


Well, aren’t you special?


Do you ever wonder about people? Well, I wonder about my cousins. The psycho twins took it slow with their girls as Deacon and Gia moved at a good pace. But Grayson was the one with issues.

While Conner was in class, Deacon and I grabbed a coffee. Grayson burst through the doors like he robbed a liquor store. He glanced around, then rushed to the bathroom.

/"What the hell did Grayson do now?/" Deacon asked.

I didn’t answer, as a burly guy almost ripped the hinges off the front door. /"Where is that weasel? I’ll snap his neck!/"

/"I’ll go out on a limb and say Grayson did something stupid,/" I replied.

The guy barreled through the bakery as he searched for Grayson.

Pax came out from the back to find what was happening. /"Can I help you?/"

/"I’m looking for a prick so I can rip his dick off,/" the guy said.