
Chapter 163 - Always Aimee

Karla’s words bounced in Aimee’s head over the next two days, making her grumpy at work and home. She struggled to balance the contradiction in Karla’s words. First, Aimee’s told to stop being herself, and then that’s precisely who Karla tells her to be to please Clint. Aimee’s mood became surly enough that Karla packed an overnight bag and said she’d see Aimee on Friday. That was fine with Aimee. She had wanted the condo to herself from the beginning. Yet, her mood didn’t just get on Karla’s nerves. Ginny even sent Aimee home early, tired of seeing her so distracted and unproductive. Aimee didn’t argue, just shoved some things in her briefcase, which she had no intention of looking at, and headed out the door into the Florida sunshine. However, not even the gorgeous day and the free time to enjoy it brightened her stormy mood.