
The half-breed

They had her surrender and snarled at her with their sharp, long teeth. She knew she was doomed. She has finally met her end. Even if everybody forgives her and lets her go, Delta Logan won’t support them. He is dangerous. She examined her surroundings, her eyes wondering for a way out. However, it was a dead end. They were in the middle of a jungle. The only thing she could hope for was an unexpected miracle. Delta Logan strides forward, followed by Rebecca, and her witch friend, Rachael, while the rest of the lycans pack moves behind her. Instantly, an idea crept into her head. Rachael is a witch. That means she was not fast like those lycans. “You can do this,” she assured herself. As Delta Logan dived at her, at the last minute, she stepped aside and the Delta collided with a tree instead. Before any one of them could react, she dived at Rachael, her elbow aiming straight for her teeth. Before Rachael could blink, Joy’s elbow collided with her mouth and the force removed the front teeth in the process. She pushed her out of the way and then grabbed a tree branch she had seen earlier and used the force to propel her body on top of the tree. Joy was sure of one thing, she couldn't outrun Delta Logan and the pack on dry ground. But she could do it on top of trees. Dan had taught her that. He had been training her for a day like this. She swung her body on top of another tree, and then swivelled her body midair, did bar hop skills, and grabbed another branch. She could hear the rustling of leaves behind her which suggested that they were now chasing her. Yet, she did not panic. She has been in this wood many times without number, and she knew her way better than them. After jumping for what seemed like forever, she could see the exit of the woods. It was a few metres ahead of her, and that made her double her effort. She was sure that Dan would be waiting for her at the exit of the woods.

Alegria del Autor · ファンタジー
72 Chs

Chapter 32

Dawn of Glory [half-breed]

Chapter: thirty-two

Theme: A Grant of Soldiers, Two

"You are a clown," Lord Darius cried out in a rage. "Kill them all!"

Alexander conjured a massive Hado Hans ball and directed it at Joy. Ariel stepped forward, then stretched her hand, and an invisible defence covered the whole place. 

With a grimace, Ariel said. "I feel like you are forgetting something. I'm a sorceress. Not just any sorceress, but a scarlet witch."

She twisted her hand and then drew a somatic pattern in the sky. She directed a scarlet flame toward Alexander, but the man absorbed it. 

"All D'arcy Lycans, attack them," Alexander ordered. His deep guttural voice booms throughout the purple dragon palace which has now turned into a battlefield. 

Letting out a great howling sound, the D'arcy Lycans attack Ariel and her team. 

"For the true half-breed," Ariel screamed and led the battle while the rest followed her. 

She stretched her hand forward, and two short silver knives appeared in her hand. She stepped aside as the first lycan attacked her. Still, in the same motion, she brought down the lycan's head.

Before any of them could blink, Ariel disappeared amidst them. She was so fast, so fierce, and merciless. She twirled her hand, and her scarlet flame consumed two D'arcy Lycan souls at once. She slid down to evade a claw, and she sliced the lycan's hinge leg in return. The lycan screamed, but Ariel kept his mouth shut by plunging her blade into his mouth.

A lycan kicked her from behind, making Ariel stumble forward. The lycan attacked her again, but Ariel saw it coming. She whirled one of her knives and then threw it at the lycan. She watched in awe as the knife went spinning end over end before it finally impaled itself in the lycan's forehead. 

Like a wild boar, Dan howled out, and his voice cut throughout the battleground. He hit his chest multiple times and stood on his two legs. That's the difference between a wolf and a lycan. Wolves are like dogs; they can't stand on two legs. Though wolves are fast, they both have sharp teeth and long claws. 

However, none of them was fast like lycans. The more Dan howled, the more his body started to take on a new shape and look. His hair became black, and his height increased drastically. His canines became longer and sharper. His claw wasn't left out. They increased in size and shape. The former Dan is gone. It has been replaced by a ferocious beast which was unleashed from hell. He was twice the height of the D'arcy Lycans.

Dan stood his ground as the D'arcy Lycans darted toward Joy. Dan boiled in anger at seeing her in pain. His prayer now is that they should be able to buy enough time for her. 

Without her, Dan was sure that there was nothing they could do against the D'arcy Lycans. He was even grateful that the purple dragon queen had joined their side. If not, it's already a lost battle.

Nonetheless, Dan wasn't ready to give up. He was ready to die like a warrior. He was ready to protect Joy until her death. They were like snails in their shells, and Dan was not ready to leave her side.

