he knew that there would generally be a maximum of two combinations for each chosen path. If that were true, he could not imagine the power he could acquire.

Having them all would be a dream for any grower. Not a dream, it would actually be impossible, if a cultivator is already a genius for being able to manipulate four paths instead of three, do you imagine being able to control them all?

The training has started. Every day, Rael did a repetition of training that even included reading alchemy books. Part of the day was set aside for cultivation, part was set aside for reading and part was set aside to confirm everything he had read. Violet showed the formulas and essences of most herbs, she boasted of being one of the best alchemists of her time while teaching Rael.

Rael had an insane thirst to learn everything, for the life he lived he never had a master before and now he had Violeta, who was willing to teach everything he needed. Furthermore, she confirmed the teachings and was always shocked, because not even once had he failed to produce an elixir or even other kinds of remedies and formulas. What kind of monster was he?

The trainings only stopped at mealtimes and at the end of the day, where Rael took a shower before going to sleep. Of course, he slept with Violeta both in that room with covers.

Violet left Rael training and constantly went to the city to shop and catch up, little by little she started to understand the reasons why Rael wanted so much to free the world from slavery.

In a while she had bought a lot more furniture, like even a bed. Rael never questioned the fact of sleeping in the same bed with his mistress, even though he found it strange at first, mainly because she was always hugging him, at a certain point he started to find that natural and sometimes even hugged her back. Besides, Violet's scent was always very pleasant for Rael, so he really didn't mind being always with her.

After three years, Rael had developed to a point where he would never be recognized. His body was much more physically developed, he was taller and stronger. His hair was now slightly red, they were also longer, now falling a little below his neck. The front part of his hair was combed back, giving the impression that his head was a little bigger, it gave him a more serious and even more beautiful look than before.

Sometimes he would go out to the city with her just to keep up and get used to that fact. He had to wear gloves and even long-sleeved clothing to hide his different arm. In talking about the arm, Rael had a little more control, although he still sometimes did unexpected things during training.

After two more years, Rael was finally preparing to start his revenge and show the world what he had finally learned.

Rael and Violeta were about to come out of hiding. Violeta had proposed that before he started his plans, he should stabilize himself in the city and try to understand all the customs and powers of his future enemies. He had to know how far his limit could go. It was difficult for Violeta to convince Rael to take it easy. A disorderly revenge could not end well, if Rael really wanted revenge, he would have to know the whole system, learn the time to retreat and the time to attack.

To make it work, he should disguise himself as a mere normal teenager for a while, try to gain some respect and get to know the biggest clans, besides, during that time he would learn a lot more about how people would act.

Rael always respected Violeta and that is why he always listened to her advice, but this was what he was most reluctant to obey, after all he now felt that he was strong and that he could defeat anyone, even adults.

Rael's cultivation was at Spiritual Soul Deep level two, that could be considered almost impossible for anyone, even twenty, not to mention the fact that he had all possible combinations.

Cultivations follow this pattern: Spiritual Nascent of the Soul is the lowest level, usually children and adolescents are in it, and goes from level 1 to 10 as in any other category. Ages are usually between 7 and 15 years old, anyone who is within this limitation is considered a normal grower, which is neither bad nor good. Some others manage to overcome this category before the age of 15 and are already considered small geniuses, while others are rubbish for spending more than 15 years stuck in it.

The next rank is Spiritual Soul Formation, here the age ranges from 15 to 21 years. Then comes Spiritual Deep Soul, 21 to 27 years old. This is the current strength of Rael who would be considered a great genius, his growth was extraordinary compared to others, without forgetting the fact that he started three years late. If someone dreamed in the world that there would be a 15 year old boy in that rank, they could explode by surprise. So we shouldn't even touch the part where he combines all the other elements or mention the fact that he seems to understand most things just by looking at it once.

Rael was already an extreme genius with almost no limitations, he broke all the laws that could exist that would limit someone's level, he was already a true legend, so he didn't understand why he should follow Violet's plans.

The part of the observation that Rael had, learning at first, Violeta still did not understand, but the fact that he knew several things without knowing she already knew the reason and why. Seimon talked about the inheritance before he disappeared, now she was already familiar with it.

