
The Harem Lord

In the modern world, Dravid is transmigrated into another world, assuming the body of a defected magic academy student named Samael. He is bestowed with a system that enables him to level up, and as he gains the affection of more and more girls, he strives to expand his harem, thereby increasing his power. Observe as he endeavors to entice girls into his harem and enhance his abilities.

The_Sinner_of_Time · ゲーム
37 Chs

The Story And Chaos

[ Target has offended the Jonathan family in the past, and escaped punishment due to her contributions to the guild.]

A brief description was displayed in front of Dravid.

"What?Are you joking? I already know that much, system,"

Dravid protested as he appalled from this not so helping description.

[Host should gain more favourability from the target for further information and point.]

System instructed him in resolute manner.

"Whatever, let me show you how a matter should be solved,"

Dravid fixed his collor and spread out his hand in polite manner.

"What this brat is planning to do?"

John was in dilemma whether he should attack or not.

"Mr John! I am top student of the Ban academy. I hope you would abide by rules and let her go,"

"What? How? The top student was a girl last time i saw,"

"How tf you know? Are you stalking the ranking points?"


"Stop lying and get out of my way!"

"Piss off!"


Dravid cursed as he threw a black cloth wrapped around bunch of exploding leaves energised by his plant elemental power towards John.

"You little! You think a cloth can do anything to me?"

The fire element in John's body surged as he chanted a novice spell and threw towards hamster.


"What? "

The black cloth which was made of exploding leaves exploded due to ignition as it had plant energy.

When plant and fire reacts, they cause fire to spread.

The remnant of explosion directly glued on the face of John.


John screamed in agony and covered his face in pain.


Dravid laughed profusely as he took the hand of Shina and ran in random direction.

"Catch that bastard and skin him alive!"

John shouted at some people in the crowd.

Due to fear, few novice mages chased them off.

"You have offended the overlord of the city without any reason."

An extremely sweet but innocent voice fell on the ear of Dravid.

"Who tf speaking like a Vtuber girl in the middle of chase?"

Dravid looked around himself but found no one.

"It's me."

The voice once again reached in the ear of Dravid.

His eyes widened as he stared the girl in shock.

"WHAT? You can speak?"

Shina looked at Dravid in strange manner as they ran towards in the direction of the guild by taking an alley path.

"What do you mean by that?"

Her voice was suppressed due to some kind of spell but it still had natural flow in it.

"I mean you were listening to that dumb bloke for a long time, so i could only think that you were mute,"

Dravid panted as he run frantically with her.

"Catch those bastards!"

"Don't let them get away!"

Some voices echoed behind them.

"Okay, we will talk about it later.We should think of reaching guild first,"

Shina observed her surroundings and chanted some sort of spell.

"Yun Yun Yi Yi"

Dravid felt his body becoming lighter and he increased his pace.

"What the hell did you chant? I feel like a horse who can run faster than a car,"

Dravid stopped panting and ran.

"It's a speed buff spell which drains mana."

Shina's distant voice reached into his ear.



A big stone was collided with a wall which missed the head of Dravid by an inch.

"Fooking hell!!!"

Dravid's heart trembled in fear as he looked behind himself.

If this stone was one second late, his head would have exploded into pieces by it.

"System, my lord! Save me from this calamity,"

Dravid pleaded as he tried to outrun Shina but she was just too fast.

[Ding! It seems host is in fatal danger.]

[System advices the host to avoid it else he will die.]

"Fuck you!"

Dravid cursed again and ran.

"Hey beautiful lady, why they are chasing us with so much hatred?"

He inquired Shina politely.

"Because i almost killed their genius son of family."



"System! I was just trying to become a hero but she is in hell hole."

[If you want a hole, you shall step into the hell hole-- Master Oogway Gangsta Paradise.]

"Bro what? Just change the target who is living a decent life please!"

[I apologise host. Everyone has their own story, which makes them unique and derives points and rewards from them.]

"So you mean all the girls would have some kind of sky level problem?"


"Man, fuck this life. I just wanted to enjoy the life, not to become saviour of damsel in distress."

[Ding! The host has found his true meaning of life.]

[No rewards.]

"Look out!"

Shina cried in surprise from ahead.


A big punch landed on the back of Dravid which sent him flying towards wall.

"Run away!"

Dravid whispered softly as he spurted out some of the blood.

Shina stopped running and directly run back towards him.

But at this moment,

A big guy threw his punch again towards face of Dravid.

"Nooo! Stop!"

Shina was running because she didn't want to reveal her face but now her saviour was in danger.

If she turned her head away from this situation, she would be no different than her own enemies.


A green fire lit in her hand, which spread out everywhere.

The cloak burned with intense flame as she threw it towards the big man.


The cloak wrapped itself around the big man and started burning him.


The big man cried in the pain as he bumped his body into the walls in order to get rid of the cloak but couldn't.

At this moment, Dravid saw the face of Shina.

The face which has pure innocence in it with a bit of tear in her eyes trembled his heart.

Her hair which were white in colour opened like fountain and fell like waterfall down her back.

The watery eyes seemed to have it's own wisdom as the nature fully displayed it's might with it's most loveable race.

On this moment, Green energy rushed through his heart again in excitement as if the druid goddess was controlling the world itself.



Shina threw up some blood as a knife penetrated her stomach.

"Noooo! Don't!"

Dravid punched himself in his arm so to feel something again as he was almost paralysed from the pain.

He saw a blonde hair boy with blue eyes was staring at them with cocky attitude.

"I told you Shina, I will never let you go,"

The blonde boy said with smile.

Her eyes which seemed to be begging pointed the Dravid towards the guild as in hope of saving something.

"How dare you to touch her with your filthy hand?"

The druid were presentation of nature and when it was being defiled, the nature magic which is plant erupted in Dravid as sense of manifestation of power.

[Ding! The host has been blessed with nature as the target's favourability has reached more than forty percent.]

[ Congratulations host! You have been rewarded with Legendary scroll ' The Thunder Healing']

[ The basic scroll booster has been used up.]

[The comprehension booster has been used up.]

Something inside his body changed as his body lit with purple lightning.