
The half-breed

They had her surrender and snarled at her with their sharp, long teeth. She knew she was doomed. She has finally met her end. Even if everybody forgives her and lets her go, Delta Logan won’t support them. He is dangerous. She examined her surroundings, her eyes wondering for a way out. However, it was a dead end. They were in the middle of a jungle. The only thing she could hope for was an unexpected miracle. Delta Logan strides forward, followed by Rebecca, and her witch friend, Rachael, while the rest of the lycans pack moves behind her. Instantly, an idea crept into her head. Rachael is a witch. That means she was not fast like those lycans. “You can do this,” she assured herself. As Delta Logan dived at her, at the last minute, she stepped aside and the Delta collided with a tree instead. Before any one of them could react, she dived at Rachael, her elbow aiming straight for her teeth. Before Rachael could blink, Joy’s elbow collided with her mouth and the force removed the front teeth in the process. She pushed her out of the way and then grabbed a tree branch she had seen earlier and used the force to propel her body on top of the tree. Joy was sure of one thing, she couldn't outrun Delta Logan and the pack on dry ground. But she could do it on top of trees. Dan had taught her that. He had been training her for a day like this. She swung her body on top of another tree, and then swivelled her body midair, did bar hop skills, and grabbed another branch. She could hear the rustling of leaves behind her which suggested that they were now chasing her. Yet, she did not panic. She has been in this wood many times without number, and she knew her way better than them. After jumping for what seemed like forever, she could see the exit of the woods. It was a few metres ahead of her, and that made her double her effort. She was sure that Dan would be waiting for her at the exit of the woods.

Alegria del Autor · ファンタジー
72 Chs

Chapter 6

hapter six

Theme: Identity, Part Two

She felt a wet substance licking her face, which prompted her to open her eyes. "Bingo," Joy whispered as she saw her dog on her bed. At first, her vision was blurry, and she didn't remember anything. Joy shook her head several times, and she couldn't remember a single thing.

How did she get home? She didn't remember. The last thing that came to mind was when she activated her mad ninja skills and sneaked out of school. She knew something was not right, but she couldn't point it out.

After trying for several minutes and still being unable to remember anything, she shakes her head in frustration, drags in a deep breath, and jumps out of her medium-sized bed.

Her dogs whined at her feet, and she bent down to stroke her hair. That is when something struck her mind.

The birthday party Hell No! Joy thought. She won't forgive herself if she misses the birthday party again. She quickly opens the veil that is covering her window, and she heaves in relief as she sees that the sun is just beginning to set.

The light from the evening sun illuminated the area around her room. It was a small room, but not too small. It was painted pink, and there is white wallpaper on the wall. On the right-hand side of the room was her wardrobe, which was painted pink.

Besides the wardrobe, there is the entrance to the bathroom. The ceiling was an ancient one that had a white colour. In the centre of the room is her medium-sized bed, which was clad with pink bed sheets and a pink pillow. Pink is her best colour.

Joy turned back from the window and headed straight towards her wardrobe. That is when a strong headache hit her. It was so strong that Joy couldn't help but scream in pain. Then everything started replaying in her head. It all began from the moment Delta Logan and Rebecca's crew started hitting her. How Rachel had drawn a spell, followed by the strange force that knocked her away.

She could see how Delta Logan had broken the deal of no supernatural power to fight, and how they had battered her face with claws and punches.

Finally, she remembered how she had transformed. She did not only transform, she murdered Rebecca and her crew in cold blood. Of course, she remembered how her eyes had transformed red. She knew that transformation very well. In their language, it's known as "blood rage."

Hell No! Joy thought. The Holy Goddess, sipping beverages. How could she transform into "Blood Rage?" She didn't have any special or supernatural powers.

She was just a powerless girl. From what she heard from her mom, only a half-breed with an unstable gift can transform into a blood rage. She further told her that such power can only occur when the being has been angry. Or when they witness horrific things in their lives.

How was she able to wield the power of that blood rage? It must be my doppelgänger. Joy concluded in her mind. Nonetheless, she knew better. She knew that it wasn't her doppelgänger, but herself.

The whinny of her dog brought her back to reality. She had been so lost in thought that she didn't know anything about what was going on in her room.

