
The half-breed

They had her surrender and snarled at her with their sharp, long teeth. She knew she was doomed. She has finally met her end. Even if everybody forgives her and lets her go, Delta Logan won’t support them. He is dangerous. She examined her surroundings, her eyes wondering for a way out. However, it was a dead end. They were in the middle of a jungle. The only thing she could hope for was an unexpected miracle. Delta Logan strides forward, followed by Rebecca, and her witch friend, Rachael, while the rest of the lycans pack moves behind her. Instantly, an idea crept into her head. Rachael is a witch. That means she was not fast like those lycans. “You can do this,” she assured herself. As Delta Logan dived at her, at the last minute, she stepped aside and the Delta collided with a tree instead. Before any one of them could react, she dived at Rachael, her elbow aiming straight for her teeth. Before Rachael could blink, Joy’s elbow collided with her mouth and the force removed the front teeth in the process. She pushed her out of the way and then grabbed a tree branch she had seen earlier and used the force to propel her body on top of the tree. Joy was sure of one thing, she couldn't outrun Delta Logan and the pack on dry ground. But she could do it on top of trees. Dan had taught her that. He had been training her for a day like this. She swung her body on top of another tree, and then swivelled her body midair, did bar hop skills, and grabbed another branch. She could hear the rustling of leaves behind her which suggested that they were now chasing her. Yet, she did not panic. She has been in this wood many times without number, and she knew her way better than them. After jumping for what seemed like forever, she could see the exit of the woods. It was a few metres ahead of her, and that made her double her effort. She was sure that Dan would be waiting for her at the exit of the woods.

Alegria del Autor · ファンタジー
72 Chs

Chapter 41

Theme: The half-breed with unstable power

The lovely garden, or should we say the magnificent palace of the purple dragon queen, has now been curtailed to ashes. All the tall buildings have collapsed. The tall chamber with an enticing balcony has turned to nothing but ashes.

The painful cries of men filled the atmosphere. The war that had broken out since the morning was still going till dust. Dead bodies were littered all over the district. Starting from the main gate, the war spread to the Hill of Stretch.

Amidst the battle stood King Aaron and his men. General Drax and Rick were leading the battle. They knew this was the war of the middle land. They were ready to protect the half-breed with their last breath. 

Men of the lower and upper Isle have joined forces to eradicate evil. Even though they knew the outcome of this war, they knew this might mean the end of their lives, yet they didn't care. They are ready to lay down their lives for the upcoming generation.

They fought valiantly. They fought like possessed beings. Even though it took them a long time to get the urgent messages from Ariel, they didn't waste time as they swung into action immediately.

The sound of different fireballs filled the air, while the whistling of cannonballs wasn't left out. The archers, spearmen, cavalry regiment, and Zerta's rider weren't left out. Left and right, they were slaughtering the army of Lebanon. Soldiers fell from both sides. Yet, they didn't mind.

Amidst the chaos stood King Aaron. He was dressed in his royal armour. It's a golden light metal tog that was forged from gladius. He also had a shield in his hand with a long sharp blade. Two short knives could also be seen on his waist.

Besides him stood General Drax and Rick. They fought valiantly with their king. Left and right, they were killing the army of Lebanon. The men of the lower and upper isles surrounded the palace. They tried pushing the army away, but the latter didn't relent. It was a fatal clash.

Inside the garden stood Dan in his full hybrid form. The last descendant of the moon goddess is now in a rage. A man who had just broken free from the pixie dust shackles. A man who had nothing else to lose. He was a protector, and he was ready to die for the half-breed. 

He was like a volcano erupting from the depths of the earth. Worst of all, he discovered that Joy had lost consciousness. Dan knew Joy was still battling in the realm of the void. He knew this because Mrs Sandra had told him. She had also informed him about the prophecy which stated that either Joy died in her quest or she was killed by Lord Darius when everyone was distracted.

Dan wasn't willing to take that risk. Even if Joy didn't wake up, he wasn't going to allow Lord Darius to kill her. That evil man was the one that killed his father. He was present at the scene, watching with his eyes, and he couldn't do anything to help. He couldn't allow the same thing again.

