


We all have a little crazy in us


The next day, I awoke to find Conner missing. What the hell? A few minutes later, the door handle twisted, and he entered, carrying two coffees. He closed the door and strolled over to the bed.

/"I figured you would like some coffee./" He handed me a cup.

/"I assumed you deserted me./" I sipped my coffee.

Conner tilted his head and narrowed his eyes.

/"I’m kidding./"

/"You have an odd sense of humor./" Conner crawled onto the bed and grabbed his cup.

/"We all have a little crazy in us./" I shrugged.

/"I’m learning that with you./"

I rolled my eyes.

/"The place is serving breakfast. I figured you wanted to shower first./"

/"Well, it’s a bed-and-breakfast. If the place didn’t serve breakfast, then people would call it only bed./"

Conner snickered.

/"Why are you up so early?/"

/"I take walks to clear my head./"

/"It’s wintertime./"