


Court jesters


Okay, so stealing a police horse wasn’t my brightest move. The horse was lonely, and I figured it needed a friend. You shouldn’t leave a horse unattended, but I digress.

Since we had to attend a court hearing for inciting a brawl involving fruit and a horse, Dad called in reinforcements. When I say reinforcements, I mean Mack Bennett. Nash wanted to hurt me. Yeah, I wanted to hurt myself.

Let me explain about Mack 101. When our parents moved back, we had the privilege of experiencing Mack 101. When you did something stupid, Mack had the pleasure of doling out your punishment. He enjoyed himself while you suffered. You don’t want to endure Mack 101.

We showed up for our court appearance, and guess who’s sitting in the front row. Take a guess. If you guessed Mack, then you’re correct.

Nash and I groaned when we noticed Mack, who smiled. Our cousins are in for a real treat.