The door makes a creaking sound, and Joy's mum takes a slow step inside. Finally, her mom would be able to answer all her questions. All she needs now is an answer. That is exactly what she wants right now. She wants answers to everything that happened to her. Starting from the strange pain she was feeling in her body, how she had transformed, and how she ordered Delta Logan's crew to kill each other.

"Take your seat," Joy's mom said. She went straight towards the bed, sat on it, and gestured for her to sit beside her. "We have a lot to discuss, and there isn't much time." Her mom said, and Joy could see the grief in her voice.

That is when her eyes caught something that surprised her. The being in front of her does not look like her mom. Joy's acquaintance had vanished, and she had been replaced by an elderly woman who appeared to be ninety-nine years old. The reason she didn't freak out is because of the accent in her mom's tone.

Her mom's voice brought her back to reality. "I know how you are feeling now. Be calm, or we won't have time to discuss it again. Trust me, you wouldn't want to miss this because it will help you understand your identity. "

Without any choice, Joy sat beside his mom. "What is happening to me?" She asked.

"That is not the right question," her mom rebuked her. "You ask, who am I?" She corrected her.

Both of them took a deep breath, then exhaled softly. Bingo was now sitting on Joy's lap, and she was stroking her white hair gently. It was like the dog's presence brought her comfort.

She could vividly remember how she saw the dog. She had gone to the woods with Dan for their normal evening run. They had been in the middle of the woods when Joy's ear caught the barking of bingo.

At first, she thought her ear was playing a prank on her. She was a human, so how could she hear such a voice from such a long distance? Before she could blink, Dan had dashed towards the direction of the bark. Even though she was scared to the bone because she wouldn't forgive herself if anything happened to Dan. However, she trusted him. Dan is a great fighter, and he was hardly beaten in a duel.

Ever since the D'arcy soldier's event, Dan had been training his body every day. He believes that one day he will cross paths with the D'arcy commander again, or with Lord Darius himself. Even though he might not get the chance to kill him, Dan was sure that he would inflict pain beyond imagination on his body.

So, that makes her mind at ease. Even if it was a trap, it would take more than a thousand D'arcy soldiers to take him down. Dan is not only invisible to silver, garlic, crosses, and other wooden bullets that hurt vampires and werewolves. He was stronger, faster, brutal, and a killing machine. He had single-handedly killed hundreds of D'arcy soldiers. Not counting the wolves and vampires that support them.

Dan had massacred a whole pack and a coven of witches. Still, he wasn't hurt. He was brought before the supreme ruler of the vampires and wolves, but they couldn't defeat him. The only being that is powerful enough to kill him is Lord Darius himself. Or, if he was tricked.

Joy could remember how Bingo had looked when Dan brought him back. The little puppy had blood all over her white fur. She also had a deep wound on the side of her stomach. "I rescued him from the mouth of a hyena. Thank goodness I got there on time. If not, she probably won't make it." Joy could remember Dan's words.

"Are you going to listen to me, or should I just allow you to play with your dog all day before Alpha Malcolm and Miss Sandra come to your head?" Joy's mother brought her back to reality.

Hell No! She couldn't allow that. The last thing she wants now is to have a clash with Alpha Malcolm, from the Dark Blood Clan, or with Mrs. Sandra.

Does she even have a choice? She had not only killed Rebecca, the only child of Mrs. Sandra, but she had also beaten Delta Logan.

Her mom dropped the bombshell: "I'm not your biological mother."

Slowly, Joy directed her gaze to the woman in front of her, and she let out a devious smile. "You must be joking, right?" She said, her voice barely more than a whisper. "I guess you have exhausted most of your power while trying to heal me. Don't worry, relax, and we will talk about it later."

"Listen to me, Joy, we don't have more time left," her mom screamed at her, and the expression on her face has now changed to a serious one. "I don't even know your mum, I am just a healer. I found you on a road path three days after Lord Darius ordered the killing of every newborn baby. "

"What!?" Joy shrieked in surprise. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "My ear must be playing tricks on me." She mumbled.

Hell No! Her ears weren't playing any tricks on her. It was the truth. The woman she had grown to know all her life was not her mother. She did not know her mom. She was just a healer who decided to help her. She found her on a road path. That is hilarious. She thought. Who will leave their baby on the road to die? Who will raise someone else's daughter as her own, feed her, provide shelter for her, and sacrifice most of her power just to heal her broken bone?

