
The half-breed

They had her surrender and snarled at her with their sharp, long teeth. She knew she was doomed. She has finally met her end. Even if everybody forgives her and lets her go, Delta Logan won’t support them. He is dangerous. She examined her surroundings, her eyes wondering for a way out. However, it was a dead end. They were in the middle of a jungle. The only thing she could hope for was an unexpected miracle. Delta Logan strides forward, followed by Rebecca, and her witch friend, Rachael, while the rest of the lycans pack moves behind her. Instantly, an idea crept into her head. Rachael is a witch. That means she was not fast like those lycans. “You can do this,” she assured herself. As Delta Logan dived at her, at the last minute, she stepped aside and the Delta collided with a tree instead. Before any one of them could react, she dived at Rachael, her elbow aiming straight for her teeth. Before Rachael could blink, Joy’s elbow collided with her mouth and the force removed the front teeth in the process. She pushed her out of the way and then grabbed a tree branch she had seen earlier and used the force to propel her body on top of the tree. Joy was sure of one thing, she couldn't outrun Delta Logan and the pack on dry ground. But she could do it on top of trees. Dan had taught her that. He had been training her for a day like this. She swung her body on top of another tree, and then swivelled her body midair, did bar hop skills, and grabbed another branch. She could hear the rustling of leaves behind her which suggested that they were now chasing her. Yet, she did not panic. She has been in this wood many times without number, and she knew her way better than them. After jumping for what seemed like forever, she could see the exit of the woods. It was a few metres ahead of her, and that made her double her effort. She was sure that Dan would be waiting for her at the exit of the woods.

Alegria del Autor · ファンタジー
72 Chs

Chapter 28

Dawn of Glory [the half-breed]

Chapter twenty-eight

Theme: Purple Dragon Villa, 2

"Get them out of my scenery. Those stunts are the same as last time. It's old." The young girl screamed at them. Seeing that her guards were reluctant to carry out her order, she screamed louder. "None of them can perform something new. It's just the same former trick." She complained.

"Take it gently, princess Violet. We still have more clairvoyants at the gate." One of the royal guards said, his head bowed in respect. "I'm sure you will find your choice amidst them." He clarified.

"Hey you, get me my scandal." The princess stated this while pointing to a seventeen-year-old girl.

The young girl raised her frayed clothes with one hand to avoid falling, then rushed to the princess's chamber. A few minutes later, she returned with a creamy bleak scandal.

"It's here, my princess." says the young lady she squatted down in front of the princess, and then dropped the scandal.

"Princess Violet, this woman said she has something to offer." One of the royal guards said, "She has been waiting since an hour ago, and she claimed to have something to offer for your birthday."

"If she fails to perform something different, then I'm cutting your head off. The same goes for her." Before she wore her scandal, Princess Violet stated

She got up from the golden seat while the royal guards quickly bowed their heads as she approached Mrs Sandra and the guard.

"They said you have something to offer, right?" Princess Violet said with a chuckle, her eyes wandering around Mrs Sandra, who was clad in a white long robe.

"What can an old poor woman like you offer?" Princess Violet mocked her. "If you can turn yourself into a beggar right now, I will ask my mom to hire you as a cleaner." She said it without remorse, and that earned a murmur from the guards.

In wrath, Mrs Sandra raised her head and stared directly at the young princess with long blue bristle eyes. At first, she thought of muffling her till eternity. But on second thought, she decided to keep it cool. She knew very well that any single error could jeopardise her mission, and she didn't have much time left.

She knew very well that Dan and Joy won't be able to stop Lord Darius. They might have delayed him for a while, but not enough to stop him. He knew how tricky Lord Darius could be, especially when Edgar Allan was still working with him.

"Who does that?" Princess Violet shrieked like an angry lion.

The guards quickly keep quiet, knowing full well how brutal princess Violet could be, just like her mother, the purple dragon.

"You again, Ariana." Princess Violet said while pointing at the young girl who went to bring in her scandal. "You didn't learn, did you?" She said while walking toward her.

"I'm... really...so… rr...y, princess."Ariana apologised and quickly got on her knees. "I... I... didn't do it intentionally. Pardon my errors."

"Of course, I will pardon you," she said with an evil smile. "Just don't let me remind you that you will be sleeping outside tonight. Moreover, I must never see you at the birthday hall. Failure to obey will mean punishment by the dead."

