
The half-breed

They had her surrender and snarled at her with their sharp, long teeth. She knew she was doomed. She has finally met her end. Even if everybody forgives her and lets her go, Delta Logan won’t support them. He is dangerous. She examined her surroundings, her eyes wondering for a way out. However, it was a dead end. They were in the middle of a jungle. The only thing she could hope for was an unexpected miracle. Delta Logan strides forward, followed by Rebecca, and her witch friend, Rachael, while the rest of the lycans pack moves behind her. Instantly, an idea crept into her head. Rachael is a witch. That means she was not fast like those lycans. “You can do this,” she assured herself. As Delta Logan dived at her, at the last minute, she stepped aside and the Delta collided with a tree instead. Before any one of them could react, she dived at Rachael, her elbow aiming straight for her teeth. Before Rachael could blink, Joy’s elbow collided with her mouth and the force removed the front teeth in the process. She pushed her out of the way and then grabbed a tree branch she had seen earlier and used the force to propel her body on top of the tree. Joy was sure of one thing, she couldn't outrun Delta Logan and the pack on dry ground. But she could do it on top of trees. Dan had taught her that. He had been training her for a day like this. She swung her body on top of another tree, and then swivelled her body midair, did bar hop skills, and grabbed another branch. She could hear the rustling of leaves behind her which suggested that they were now chasing her. Yet, she did not panic. She has been in this wood many times without number, and she knew her way better than them. After jumping for what seemed like forever, she could see the exit of the woods. It was a few metres ahead of her, and that made her double her effort. She was sure that Dan would be waiting for her at the exit of the woods.

Alegria del Autor · ファンタジー
72 Chs

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Theme: Identity

"Wait," Joy suddenly shouted as Delta Logan and Rebecca's battalion came descending on her. "Let's strike a deal, shall we?"

"What does a stupid, useless, powerless being have to offer? " Delta Logan asked with a smirk.

"Let's resolve this with a fair duel. What did you think? "

"What did you mean by fair duel?" Rachael asked, tapping her foot on the floor to show her impatience.

"I'm not running away from you, and I will fight you all. However, none of you must tap into any supernatural power. I mean, no transforming, no biting. It's just like a normal duel, and artificial weapons are allowed."

With a grimace on her lips. "Is that what you want?" Rebecca asked.

"Yes," Joy retorted. "So, what did you say?"

"Agreed," Rachael and Rebecca said in unison. "Your trick won't work because you are outnumbered."

"Let's begin." Joy said, and attacked Rachel with an elbow. She knew Rachael might go against the rule and use a spell to render her useless.

Hell No! She couldn't take that stake. Her elbow hit her in the mouth, and the force removed additional teeth from Rachael's mug.

She bent low to avoid a blow, then retaliated by kicking her detractor in the neck. She spun the cross on her hand, then stabbed the girl in the veins on her neck. Before the blink of an eye, the girl went into a slump. She had just been paralyzed by Joy.

The rest of the crew stopped on their track, unable to believe what had just happened. It was obvious that they couldn't believe a powerless girl had just paralyzed one of their kind.

Joy let out a sly smile at the sight in front of her. She had just taken down two girls from Rebecca's crew. The scores have now been reduced from eleven to nine. Three from Delta Logan's side, and four from Rebecca's own.

Another girl from Rebecca's crew let out a loud shriek and charged at Joy. This time, she aimed at Joy's neck with a long claw. Joy quickly stepped aside to avoid the claw swipe, then she stabbed the girl in the arm with the silver cross. Before the girl could retaliate, Joy kicked her in the stomach, and she went tumbling down the floor.

Her survival instinct kicked in, and she went low to avoid another gust from behind. As she raised her head to face her attacker, she was welcomed with a punch on the jaw, and the force sent her several feet backward. Joy could feel her lips bursting due to the power of the punch and the blood that filled her mouth.

She felt a strong muscular arm grabbing her on the neck before it slowly raised her from the floor. Without being told, she knew what Delta Logan was doing. After her feet were several feet away from the ground, she felt her body hitting the straw floor.

She could feel the pain surging throughout her body. She could hear all the bones in her body making creaking sounds, which indicated that she had just broken another bone.

"Get up, bitch," she heard Rachael's voice. "I haven't done mine."