He stretched his hand forward, grabbed the first Lycan and tore him apart with all his might. It was terrific to see as blood filled his whole body. Yet, Dan didn't care. His Lycan has gone berserk. Unless he was killed, which is nearly impossible, there is nothing that could stop him from shedding blood.

He raised his feet high and stomped on two Lycans at the same time. He roared out in anger as he felt a claw slashing his leg. With rage, Dan squatted low, picked up the lycan that slashed his leg, and bit his head off. Blood gushed out of his victim's head, but Dan's lycan didn't care to release him. Instead, he started swinging the body and used it to hit the other Lycans in different directions.

He vomited the head of the lycan that he had bit off, then picked another lycan and bit off his head. He kicked away two other lycans at the same time with his leg while their painful howls filled the atmosphere. Dan howled out again, beat his chest multiple times, and disappeared amidst the D'arcy Lycans. 

Each one of them stood in surprise, unable to believe what they had just seen. Some minutes ago, Dan was killing them brutally. The next minute, he disappeared out of sight. A shrieking sound broke into the tense atmosphere, followed by the rolling of D'arcy Lycan's head. 

Dan could be seen amidst them, whacking, slashing, and chopping off heads. He was faster than anything the lycan had ever seen. None of them could match his speed. The same goes for the purple dragon queen. She wasn't relenting. Even though she was a woman, none of the soldiers stood a chance against her.

Dan grabbed a lycan by the neck and raised him. He pierces the lycan's chest with his free hand and brings out his heart. Blood filled the whole ground, and corpses were littered all over the palace garden. Dan raised his eyes to examine Joy, and he was greeted with an awful sight.

Lord Darius and the rest of the men had surrounded her. He was too focused on the ongoing battle. He had allowed his Lycan to take full control, and that sealed the connection between them. Without being told, Dan knew their downfall was near. He was so focused on the scene that he didn't know when Alexander appeared behind him.

Before his brain could process what was happening, Alexander touched him with the harmonica necklace, and Dan felt himself going weak. He tried to summon his inner strength, but he couldn't move. Before he could blink, he felt liquid substances pouring on his body.

As the liquid touched his skin, Dan howled in agony. 

"The pixie herb," Alexander mumbled behind him. "Now let's see how you will move your feet." 

Dan felt his body burning viciously as the pixie herb started spreading across his body like a wildfire. 

The pixie herb is a mixture of alpha lycan urine, garlic, and holy water. It's one of the lycan's greatest weaknesses, as it can kill supernatural creatures after hours of pain. No one had survived the pixie herb's pain.

Dan resigned to fate, knowing there was nothing he could do. He knew instantly that he had failed his job as the protector of the half-breed. His only hope now is that Joy should unlock her potential quickly.

Dan relinquished his fate and allowed his eyes to wander around the battlefield. He starts with Joy. She was now lying unconscious in the middle of Lord Darius and his men. Joel, Sarah, and Nicci, the red widow, were standing beside her. Their gaze was focused on her as if she might wake up and kill them anytime soon.

Dan could see the purple dragon queen lying down in her pool of blood, with Micah Tyler's feet on her chest. In a flash, he grabbed her and brought her beside Dan. Ariel was the only fighter left. 

Even though she was outnumbered by the D'arcy Lycans, she was still fighting hard. 

She's indeed an ancient warrior. Dan pondered in his mind.

"Ariel Maka Rachel," Lord Darius screamed at the top of his voice. As if under some sort of spell, all the D'arcy Lycans stop attacking her, and they retreat behind their master. 

Dan was still surprised at the number of soldiers that remained. It was like they hadn't killed half of them.

"I know you can see through Ariana's soul or whatever you called her. Why don't you bring her back here?" Lord Darius said. "As you can see, we outnumbered you. There's no way you could fight and defeat all of us. " 

Ariel looked around the garden, and she could see that Lord Darius was right. Joy was trapped amidst them, lying unconscious with the blood sword in Alexander's hand. Dan and the purple dragon queen had been injured beyond explanation. 

"What did you say, Ariel? Should we kill them, or should you summon the girl back here?" Lord Darius said, and Ariel could see his men getting ready to kill her team.

Ariel ransacked her brain, trying to find a way out, but she didn't find any. 

