
The heart of a Princess

After a war between two kingdoms that lasted thirteen years, princess Ayla is sent to the Kingdom of Nordmar to be a slave. She expects the worse, but when she arrives in Nordmar, home of King Rhobart, Ayla is never treated as a slave. In the beggining Ayla doesn't like the King very much, but as time passes and she gets to know him better she start to open her heat to him. When the Orcs, the enemies of the humans, are on the verge of starting a war against all the kingdoms, Ayla receives visions that will lead her to discover things she never knew about herself. Will the Orcs win the war, or will Ayla find a way to save the man she loves? And not only him but the entire world.

AmyT · ファンタジー
71 Chs

Chapter 20

Kerra, in her battle form, who was waiting next to the King's horse, went to Ayla, rubbed her body on the Princess's legs, and started purring.

"Where have you been all this time? I've missed you!" Ayla said while she started petting Kerra.

"We don't have time for you to play with Kerra," King Rhobart said as he walked toward his horse. "Time to go. With the Cold Season approaching, the day is getting shorter, and I want to reach the first camp before nightfall."

'Grumpy as always," Ayla thought.

When her fingers brushed against her new bag, Ayla thought that she never knew what to expect from him.

She hoped that she wouldn't have to ride a horse. Her first experience wasn't the best one. Ayla looked around for a carriage, but she saw none.

"If you are looking for the carriage, don't lose time. You are riding on a horse, like the rest of us," King Rhobart said, crushing her hopes.

Ayla looked at the King, "I don't know how to ride. I haven't been on a horse before, except on the day we arrived here. And I am not sure I want to do it again."

The King looked at her, "Time to learn then."

"I can't even get on a horse! How am I supposed to ride one?"

The King approached her, "I am already starting to regret taking you with me. Gorn, bring me her horse."

The Paladin brought a chestnut mare.

"This is Star. I chose her personally for you," the King said.

The mare was smaller than the other horses, making her perfect for Ayla.

"Time to mount your mare," the King said.

Ayla took a step back, "I don't think I can."

"Grab the reins," King Rhobart instructed her.

Ayla wanted to tell the King that she didn't want to ride Star, but when she looked at his face, she knew she had no other choice.

She straightened her back and took the reins from the King.

"Put your left foot in, push yourself up and then swing your right foot. Now that you are wearing pants, it should be much easier," the King explained to Ayla.

She did as he told her but failed to get into the right position.

On her second attempt and failure, the King lost his patience.

"Beliar, take me!"

King Rhobart put his hands around Ayla's waist, lifted her, and helped her get on the mare.

"You will practice every day until you get it right," the King said before getting on his horse.

He gave Ayla more instructions before they finally left.

It was early morning when the five riders and Kerra put distance between them and the Strongarm Clan. Soon the castle was just a point in the distance, while the small party kept going. The road they took led them through a forest.

By noon Ayla felt half-frozen. Her thighs were on fire, and she was sure that when she would get down from her mare, she wouldn't be able to walk.

When Ayla's mare would fall behind, King Rhobart would scold her.

"I am trying my best!" Ayla finally snapped when the King told her, for the thousand times she was too slow.

"Try harder!" King Rhobart growled.

"Stop growling at me like you are a rabid dog!"

"What did you just call me?" the King growled even harder.

"A rabid –"

Gorn laughed, "Rabid dog! Never heard someone calling you that before."

"Do you remember that one time when someone called Rhobart a crazy bastard?"Tizgar asked Gorn. "Next thing crows were feasting on him."

Gorn laughed even harder, "How about that time when –?"

"You two are so not helping," Milton said.

Tizgar and Gorn, still laughing, moved past Ayla and King Rhobart.

The King looked at Ayla like he wanted to get her off the horse and leave her in the middle of the forest.

"Maybe we should rest for a few minutes. The Princess... Ayla is not used to traveling for so long," Milton said.

The King looked at the sky. He frowned. Then he looked at the trees.

A minute later, he replied, "We are still too far from the camp. If we stop now, we won't make it on time."

"Can I know where we are going, or are you going to pretend you didn't hear me?" Ayla asked.

She saw that the King ignored her each time he didn't want to answer a question.

The King sighed, "You are not going to stop asking until I tell, are you?"

Ayla looked at him, "No."

"We are going to visit the mines. And this way you can see the war prisoners. I want to show you that they are safe."

Ayla inhaled sharply.

"Define safe. And are you going to make them work in the mines?"

The King looked at the horizon for a few minutes, before answering.

"We need magic ore, Ayla. Lots of it."


"You ask too many questions," the King said in an irritated voice.

"If you would actually answer then, maybe then I would stop asking."

"Inoss have mercy on me!" the King muttered and moved his horse forward.

It was almost dark when the King said that they had finally reached the camp.

Ayla was so relieved to hear she could finally get off the mare. Even if all she did all day was to be on top of Star, doing nothing, Ayla felt very tired. All she wanted to do was dismount and curl up under a warm blanket and sleep.

The moment her feet touched the ground, muscles she had no idea she had hurt. Not even when Galian hit her Ayla didn't feel so much pain.

Her legs shook, and when she tried to take a step, Ayla fell to her knees. She closed her eyes while she thought of lying on the snow and never move again.