"Gosh," she mumbled. Gathering all the strength in her body, she managed to stand on her feet. At first, her vision was blurry. She shuddered her head twice, and she was glad after seeing that everything was clear again. Joy could see Delta Logan and his three men standing a few feet away from them. That is when the reality of what Rebecca said dawned on her. That means Delta Logan and his men are the ones that beat her.

"They cheated," Joy said. She coughed twice, and blood split out of her mouth. "They break the rules. Why?"

"You don't include them in the rule," Rebecca retorted. "You are referring to my squad, not them. Besides, why would the great Delta Logan take edicts from you?"

"They shouldn't have done that," Joy said, her voice now getting frigid and crucial. If there is anything she hates in her life, it is deluding.

She hated defrauding and telling a fallacy. Delta Logan did not only lie; they cheated on her. They knew she was outnumbered and powerless. Still, they went against the rules.

"If I were you, I would run when I had the chance." Joy advised. Her voice was becoming thicker with each passing moment, and she could feel it too.

From the chasm of her stomach, she could feel something staring her up. It was a strange sensation she had never felt before. It began as soon as she removed the silver chain from her neck, and she barely fought to keep it at bay. She had thought the feeling was gone, but she was wrong.

Hell No! She wasn't wrong. Was she? She had suppressed the feeling, but they ignited it. Now she could feel her anger fueling the strange sensation. She tried to fight it, but it all proved abortive.

It was like her lung was on fire. It was like her heart, intestine, and gut were boiling. She could hear herself growling in pain. A growl that doesn't sound like that of a human.

"Did you think that would save you?" She heard Rebecca's voice. Even though she was a few feet away from her, Joy felt as if she was shouting into her eardrums. "Did you think we were joking with you?"

"Seems like the cat got her tongue," she heard Rachael elaborate. "Now I am going to break all the bones in your body."

"Now, I am going to break all the bones in your body." Rachael's words replayed themselves in Joy's head again.

"Are you going to allow that?" She heard a voice asking in her head.

Hell No! She couldn't allow them to break her bones again. Her mom had suffered enough just to make sure that she had a good life.

A claw swiped her face, followed by a heavy punch in her stomach, which brought her back to reality. Joy wanted to fight back, to defend herself from the attack. She wants to activate her mad ninja skills and run away.

However, the pain she was feeling was enough to take her life. Dan had told her that when a wolf or Lycan just reached eighteen, or when they were about to transform. He said it was always painful. Especially on a full moon when they are about to learn to control themselves, so they won't go berserk.

Why was she feeling this pain? She didn't know. She wasn't a wolf. Neither is she one of the night-walking creatures. Even if she was one of them, she should have felt all her muscles expanding and taking on a new form. However, she didn't feel anything. Everything was void, except for the unimaginable pain she was feeling.

She felt her body levitating in the air. She could feel her feet leaving the floor against her will, and her neck was being choked by some invisible force. Before you could comprehend what was happening, her body hit the floor. That is the work of Rachael. She thought. Rachael is the only witch among them.

Rebecca and her crew laugh loudly as they watch the scene of Joy that is unfolding before them. Delta Logan dashed at Joy again, grabbed her by the neck, then threw her several feet away. Her body went flying in the air like a piece of paper, and she crashed against a brick that was in the middle of the road, which looked like the letter T.

Rachael closed her eyes, then opened them again, and they turned yellow. She twisted her hand in a triangle shape, and a ferocious wind threw Joy's lifeless body away. "I told you earlier, didn't I?" She said as she followed Rebecca and Alpha Logan.

They are now walking toward Joy, who is still groaning in pain. "I'm sure your stupid mama will enjoy putting all your broken bones together again, Rachael said, and they all erupted into laughter.

Tears slipped down Joy's face as they threw abusive words at her. Now she couldn't take it anymore. She had thought of fighting the pain and strange feelings that were threatening to overwhelm her before. However, the reverse is the case now. She didn't have the power to fight it again. Not when those beings have just insulted her. They had not only abused her, but they also sent harsh words to her mother.

Hell No! She couldn't allow that. That had bullied her enough.

"Let's reveal our identity," she heard the strange female voice again. "The things that hurt you, break you down, and make you weak today are the same things that will build you up, make you strong, and help you carry on tomorrow."

Instead of arguing with the voice this time, Joy allowed the feeling to overcome her. As she gave in to the emotion, Joy felt something she hadn't felt before. It was like her body was on fire. It started from her foot and ran across all the veins and organs in her body.

