
The Haunted Vampire Hunter

After Dante became a vampire in a different era, he has been a target for both vampires and vampire hunters due to his sinful past. A past that he can't escape from no matter how far he runs for he was a vampire that loathed his own existence. Dante has tried to die but he has been cursed with immortality, a vampire that cannot die despite wanting to was the worst torture. But he finds his will to live through Scarlett Walker, a lady that reminded him of a piece of him that he once thought was dead. But what if the one that could gave him a reason to live was the only one that could kill him? Will his pain be released or would the idea of leaving the one he loves be his new pain? [All rights to the image reserved to the owner]

Kelvin_A · ファンタジー
34 Chs

Run, Scarlett! Run!

Scarlett awoke to a nightmare, she prayed it was a dream but the more she prayed, the harder it dawned on her.

"You're a vampire!" Scarlett blurted out and the man was surprised because the victims he has had until now never uttered that word and even had a hard time accepting it with all the glaring evidence.

"That, I'm but you don't look surprised," The vampire responded, examining Scarlett closely.

"It is almost like you have heard about vampires before," The vampire concluded as he began to walk towards Scarlett.

"S-Stay back!" Scarlett shouted but the vampire had no intention of listening to the words of a mere human, she had no right to bark orders at him when she couldn't even defend herself.

"Don't move! I just want a little taste…." The vampire paused, eyeing her lustfully from head to toe.

".... From between your legs, that is." He said, licking his lips as he was now within touching range of Scarlett. She couldn't move even if she wanted to because this newborn vampire had discovered mind control.

He moved his cold hands to touch her warm flesh with a sickening smile but Scarlett's entire body language changed when his fingers were within mere inches from her skin.

She grabbed a pen and jammed it right into the vampire's eyes, despite his superior speed and strength, she somehow managed to catch him off-guard.

"H-How!?" The vampire asked, he had compelled so there was no way that she could move.

"You're a newborn. Do you really think you would be the first vampire I would kill?" Scarlett asked with a raised brow, everything that occurred.

She was aware of it but played along, this included her "sleepwalking" but how was she immune?

Scarlett came from a family of vampire hunters and contrary to what is believed, there are ways for humans to counter a vampire's mind control.

This was undergoing gruesome mental training to give one absolute control of their mind, but of course, it depends on the skill level of the vampire they're up against. But a newborn? This was easy.

When a vampire imprints on a human, that human answers any "call" from said vampire subconsciously but Scarlett was conscious the whole time.

She was the one that decided to come here herself because she couldn't let a vampire wander around the school.

"You newborns are always so arrogant…" Scarlett said, noticing how his tolerance to pain was low, which was a surprise but she attributed it to his grotesque appearance. The vampire soon let out a weird shriek, it sounded like a cry, to say the least.

"What?" Scarlett was confused because she didn't know what he was planning to do but then she heard a myriad of footsteps approaching.

Scarlett knew she had to get out of there and she did just that, she wanted to finish him off but she couldn't.

She had heard about this before from her father.

Turning a human into a vampire is a delicate process and there was no way a newborn vampire could turn another, meaning these were ghouls.

They were the lower sub-creatures of vampirism.

They were mindless and did everything their maker commanded but they were also a lot weaker.

This is why their strength was in their numbers, Scarlett ran through the forest, leaving the standalone abandoned warehouse.

She didn't have any weapons on her or she knew that she would have killed that vampire before he could summon his horde of ghouls.

Scarlett ran with the utmost urgency because she knew the same tricks wouldn't work again but how was he able to summon such a large horde in such a short amount of time?

For how long has this person been allowed to roam free? That would explain how he knew how to imprint, this wasn't a low-level skill that just anyone could.

She was worried, she didn't know who turned him or how many others there were.

Scarlett soon tripped, she couldn't see anything, it was dark but she knew she couldn't get up either.

She was surrounded, and she knew if she made even a sound, then she would be finished.

She was unarmed against a horde, there was no way she was coming out of this alive.

"If you give yourself up, I will forgive you your little transgression!" The vampire's voice echoed, Scarlett couldn't pinpoint where it was coming from but she knew it was coming from the East.

"I will even let you join my little undead army!" The vampire boasted but Scarlett found this both repulsive and insulting.

However, she soon had far more important things to worry about as one of the ghouls had stepped on her.

There was no way this was going to go unnoticed, Scarlett picked up a rock beside her and smashed its head in

Now there was a problem, she noticed that the ghouls were approximately twenty-thirty in number but there was something they all had in common.

They were all women and Scarlett instinctively knew the fate that every one of them had suffered.

"You sick bastard!" Scarlett cussed out.

"Sick? Only if you knew what I have already done to you up here…" The vampire said, pointing to his head.

Scarlett hated seeing them like this, being captives to their abusers even after death.

She wanted to. No, she needed to put them out of their misery so they could rest in peace.

Scarlett took a deep breath as the vampire instructed his ghouls to charge at her and they did just that.

Scarlett had the cover of night to her advantage alongside her terrain, how could she use this to her advantage?

First things first though, she needed to separate the horde from him so they lose their ability to coordinate as the progenitor wouldn't have the necessary details to make them act to their fullest potential.

Scarlett ran into the dark once again and they gave chase.

"Hahaha! Hide and seek? Count me in!" The vampire exclaimed as he strutted at a steady pace in their direction.