After having her DNA next to his, she had had that answer, but even if she lived ten thousand more years of life, she would never have imagined that a simple child could have such power, and that power was clearly the reason for making him crippled. .

Violeta also knew that this was an extremely weak world and that was why she was even more shocked when she thought about his inheritance, although she never told him that, eventually Rael would finally understand and remember because she knew things she had never seen before.

- Even if you are stronger than most people your age, and even some strikers, that still does not mean that you surpass everyone, there are several people stronger than you, so I am asking for patience. - Violet always repeated that. She wanted Rael to gain experience for herself.

Rael never asked Violeta for help on matters other than training, he always had in mind to do this for himself and depend only on his strength. Violeta on the other hand never had in mind to say no or to offer herself, she had other plans while Rael would play revenge in that small world.

During the years that Rael spent with Violeta, she always tried to seduce him in some way. Showing some skin here, another there, sometimes I even went naked pretending to be an accident, for example dropping a towel. Rael always thought Violeta was beautiful, but she never had perverted thoughts with her, always thought of her as a special teacher or sister. Violeta, on the other hand, felt increasingly irritated by this situation. She needed that feeling back, although she doesn't remember having it. Because she was a different woman, she also carried a curse and that curse made her forget what it was like to be loved.

Even so she didn't get very far, Rael was still a bit grumpy in those situations and so she didn't think it was appropriate to force anything. Rael also felt very good about Violeta, but in his mind she never imagined that that kind of feeling, would be that of a guy like a woman. Rael even knew that couples kissed, he had seen this a few times as a child, but he never linked this fact with his current situation to Violeta. That's because all the kisses were for mere necessities. Awaken her, making him take medicine or baptizing him. She didn't kiss him again in the next five years, but she slept with him and hugged him as often as she could.

Violeta and Rael were now finally on the edge of the city of Elunia, that city was part of one of the territories of the Torres clan. Rael insisted on starting here, so Violeta had attracted an adult resident of that city and used her power to hypnotize him, making him think that Rael would be his son.

The dense forest was right behind Rael and Violeta, because at night very few people would see them both here. They were waiting for Adam the man that Violeta had prepared, and as such, at the right time he appeared well dressed and greeting them both. Adam was a good merchant and had a great life, married to a good woman and father of a thirteen-year-old daughter, besides having a good home he had a good status, those were all the points that made him the perfect person to make from father to Rael. Although Violeta didn't have time to handle better situations, but to start it was great.

- So this is my son Samuel? Asked Adam, smiling.

There was already a whole story in his head. On one of his trips, before meeting his wife, he had a brief affair with a woman from another city. After leaving, the woman gave birth to a child and cared for him until she died of a rare disease. So Violeta, who was his master, took care of and trained him for eight years, before coming to look for his father. The story needed to be taken seriously, so Violeta had to hypnotize another series of people in another city, taking advantage of a similar case where a mother died leaving her son alone seven years ago. In the future people would look for Rael's roots and if that happened they would discover the hoax, so it was necessary to be careful.

- Yes sir Adam, unfortunately I have to solve some problems so I leave your son in your hands. - Violet smiled goodbye and turned around walking unhurriedly into the forest. - Behave yourself. - she said, while Rael watched Violet's beautiful and perfect back leaving with a certain feeling of concern, he was not used to being away from her.

- Son I am sorry for your mother, but don't worry that I will take good care of you, I promise - Adam offered to approach Rael and hugged him, taking Rael by surprise, who looked back at the hypnotized man.

Adam was hypnotized, but his wife and daughter at home was not, Violeta did not think it necessary to do the same for everyone, besides, the more people hypnotized, the easier it was also to discover the truth. There were specialists who could notice and even discover hypnosis.

Rael felt strange, being called by another name and being taken to a house he had never been to, besides, now he was back in the city and would see all the cruelties that slavery did again. Better yet, he was close to his old clan again and couldn't help but smile inside, even though he couldn't avenge himself shamelessly, he vowed to make life difficult for anyone in the Torres clan. Although he was close, he was not that close. The Torres clan resided in the Capital Toravan, which was located in many cities here, still being the strongest clan on that continent, and Rael being here, step by step he would approach his goals. Obviously his idea was to go directly to the capital, but it is clear that Violeta did not allow it.