Despite the vitality, fitness, and numbers of the army that charged at him. None of them could overpower him. He was faster and more skilful than them. He was the true definition of a possessed hybrid. He also had the advantage of height. He was taller than all of them.

On top of the skate ball, which was formulated with ice and earth, stood Rey Reed Smith and his little annoying squirrel cat, Reed. He was holding the soul rune sword in his left hand while the head of Micah Tyler was present in his right hand. 

Reed wanted to show Lord Darius that his royal assassin wasn't worth it. He wanted to show him that he wasn't one of the gods in the Middle Land. He was born and bred in Gaea. He wants to show him that he has faced the worst arena ever, where no one has ever survived.

Two soldiers from the Lebanese army dashed in his way, and Rey narrowly escaped their slashes. "One for me, and the other for you." Reed chittered happily in his ear. 

In the same motion, Rey wheeled back. He leapt up, swivelled his body twice, and his long silver hair brushed against his face. He stepped on the ground once and then used the momentum to lift his body again. He swung his sword and whacked the heads of the soldiers.

Reed also swung his body on top of the second soldier. He opened his mouth wide, which revealed his two long and sharp incisor teeth. Not wasting any seconds, he plunged them into the throat of the second soldier and released toxic substances into his oesophagus.

The soldiers grabbed him and attempted to fling him away. Yet, Reed won't bulge. Seeing that the soldier won't die quickly, Reed pokes the man's eyes with his sharp claw before he finally goes for his ear.

The soldier let out a painful howl, but Rey shut him up by plunging the soul sword into his throat from behind. 

"The count belongs to me," Reed said, hopping back to Rey's shoulder. "That makes him forty-five." He stated it proudly. 

Rey raised his eyebrows in confusion, wondering what Reed meant. 

"Idiot," Reed snapped at him. "That makes him forty-five soldiers that I have killed." The squirrel cat elaborated.

"Okay," Rey simply replied. He knew better than to disagree with the two-foot-tall cat.

Ariel Maka Rachel lay down weakly on the floor beside the purple dragon queen. She was exhausted from fighting with Sarah. If she had her power, that would have been better. However, she was empty. The only thing she had to protect herself with was her survival skills. 

All thanks to the purple dragon queen. If not, Ariel was sure that she wouldn't be alive. The woman had saved her at the last minute before Sarah could break her neck. She is also the one that's protecting her now. 

Who was winning the battle? She couldn't tell. Nonetheless, she was happy that King Aaron had gotten her message and heeded her call before she lost her power. Perhaps, they might buy enough time for Joy to wake up.

She could still see Joy lying down on Rey's ice fang. She was motionless enough that people would think she was dead. Ariel knew she would make it. Though it might take time, she knew Joy would wake up and deliver the middle land from the hand of Darius Rucker. All they need to do is just buy her enough time.

Hyperion Jack stood beside Franni. The duo were killing the army of Lebanon that descended on them while watching Joy at the same time. They could feel their hands getting heavier due to the long swinging of the sword without rest. 

Yes, they are ancient beings. However, the armies of Lebanon were also supernatural. They were stronger than the night-walking creatures. Because of the skills that were granted to them by the ruler of the underworld, they had the upper hand against the vampires and wolves. Only the lycans were doing a great job by killing and protecting at the same time.

Instantly, Jack wishes that Lord Rey's vessel was here with them. It would have been an easy battle. With just the touch of the soul and time gem, he would erase all these beings from existence. 

Well, he couldn't blame him. Their coming here was against the law given to them by the Olympian gods. Without being told, Jack knew he and the rest would face a query when they returned to Olympus. 

Nevertheless, he didn't regret his decision. He was ready to go the extra mile just to protect the middle land and its being. Protecting and saving lives were his number one priority. He had once been ruled by a devil incarnate, and Jack knew how tough it could be. He didn't want this being to suffer the same fate.

Lord Darius, the great warrior of all time, ruler of the middle land, the commander of every night-walking creature and armies of Lebanon, stood straight in his glory. He had bloodshot eyes. It was so red, like a hot coal, and fierce, like an angry lion.