"Go for it, while you can. I know you have it in you. And I can't promise you'll get everything you want, but I can promise you that nothing will change if you don't try." The female voice said it in her head.

Joy let out a loud growl that echoed throughout the whole atmosphere. A growl of vengeance, anger, turmoil, and killing. It was like a ferocious beast had been unleashed from the depths of the earth onto the middle land. Her voice cuts throughout the whole universe, and thunder flashes in the sky. Everywhere turned dark, and light sparkled across the whole middle land.

A strong aura started radiating around her, while smoke was seen emitting from her body. Joy opened her eyes, and they were now deep red. As she stood on her feet, her body started blazing with fire. The once young, good-for-nothing, and powerless girl is gone now. It has been replaced by a dead angel.

Hell No! Not a death angel, but a half-breed with an unstable gift. The chosen one. The one that was prophecy to destroy the thousand-year-old demon king, Lord Darius. The Savior is now in Cad'Hor mode. A mode of anger and vengeance. A mode of revenge.

"Οργή αίματος," Rebecca and her crew said in unison. Fear crept into Delta Logan's and his minor's eyes as they witnessed the powerful being in front of them. They tried to move their feet, but they were glued to the ground.

The aura that was emitting from Joy was so strong that it burned the crew from Rebecca's side. Now she was left with Delta Logan, Rebecca, Rachel, and the three Lycans that were following Delta Logan.

Delta Logan, his squad, and Rebecca tried to transform into their berserk mode. However, it was impossible. The aura from Joy's body is stopping them from using their power.

Joy focused her gaze on them, and she had a crystal view of the veins in their necks. She suddenly feels as if she has access to her nemesis's childhood memories. Not only that, she could hear and see what they were thinking. She could read minds and know whether they were telling the truth or not.

She weakly raises her hand and directs it at those that were following Delta Logan. "Command us, our savior." The three being said at the same time.

"Fight one another until death. I don't want you to be easy with each other. I want a bloody battle." She commands them.

"As you wished," the three beings say in unison.

"And you," Joy said, her gaze now resting on Rachael. "I want you to burn yourself alive." She ordered her.

"Anything to please my savior." Rachael retorted. She closed her eyes and drew a sign with her finger, then mumbled some words inaudibly. As soon as she finished this, her body went up in flames, and she let out a painful shriek as her flesh started burning.

Joy returned her gaze to the three beings that were following Delta Logan, and she let out a small chuckle at what she saw. The three of them had killed themselves, and each one was holding their partner's heart in his hand.

Finally, she returned her gaze to Rebecca and Delta Logan, who was still finding it hard to believe what was happening.

"You," she said, her gaze staring at Delta Logan. "I want you to give her a slow and painful death."

"As my savior wishes." Delta Logan retorted with his head bow in respect.

Without waiting, he dashed at Rebecca and hit her across the face. A blood split out of her mouth again, as Delta Logan punched her in the tummy.

"Stop it, Logan, you are hurting me," Rebecca yelled at him, as she narrowly escaped a claw that slashed at her neck.

"I serve no one else but the Savior." Delta Logan elaborated. He attacks Rebecca again, but she quickly jumps out of the way to avoid the deadly blow. However, Delta Logan quickly slashed her on the neck with his claw, and blood poured out.

Rebecca retaliates by directing a blow at Delta Logan, which was her biggest mistake. He caught the blow halfway and twisted her hand, which made him break her bone in the process.

"Finish her now," Joy ordered him. "I want it to be brutal."

"Yes, mistress," Delta Logan said. He yanked Rebecca closer with her hand, then twisted her neck. Before Rebecca's body could hit the ground, Delta Logan pierced her chest with his claw and brought out her heart.

"Now, kill..." Joy was still talking when a strange voice interrupted her.

"Joy, stop," it was the same voice she had grown up to love and know all her entire life. It was Dan.

His sweet voice brought Joy back to reality, and the strange power that was controlling her vanished instantly. Not only that but Delta Logan was also brought back to his mind.

Seeing the dead body in front of him, Delta Logan dashed out of the scene with his Lycan speed.

"Joy, what happened to you?" Dan asked with concern, but Joy only slumped. Before her body could reach the ground, Dan caught her and also dashed out of the bloody scene.

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