
The Heartthrob Gang

Caspian Grey lives in a dangerous part of town; or so everyone says. He’s never seen or heard of any major crimes reported in his area. Soon enough, he founds out why. Liam Navarro is a big time crime boss who runs a gang called Crimson. They deal with a lot of shady, underground business as well as petty criminals. When Caspian is being attacked by an unknown criminal, Liam and his gang come to his rescue. Liam has an immediate connection to the young computer technician. Will his affections be returned? Will Caspian accept all the attention?

Paraknox · LGBT+
2 Chs

Chapter 1 - Who was that?

Ugh, another busted computer call. It's almost time for my shift to be over; I don't want to do this.

I grabbed my bag and left my apartment, where I was headed to a slightly busier part of town. I don't own a car or any other method of transportation, so it definitely makes it hard to get to some places. Currently, I didn't have enough money for a taxi, so walking it was.

Around 45 minutes later, I arrived at the customer's home. It was well furnished and refined in taste, which wasn't something rare around these parts. I sat down at their dining room table and worked on their practically brand new laptop. It surprised me how easily some people could screw up a computer in such a short amount of time owning it.

It took me less than an hour to fix. "It's alright Mrs. Pratsky; it was just a bug. Try not to click on those advertisements, ok?" I said as politely as possible. She chuckled, giving me an 'thank you' and my pay. I was glad she gave it to me in cash. Now I didn't have to stop by the bank on the way back.

As I exited the building, dark grey clouds started to cover the already dimming sky. I didn't bring my umbrella, either. This couldn't possibly get any worse…

Suddenly, lightning struck in the distance, and the sound of thunder echoed after. I grumbled to myself and began walking home at a fast pace so as not to get rained on.

The rain, however, was faster than anticipated. Soon, I was running for shelter from the storm, drenched from head to toe. Even my socks were wet.

I only had time to make it under a small overhang in an alleyway. Though, I don't know what I excepted, because this rain isn't going to let up anytime soon.

What I hadn't noticed before, was the man standing six, maybe seven, feet away from me, leaning against the opposite wall smoking a cigarette.

I watched as a red light of the cigarette was put out in a puddle on the ground, and I immediately turned back around. The sound of heavy boots neared me and my heart began to race. Maybe I should make a run for it…

Suddenly, I was spun around and pinned to the brick wall of the building that was behind me. My heart almost leapt out of my throat as I gasped.

"What's in the bag?" He asked in a stern, gruff voice. I shook my head, as words were hard to form in my state of shock.

"Words, pretty boy. I'm not asking again." He tightened his grip on my shoulder. It was painful, but I could only focus on his demonic eyes right now.

"I-I'm sorry… I-It's just p-papers and um-". "Shut up and take everything out of it. I want every bit of cash, jewelry, and valuables you've got on you." He interrupted in an annoyed tone.

I was already crying at this point, and now I was shaking uncontrollably. I could barely open the latch on my bag, and he yelled at me several times before I managed to open it and begin going through my items. He eyed each one with a deadly glare.

"Alright- now take out everything in your pockets and gimme your cellphone." Oh god no- I can't give him that! That's my only hope…

"P-please sir, I-I nee-" "SHUT UP, BRAT! I SAID GIVE ME YOUR DAMN PHONE AND EVERYTHING ELSE IN YOUR POCKETS!" He shouted, making me cry more.

Im scared…

I dug around in my deep pockets, trying to get the SIM card out of my phone before I just handed it over. Meanwhile, I gave him the few items I had in my coat pockets.

I took out the small SIM card and handed him my phone. He suspected nothing. I was glad the heavy rain provided distraction, but also furious with it because now, nobody could hear us or help me.

"Such a good boy. Now… strip for me. I'm sure this suit is worth a couple big ones…" That was where I drew the line. I couldn't…

"No- please! I-I can't!" I begged and pleaded for him to leave me alone. I had given him everything I had on me: everything in my bag, all of my valuables, and even my damn phone!

"DO IT!" He yelled, this time louder than the rest.

Sobbing, I began to take off my coat, then unbutton my shirt. Just before I got to the last button, the sound of a motorcycle caught both of us off guard. The asshole currently robbing me turned around, watching the guy on the motorcycle pull up onto the curb in the pouring rain.

I was about to call for help, but my mouth was covered by a large calloused hand. That's when I heard the click of a gun being locked and pressed against my temple. I whimpered.

"Don't come any closer or I'll take him and then myself!" He yelled. Motorcycle guy hadn't even taken his helmet off yet. He stared at us… it almost felt like his gaze was piercing my soul.

Motorcycle guy slowly lifted his hands up and took his helmet off, tossing it behind him. He, again, put his arms up in surrender.

"Look, Garrison, put the gun down and let him go…" He said, calmly letting his hands down.

"SHUT UP!" Garrison yelled back. They must know each other… how would he know his name?

I whimpered again, writhing in his grasp. Motorcycle guys' eyes darted between Garrison and I. I could almost see the plan formulating in his head.

Slowly, he looked around the corner of the building at the non-existent traffic. "Shit, someone's coming-". He said, frantically looking between Garrison and his made up distraction.

Naturally, Garrison began to panic too, turning around briefly to look at the supposed oncoming vehicle.

That's when the sound of a gun went off and I thought I was dead. I screamed loudly as I felt myself fall to the ground. It wasn't me that had been shot though. It took me almost an entire twenty seconds to realize that.

Motorcycle guy came rushing over to take the gun out of Garrison's now cold, dead hand, and help me up. He took off his leather jacket and put it over me. My glasses had fallen off and I couldn't find them.

I was shaking and gasping pretty badly. It only now occurred to me I was having a panic attack. I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me and pick me up, which made me mildly uncomfortable, considering I didn't know where I was going or what his motive was.

I only knew that I was grateful for him saving me. That was the only reason I wasn't kicking and shouting right now.

Still, the rain poured endlessly and thunder boomed in the near distance. I was sat down on the back of his motorcycle, and I already knew where this was going. I'm scared.

"Hang on tight, ok? I'm gonna take you to my place and get you taken care of." Taken care of?! That sounds rather ominous…

I only nodded, terrified of what danger I could be in, but also relieved of the danger I was now out of. That guy was crazy.

The engine of the mystery man's motorcycle revved, and he pulled off the curb. Thankfully, due to the rain, there was almost no one on the road, so our travel was quick. My arms hurt from latching onto this guy so tightly.

I didn't know where we were going, but I wasn't about to argue with him. I was too scared to say anything anyways…

We pulled up to a rather nice house on the edge of the woods. I could take in much more than that. It was almost completely pitch black out, and the rain was still persistent.

I felt dizzy all of this sudden. He got off the bike and helped me down. I stumbled and fell forwards, just in time for him to catch me. Now he's saved me twice… I didn't want to owe this man much more.

"Alright, I'm gonna pick you up and bring you inside, ok?" He picked me up bridal style before I could utter a word. It was ok by me. I just wanted to get out of this rain…

He jogged up to the door and knocked with the hand tucked under my knees. I closed my eyes as the world around me went dark. I could hear him knock once more, and after that, I must've fallen asleep.

Hi there everyone! Sorry this chapter is a little short. My later chapters will most likely be longer. Like it ? Add to library!

Paraknoxcreators' thoughts