"Thank you ma," Ariana said, with tears in her eyes.

What other choices does she have? That's how Princess Violet had been treating her ever since she had been assigned as her babysitter.

She was captured by one of the royal guards when the purple dragon went on her raid. All of her family members were killed in the war, including her people. But she was lucky to be spared. The purple dragon took a special interest in her, especially with her cooking ability. That's why she was assigned to take care of the thirteen-year-old princess.

"Go clean up my bedrooms," Princess Violet said, jolting her back to reality. "Don't forget to mop the floor and the bathroom."

"Right away, your highness," Ariana said and hurried away.

Taking a deep breath, Princess Violet focuses her attention on Mrs Sandra. "What's your name, old beggar?" She asked.

"Rachel, your highness." Mrs Sandra quickly answered. "I'm a hag. If you can make me present at your birthday hall in the evening, I can entertain all the guests with my little trick." Mrs Sandra said while hoping and praying at the same time that the brutal princess should give her a chance.

Even though she had heard of how brutal the princess could be, she hadn't witnessed it herself. She's brutal, just like her mom. The purple dragon queen killed her father just like Lord Darius had done. She did this to claim the purple dragon tithe.

That's the rule of the purple dragon villa. Only strong beings are allowed to rule the territory. That means overtaking is allowed. Ever since Violet's mom became the purple dragon queen, the territory hasn't seen anyone strong enough to overthrow her. She is unbeaten, ruthless, and brutal. That made the people wonder who was more powerful between her and Lord Darius.

"What can you do?" Princess Violet's voice brought Mrs Sandra back to reality. "I'm sure they have told you the consequences."

"Yes, your highness." Mrs Sandra replied. "Take your seat, princess, and enjoy the show." Mrs Sandra said confidently. She dipped her hand into the side pocket of her robe and brought out a teddy.

"Hey you, I'm here for something special, and we aren't living here without it." Mrs Sandra said to the teddy before tossing it to the floor.

"It's boring," Princess Violet said impatiently, and anger was visible in her voice. "Get her out of here. I'm sure you know what to do."

"Right away," the royal guard said. With one hand, he yanked Mrs Sandra by the arm and started dragging her out.

"Give me a second," Mrs Sandra yelled at him. "My princess, just give me another chance." She screamed louder.

"I gave you one but you failed," says Princess Violet without caring. "Take her to the eviction..." Princess Violet was saying when a voice interrupted her.

"Hey you, where do you think you are going without me?" Out of nowhere, a strange female voice said something.

Everybody moved back in shock, wondering where the voice was coming from.

"Have you forgotten that we came for something special?" The voice said it again

One of the royal guards alerted them: "The Teddy is talking."

Another one argued, "That's impossible."

"That's my magic as a hag," Mrs Sandra said happily. She yanked her hand away from the guard and picked up her teddy again. "I hope you give me a chance, your highness." With a bow, Mrs Sandra said.

"You are hired," Princess Violet said, in a cheerful tone. "Take her to the guest room before the occasion starts in the evening." She ordered

"Right away, your highness." The royal guard that was holding Mrs Sandra earlier said. "This way, ma'am." He said.

Letting out a shrewd smile, Mrs Sandra followed the guard. She knew a part of her plan had been accomplished. Her prayer now is that Joy and Dan should be able to delay Lord Darius.

Some hours later, *******

"Welcome to my humble palace, My Lord." The purple dragon queen greeted Lord Darius. She bowed her head lightly as a sign of respect. "I expect you to be here earlier than this."

Edgar Allan replied instead, "We were ambushed on our way here by an unknown being."

"Who could be bold enough to ambush the lord of every supernatural creature?" The purple dragon queen, a middle-aged woman with short purple hair, asked in disbelief.

She opened the rigid door that led to the main hall, while Lord Darius, Edgar Allan and two other D'arcy Lycans followed her. The hall was filled with people of different races and species. That's how the purple dragon always celebrates her daughter's birthday every year. She will invite every being in the middle land, except humans. The party is for supernatural beings only.

Sitting at the perimeter of a rectangular table in the hall are the supernatural councils. Perhaps twenty in total. They are the ones that Lord Darius chose to settle any cases that the elderly couldn't handle. They were all clad in red long robes with a collar at their necks. In front of them is a goblet that contains red liquid. Blood.

Besides their table, sitting in a circular motion is the supernatural Elderly from different covens. They are wearing long black robes. They had deep, but pale white eyes which seemed to be staring into a human's soul.