Besides him is the greatest sorcerer, Alexander. The man was wailing in pain and mourning for his son and daughter. Both of them were lying down lifeless in front of their father. 

Joel's head had been decapitated while his heart was missing. Nicci, the red widow, had claw marks all over her body. That's the work of Junk. Her eyes had been poked out; Franni's blade streak was also visible on her body.

Letting out a great guttural cry, Alexander stood up. He started walking majestically into the heat of the battle. Rey Reed Smith, Hyperion Jack, and Franni were also on their way to meet him. 

Seeing this, Lord Darius clobbered his foot on the ground. He howled out, and his voice cut throughout the garden. His voice doesn't belong to humans. His body was radiating a great aura, which made everyone stop in their tracks. It's like the roaring of a wild lion. 

Slowly, the remaining army of Lebanon retreated behind their master, Lord Darius. Alexander also stopped in his tracks. He knew this was the time to end the war. Lord Darius was about to transform.

Alexander filled his hand with a huge electric current. It's the same thing he had used to eradicate a pack at once. The howling of Lord Darius was a signal that they should massacre everyone at the same time.

Lord Darius stepped forward while all the bones in his body started making a cracking sound. His clothes started tearing, and two wings emerged from his back. His eyes changed to dark, and his fingernails grow longer.

All the resistance moved back in fear at the sight of the beast in front of them. The former Lord Darius, with his long royal robe, is gone. It is now replaced by a beast of terror. His teeth had grown long, his nose pointed out, and his legs had thrived bigger. 

"The climax is here," Ariel muttered in panic. "None of us will survive their wrath." She tried to stand up, but the purple dragon queen quickly held her down.

"What's the use when all hope is lost?" Ariel asked with tears in her eyes.

She was still trying to stand up when she felt a fresh hand helping her up. She could feel the strength and power in her hand. The aura alone was so strong that Ariel knew it didn't belong to the purple dragon queen.

"This is just the beginning," the voice said, and Ariel could feel her heart leaping up in happiness. She couldn't believe it. At the last minute, Joy showed up. "Seems like I wasn't late."

"The true half-breed is here," The purple dragon queen yelled at the top of her voice. However, the people are too distracted to hear her. She brought out her wing and flew straight to the sky so she could get their attention.

"People of the middle land, our hope is here!" She yelled out again. 

Eventually, everyone directed their gaze at her. "The true half-breed is back!" She shrieked.

Like a bride that was being escorted to the altar, Joy walked majestically to the front line of battle, and everyone parted ways for her. She was flickering brightly in her glory, and a great aura was radiating around her body. Following closely behind her is Bingo. She was wiggling her tail in happiness and gritting her teeth at the same time.

"It's good to see you again, Darius Rucker." Joy said while blazing a smile. She was now standing in front of Darius Rucker's beast while Jack, Rey Reed Smith, and Franni stood behind her.

"You survived the unrealistic realm?" Alexander asked in amazement. "How?"

"I'm happy that you knew about that," Joy said. "Please, let go of your electric balls; release your guards, call your men back, and let everyone return home." 

"They killed my son and daughter," Alexander snapped angrily. His gaze now rests on Joel and Nicci.

Joy also examined them, and she felt pity for them, especially Joel. She quickly covered her grieving face with a hard expression. 

They deserve it. She thought.

"My condolences," she said. "Yet they deserve it."

Hearing this, Alexander becomes enraged. He channelled all his rage into the electricity in his hand and threw it at Joy. A few inches for the electricity to reach Joy, it stopped mid-way. 

"Impossible!" Alexander said in astonishment. "It has never happened before."

"That's because I'm not just a true half-breed. I also have an unstable power that makes me invisible to dark magic." Joy elaborated with a smile.

Before Alexander could blink, Joy appeared in front of him. She touched his forehead in the same motion, and Alexander became a sculpture.

Seeing this, Lord Darius yelled and kicked Joy in the chest. The force sent her back, and she went flying several metres back in the air. She twisted her body, and she docked with her foot instead. 

"Lord Darius, let's dance." She said with a cocky smile." Instantly, the two beings dashed at each other.