Except for the last option which was in her mind, she didn't know any other options. Yet she knew one thing for sure. For Lord Darius to be threatening her so much, she was sure that neither the man nor any of his sorcerers could track Ariana. Without being told, she knew Joy must have done that to protect the girl, and she was grateful.

"Last warning, Ariel. Where is Ariana Myers?" 

"Are you looking for me?" A tiny girl's voice was heard from behind. 

Emerging from what was left of the secret exit tunnel was Ariana. In her middle finger is the last ring of terror. "Are you looking for me or this?" Ariana said as she removed the ring from her middle finger.

"Alexander, can you get the ring?" Lord Darius whispered to Alexander.

"I'm trying, but it isn't working," Alexander replied, and one could hear the frustration in his voice. "It can't work that way unless she gives it to us or if we can cut her hand."

Taking a deep breath, Lord Darius signalled to Micah, and the latter nodded his head. 

"You choose this for yourself, Ariana Myers."

"She didn't choose it alone," A voice answers behind Ariana. "We also chose the same path. And that is the path to destroy you, Darius Rucker."

Ariana moved forward, and an old man with grey hair emerged from the garden tunnel. Behind this man are hundreds of wolves, vampires, and lycans. Their eyes held a serious expression, and they were dressed in armour. Their claws were already at bay, while the wolves were gritting their teeth angrily. 

Sitting on top of each wolf are the vampires. They were mounting them like a horse, and the lycan stood in front of them. 

"I'm sure you know us, don't you?" The old man, who seems to be their leader, said

"You are the resistance, aren't you?" Alexander said while stepping forward. "I will advise you to send forth the girl, or I will kill the half-breed now." He said, with a threatening sound. 

That's when the resistance saw Joy. She was still lying unconscious while the blood sword was still in Alexander's hand. 

He raised it to show that he meant business. "Now, or else I will send you her head. I'm sure you know what I'm capable of doing. You know, I could erase you all from existence with a single snap of my finger." He shouted at them.

Seeing that there was nothing they could do, the man started pushing Ariana forward. 

"Good decision," Alexander said with a smile. Reluctantly, he started walking toward Ariana with his hand stretched forward.

He was a few inches from reaching Ariana when the girl removed the ring and threw it at Ariel. It happened in a blur, and none of them expected it. 

Ariel didn't waste time. She dragged the last ring closer with her scarlet power, and she directed it toward the sky.

Instantly, Ariel started chanting in the Greek language. "Κύριε Βασιλιά, σε παρακαλώ να εκπληρώσεις το αίτημά μου. Ανοίξτε την πύλη στο πολυσύμπαν και αφήστε το όνομά σας να είναι τιμή." 

The atmosphere turned scarlet. Thunder clamped in the sky, and everyone stared in horror, waiting for what was going to happen. A whirlwind blew across the palace, followed by a rumble which flashed in the sky and brought down part of the palace building.

Ariel could feel the scarlet power feeding on her soul and her strength, just as she had predicted earlier. Nonetheless, she wasn't ready to give up. She knew this might be the only chance they had to defeat Lord Darius and his men. She didn't want to lose that opportunity. 

Letting out a painful scream, Ariel channelled all her power into her hand and pushed it further into the sky. Finally, everything returned to normal, and she slumped down. 

The terror ring shimmered brightly in the sky before it started growing larger. Finally, it turned into a portal. A bright light emitted from the portal, which blinded everyone for a while. After a while, the light went out, and a young adolescent boy emerged from the portal in the sky.

With a loud thud, the boy landed beside Ariel and supported her up. It was none other than Hyperion Jack. 

"My love," he said in a melancholy tone. "What have they done to you?"

"It worked!" Ariel said, her voice barely more than a whisper. However, the happiness in them could be heard. "The Olympian gods got my message, and they opened the portal."

"Yes, my love, they did." While assisting Ariel in getting back on her feet, Jack said.

At the hearing of the Olympian gods, Lord Darius shivers in fear for the first time in his life. 

He could see his men giving him a surprised look, but he didn't care. Lord Darius could see the surprised looks on everybody's faces, not excluding the resistance. Without being told, he knew his doom was near.

Not long after, another female landed in front of Ariel, and she nearly pushed her off balance. 

"Franni!" Ariel screamed in delight. She released herself from Jack's grip and hugged her tightly.

"What have you done?" Lord Darius asked in disbelief.

"Nothing much," Ariel managed to reply. "You thought wielding the terror ring was the only thing it was useful for. You are wrong. A scarlet witch like me can also use it to open a multiverse portal." 