When they saw Lord Darius enter the hall, they rose and bowed their heads in submission to their Lord. The hall was filled with wolves and lycans from different covens. All of them are wearing either red or black long robes with neck bands around their necks with the name of their coven imprinted on them.

"All hail Darius Rucker, Lord of all Lords. Ruler of the middle land, Alpha of every night's walking creatures." They hail him in unison.

"May the spirit bless you all," Lord Darius replied with a wide grin. He raised his hand and then signalled for them to continue their enjoyment.

"Who can be brave enough to ambush Lord Darius on his way?" The purple dragon queen asked as she led Lord Darius and his escort deeper into the inner chamber. "Don't you think it's suspicious?"

"It was expected," Lord Darius replied. The purple dragon stops in her tracks and gives him a strange look. "I was expecting the attack, but I didn't know it would be so violent." Lord Darius said again.

"Who did you suspect?" The purple dragon queen asked. Her long lashes are still raised in disbelief. She couldn't believe that there was someone strong enough to attempt an attack on Lord Darius.

"It was the prophecy half-breed and her companion." Lord Darius elucidates while the purple dragon gasps in shock. "It happened just like Edgar Allan had said, only that it was more vicious than we thought. The half-breeds have grown in power. Even though we didn't have a direct clash, she was still perfect."

"What did you mean by not having a direct clash?" The queen asked as she continued her walk. "I have been hearing rumours of the half-breed too, but I never believe it. I attached ten men to a pole this morning because they mentioned the name."

Edgar Allan replied instead, "She was standing on top of Hill of stretch, and attacking us with a Hado Hans ball. She also has a companion that is shooting a double reload trajectory arrow."

"That means she didn't confront you," The purple dragon queen suggested, and Lord Darius nodded his head.

"Even from afar, all our escorts were killed. I'm sure Sandra was with them. That's why we couldn't smell their scent earlier." Edgar elaborated. "Even though we didn't have a direct clash, they killed all the escorts with us."

"If the attack was so brutal, then how did you escape? What about the remaining two escorts that are with you?"

"All thanks to the son of Alexander, he came to our aid at the right time." Lord Darius elaborated.


Ariana could be seen walking alone in the long passage that leads to the kitchen, where they are baking Princess Violet's bun and pattie. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't know when she collided with something.

Seeing that it was an old woman, she quickly apologised. "I'm sorry ma'am. I didn't see you coming."

"It's nothing to worry about," the old woman replied, and quickly removed the hood that was covering her face.

"Are you hurt?" Ariana asked with concern in her voice.

"Listen up, Arian Myers, I need your help." Mrs Sandra said hastily, her eyes wandering around for signs of any guards. "I haven't got enough time here, but I need your help urgently."

"How did you know my full name?" Ariana asked. With the look on her face, one could see that she was finding it hard to believe her. "Who are you?"

"I'm the crone that was hired to perform on Princess Violet's birthday this evening," Mrs Sandra began. "I have a feeling that Lord Darius is here already. That's why it's complicated for me to achieve this goal alone. If not, I won't be asking you for help."

After a few minutes of silence, Ariana finally spoke. "What is your mission, and how can I help?"

"It's an easy task if you follow the plan accordingly," Mrs Sandra said. "There is a key inside Princess Violet's wardrobe. I need you to extract the key for me."

"How did you know all this?" Ariana asked in disbelief.

"I'm a sorceress!" Mrs Sandra said with a smirk. "Once you get the key, leave the rest to me. I'm sure you don't love how Lord Darius is ruling the middle land. If you can help with the key, then we will surely defeat him."

"What if I was caught?" Ariana asked in fear.

"I promise you, that won't happen. If you can extract the key without swapping me out, I promise to take you out of here."

"Why should I believe you?" Ariana asked again.

Mrs Sandra, seeing that she needed something to assure the girl, moved toward her and held her head. She tapped into her soul, looked into her memory, and replaced it with a beautiful garden.

"I will show you that vineyard if you help me," Mrs Sandra said as she retrieved her hand from the girl's head.

"How will you know when I retrieve the ring?" Ariana asked happily.

Instantly, Mrs Sandra dipped her hand into her robe pocket and brought out the ted

dy she had used earlier.

"Whenever you are in trouble or if you have any questions, just talk to this teddy, and you will find answers." Mrs Sandra assured her
