
The Importance of a Crown

When Brunilda popped back in, Mattheus caught her up on the conversation—deftly leaving out the fact he hadn't noticed the Prince Consort angle until basically having had it spelled out for him—and voiced out loud his theory.

"It's likely," the cat replied simply when he wondered about being a candidate to succeed the duchy. She walked along the foot of the bed in a loose infinity sign, eyes glowing from the dim light of his bedroom.

Mattheus made a face when he saw she agreed with him.

Brunilda explained what she knew of Basilea from the streets. "From what I've heard, the Tellus bloodline was the founding line of a kingdom older than New Albion. And it's always been ruled by a Tellus by blood."

Her ears flicked and a cute little chirrup came from the cat. Not that Mattheus would ever admit it to Brunilda's face.

"Of course, you probably have some cousins that can also inherit. The Tellus family is nowhere as unfortunate as the Crowns when it comes to children. Your mother is a rarity for being an only child and you'd probably have younger siblings if there hadn't been complications with Mattheus Crown's birth."

Mattheus blinked but did not pursue what sounded like a sensitive issue.

Actually, he didn't know what to think and said as much. "This is so—unexpected. I wonder if he knew this…"

Brunilda seemed to understand the "he" Mattheus mentioned was the original Mattheus Crown. The "he" who had died was assassinated by a still unknown party while pursuing an act of revenge that would have led to no one except possibly the secretive group being happy.

"I don't know. Do you think the original Mattheus Crown knew?"

Unsaid went that he would know best.

Mattheus leaned back against the headboard. He searched inward but already knew the answer.

"I don't think he did," he said and wondered what type of expression he had on his face as he voiced it aloud. "Is it bad I feel sorry for a traitor? Again?"

"If you feel sorry for Mattheus Crown, live the upright life he could not," Brunilda remarked.

Her not answer was answer enough.

But the thing about being human was having one's little flaws. Mattheus wondered if he was just finally accepting the Original's legacy at last… Or was having some type of Stockholm Syndrome reaction with possessing his body and taking over his life.

This confusion was why he kept coming back to the issue. And it was why he was going to not think about it now and have it come back later to haunt him in his existential crises moments. Future him could deal with it since present him was going to shove it to the corner of his mind and let it fester.

"What about the succession of the throne for the country? I don't even want to think about possibly ruling and being responsible for so many people in the duchy but the Crown Prince would be a problem. The last thing he does is respect me, more like he hates me, and if my future is to really inherit the Ducal title…"

Mattheus dragged a hand down his face.

"I don't want to become brother-in-law with Artorius either. Or just generally be used as a pawn by the Queen. So Duchess Sophily—"

The cat cut him off, her tone sharp. "I have lived with that woman for weeks, Mattheus. I know with all my being that, as she is now, Sophily Morgaine will not fight for the throne. She has the ability to use the magic inherent in the Morgaine blood but she never learned. On purpose. She never got married either because it would make her a stronger candidate either by marrying to connections or having a lower nobleman marry in."

"Yeah, I know this. I've been told this by several people. But I don't understand why… Just why she wouldn't even if the country collapsed around her by enthroning a future tyrant," Mattheus said in frustration.

Brunilda simply looked at him with her vivid-green eyes and said, "Just because she looks like me, do not mistake she has the same amount of rebelliousness as I do."

He blinked in surprise. Thinking for a moment, he voiced, "Is she scared?"

"Terrified," the cat confirmed somberly. "She is terrified of Queen Genevieve and the Queen's family."

She started walking up the bed, getting closer.

"Her heart is in the right place," Brunilda admitted, "but that does not necessarily make a good ruler. Because the throne is for someone of strong will—not just a potentially good leader."

Mattheus pursed his lips. Eventually, he said, "But she is still the best choice."

There was a feminine sigh. Then Brunilda informed him, "Your family also seems to think so. Or maybe it is because you received the Court Healer title at the behest of the Duchess bringing it up to her brother, the King. Either way, Edgar's knight order has been assigned to the Duchess."

"Oh?" Mattheus hadn't actually been paying attention to what his brother had been doing, other than the fact he still worked at the palace.

"Ostensibly, it is because of recent events but it is also a way for King Mordred to boost up the potential of the Duchess becoming his successor. And it was done with the Earl's lack of disagreement. That Edgar agreed might mean something or another—I'm not sure—but it is still basically siding with the Duchess to everyone else."

In other words…

The Crowns were no longer neutral.

Mattheus furrowed his brows.

He didn't really understand the movements of King Mordred. The monarch was essentially moving against his heir apparent with that decision.

Things were looking bad for the Crown Prince. Yes, Mattheus didn't like him but his accolades were decent and his reputation was not as godawful as it could be if he showed his violent demeanor all the time rather than just behind closed doors.

The man said as much to the cat. "Why now though?"

Why did everything seem to start moving around the time he took over after the Original died?

"You know, it might have skipped your mind but the Crowns have always been loyal to the monarch of New Albion. Always," Brunilda reminded.

Right. It was in the family name and motto.

"Earl Crown is the type that only really cares about his wife and research but he is friends with the King as much as a royal subject can be." Brunilda then let out a little chuckle. "Considering that, back in their day, King Mordred VII thought of your father as a love rival and Albert IV had been ignorant the entire time. To the point that even the King lost his stream. They might as well be best friends."

Mattheus quirked the first true smile he felt he's given today. It was a bit interesting—his parents' history. Considering how lovey-dovey the pair were, he wasn't surprised there would be a lot of interesting stories from back when they weren't yet married. Especially considering how individualistic they both were.

"Considering that," Brunilda continued, "wouldn't it be alarming that the Crown assigned to be a playmate to the Prince had a habit of avoiding said Prince, who was supposed to be the future ruler?"

His mouth formed an "oh" of realization.

"Why is it happening now, you asked? It is because both Mattheus Crown and Artorius Morgaine are now adults. And very much not friends at all. Instead, the youngest Crown, in his first year introduced to society as an adult, ends up adopting the Duchess's cat and has had tea with Sophily Morgaine at least twice in a month's time?"

"Yeah. Alright. That makes sense," Mattheus agreed. Then he voiced, half-joking, "I hope no one expects me to marry Her Grace though. You guys are pretty but it's just gross with how much she looks like you."

The tip of her fluffy tail flicked and her nose turned up. Brunilda sniffed disdainfully. "Considering age and station, it is more likely to be Edgar or that Marquess Snowe fellow that would be her potential husband candidate."

Mattheus gave a rather bemused look at the names. "… I don't think Mother would like the idea of Edgar marrying the Morgaine family either," he mused.

There was an impression of amusement as the cat walked back to the foot of the bed. Brunilda slipped out from a gap in the drawn curtains, but not before leaving some parting words.

"You never know, Mattheus. Your mother might just make an exception considering how unwilling Edgar is to settle down."


He hadn't thought of that.