"Whether you believe it or not, that is the truth." The woman said it again. "I found you on the road path to my home. When I found you, there was a rumour that a prophecy had appeared in the hall of fame that a child was born in the middle land. The prophecy further explains that the child will be the one to kill Lord Darius, end his evil rule, and save the people of the middle land. "

"Why will someone order the killing of every child just because of a stupid prophecy? That is insane. " Joy yelled in frustration.

"I know how hard it might be, but you have to understand what I am trying to tell you. Moreover, there is no way a prophecy from the hall of fame won't come to pass. No matter how hard you try to prevent it, it will occur." Her mom elaborated. She dragged in a deep breath and used her palm to wipe her tears. "I might not be the best mother to you, but I am really happy to have you as a daughter."

That is what Joy hates. She hated to see her mom shedding tears. It wasn't her fault, was it? Hell No! She couldn't allow the old woman to take the blame alone. She shifted closer to the woman, then hugged her tightly. She sniffed, trying her best to be strong and not shed tears at the same time.

"Tell me about this prophecy and what you know about my mom." Joy said.

"To be frank, I don't know anything about your mom. I only found you on the path that leads to my home. The reason why I was the one that found you is that no one ever passes through that road. They believe that I am a witch. That's why people hardly come to my house." She elaborated and sniffed in her tears again.

"That is why I always change my looks," the woman continues. "When I found you three days after the killing of a newborn, I knew instantly that you were the child of prophecy. My suspicions were confirmed when I saw a vision of the future. I saw you embarking on a great journey. You were accompanied by Dan and a witch. Together, the three of you were able to defeat Lord Darius. You clean the middle land and restore peace to the world. "

"Awesome," Joy mumbled. "Why don't I feel my power earlier?" She asked.

"I had to deal with that power for future use, so you could fulfil the prophecy." She elaborated. "If I had not sealed your power with the necklace, Lord Darius would have found and killed you. That is why I allowed you to go out with Dan on an evening run, so he could train you."

"That means Dan knew all this," Joy said in disbelief.

"Absolutely yes," she replied. "I told him everything after the death of his father. Dan's family are descendants of the moon goddess. His family was the only pure and uncorrupted lycans left. He is not only a lycan, he is an Alpha hybrid. He is the only one strong enough to protect you."

"If Dan's relatives are the only ones pure enough to protect me, that means lord Darius knew this. That is why he sent his army to capture his father, so they could serve in his army. " She mumbled.

"Yes," her mom clarified, "Darius Rucker didn't want to take any risks. That is why he is taking every precaution."

"And the witch that you are talking about, who is she?" Joy implored.

"I don't know who she is," her mom answered truthfully. "I'm sure she is already preparing for the journey. She will have seen the sign since you activated your power. "

Joy took in a deep breath, and she could feel her head aching badly. She couldn't believe what was happening to her. Joy had once thought that she didn't have any power. How wrong is she? She was not just a powerful being, she was the Saviour.

A soft knock on the door interrupted the tense atmosphere. "Joy, are you in?" A male voice accompanies the knock.

"Joel," Joy screamed in delight.

"Princess, may I come in?" His sweet voice sounds from the door.

"Of course, the door is open." Her mom's voice answered instead.

The door makes a creaking sound, followed by the sweet fragrance of Joel's cloth. He was clad in long trousers and a long black robe. "I have been in the sitting room for a while now. After waiting for what seemed like forever, I decided to stride across the room. That is how I found your sobbing voice," Joel explained.

"It's nothing," Joy's mom said. "Maybe I should excuse both of you."

"Don't worry ma'am," Joy stopped her. "He is here to take me out on his sister's birthday." She explained.

"You are free," her mom approved. She hooped up in joy and pecked her mom lightly on the lips. She had thought that her mom wouldn't approve of her outing with Joel. She would just commit suicide instantly.

Hell No! She couldn't do that. The fate of the world now depends on her. If she kills herself now, that means the world is doomed.

So, a free outing is what she needs right now. She needs to cool her head. She needed time to process everything she had just heard. She needs time to get ready for the mission ahead.

Mission! She thought. Is she even ready for that? How would she explain it to Joel? What if she reveals her identity to the wrong person? Hell No! She couldn't do that. She would rather keep the secret till she met her companion. However, she needs to go out now.

"Get dressed, or I will kidnap you now." Joel's voice brought her back to reality.

"Hell No!" She yelled. Not wasting another second, Joy dashed into the bathroom.

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