"Como estás, amigo?" Junk howled out. 

"Shut up," Franni snapped at her. "Can't you be polite for once?"

"The next time you interrupt my discussion, I will kill you." Junk threatens before she surfaces out of Franni.

"Who are you beings?" Alexander asked impatiently. Lord Darius held his hand to stop him, but he freed his grip from his hand. "How dare you interrupt the ongoing battle?"

"Are you talking to me or them?" Junk asked while gazing toward the resistance, who were still opening their mouths in shock. "Sorry for the rude attitude," Junk apologised. Our name is Franni. However, my idiot humans like to call me Junk. So, that means our name is Junkie."

"You are the junk, not me," Franni argued inside her wolf's head. "Just let me out now, you idiot."

"Shut up," Junk snapped. "As you can see, I'm busy addressing the people." She said before directing her gaze at Alexander. "We are ancient warriors. We are the first creatures to ever live in the middle land. That means we are your progenitors, especially me." Junk exclaimed, and everyone gasped in surprise.

"A talking wolf?" One of the resistance asked the leader with surprise written on his face.

"Let's wait and see how things go first," the leader simply replied. "They are the first supernatural, so don't be surprised."

Alexander and Lord Darius' men stared at him, and he nodded his head to show that Junk was telling the truth. 

"Kneel before your true gods," Jack howled out in resentment. His voice carried great authority, and everyone was forced to go on their knees.

"I'm a lord," Lord Darius said while trying to stand on his feet. "I can't bow before you. Not now, not anytime soon." He said and returned to his standing posture.

Alexander also stands on his feet, followed by the rest of Lord Darius' men. 

"Even if all the Olympian gods interfere, none of them can stop me.” Lord Darius said while trying his best to sound brave. "I will kill her, then behead the rest of you." Lord Darius said while pointing at Joy's unconscious body.

"Soldiers!" he screamed, and the remaining D'arcy Lycans howled out in reply. "Kill them all." He ordered them.

"Jack, you have to protect the half-breed. She still has a lot of prophecies to fulfil." Ariel said to Jack, and the man nodded his head. "For the middle land," Ariel screamed, and the resistance howled out in response. Without waiting further, the charge at the incoming D'arcy Lycans

From afar, Ariel could see Lord Darius walking towards Joy with the blood sword in his hand. She knew instantly what the man was trying to do. She channelled all the speed her power could offer, but it wasn't enough. 

Her eyes opened wide in horror as Lord Darius collected the blood sword from Alexander, raised it and brought it down on Joy's head. A few inches from the sword striking her, a boulder knocked Lord Darius away while the blood sword went flying off his hand.

The blood sword started radiating a great aura, and it began to throb on the floor. Lighting from the sky struck the sword, and it formed two swords. One flew to Franni, and she grabbed it without turning. She ducks low and uses it to slash a lycan into two. 

"The ancient sword," Franni muttered with an evil smirk. "Junk, let's show them what we can offer."

The second sword flew toward the direction of the terror ring, which was now returning to its normal size. Before the portal could close, a large white bird emerged from the portal. 

The being leapt up twirled his body and grabbed the second sword. 

"The soul rune sword," A chittered sound was heard behind the boy. It was a squirrel cat. Despite how the boy was rolling, the squirrel cat didn't fall. "It's good to be back in the middle of the land." The squirrel cat screamed in delight.

The large white bird with a frost wing flew underneath the boy, and the boy balanced his body on top of the bird. It was a young teen boy with golden hair. It's Rey Reed Smith.

Not waiting for a second, he twirled the rune sword which was now shining brightly. 

"The great Smith in his killer mode." Rey Reed shouted, and thunder clasped the sky. "Soul sucker," he said again and used the sword to draw an X pattern. A plasma ball emerged from it, and blasted Lord Darius away. 

Rey Reed conjured his ice skate, jumped on it, and his cat followed after him. In a flash, he arrived in front of Joy, and then picked her up. His ice fanged bird appeared in front of him instantly. Rey Reed placed Joy on top of the bird, and the bird flew away.

"Let's go and chop some ears, noses, and eyes," Reed screamed in delight. 

Immediately, Rey Reed jumped on his skateboard and darted toward Dan. 

"I'm hungry for human flesh, Rey Reed Smith," Reed says with a high-pitched voice. He was now standing on Rey's shoulder, his tail wriggling in excitement.
