
The half-breed

They had her surrender and snarled at her with their sharp, long teeth. She knew she was doomed. She has finally met her end. Even if everybody forgives her and lets her go, Delta Logan won’t support them. He is dangerous. She examined her surroundings, her eyes wondering for a way out. However, it was a dead end. They were in the middle of a jungle. The only thing she could hope for was an unexpected miracle. Delta Logan strides forward, followed by Rebecca, and her witch friend, Rachael, while the rest of the lycans pack moves behind her. Instantly, an idea crept into her head. Rachael is a witch. That means she was not fast like those lycans. “You can do this,” she assured herself. As Delta Logan dived at her, at the last minute, she stepped aside and the Delta collided with a tree instead. Before any one of them could react, she dived at Rachael, her elbow aiming straight for her teeth. Before Rachael could blink, Joy’s elbow collided with her mouth and the force removed the front teeth in the process. She pushed her out of the way and then grabbed a tree branch she had seen earlier and used the force to propel her body on top of the tree. Joy was sure of one thing, she couldn't outrun Delta Logan and the pack on dry ground. But she could do it on top of trees. Dan had taught her that. He had been training her for a day like this. She swung her body on top of another tree, and then swivelled her body midair, did bar hop skills, and grabbed another branch. She could hear the rustling of leaves behind her which suggested that they were now chasing her. Yet, she did not panic. She has been in this wood many times without number, and she knew her way better than them. After jumping for what seemed like forever, she could see the exit of the woods. It was a few metres ahead of her, and that made her double her effort. She was sure that Dan would be waiting for her at the exit of the woods.

Alegria del Autor · ファンタジー
72 Chs

Chapter 23

Dawn of Glory [the half-breed]

twenty-third chapter

Theme: "The warning, two."

The night is still, the wind is beating violently, and it's shaking the tree vehemently. Despite the wind, a tent was seen inside it. Micah Tyler and Sarah could be seen sitting inside the small tent. even though they had a fire stick in front of them and while the fire was blazing furiously with the help of Sarah's magic. It did little or no good to the wind.

Sarah hugged her kneel tightly with one hand while she was using the other hand to keep the fire going higher. However, she was careful not to burn the roof of the small tent. Without looking in his direction, Sarah was sure that Micah was staring at her. She could feel his eyes piercing deep into her soul, and that made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Seeing that she couldn't take it again, "Will you stop staring for goodness sake?" She yelled at him. "Did you want to strip me naked with your big bulging eyes?" She asked, in irritation.

"Nope," Micah replied instantly. "There's nothing like that going on in my mind." He said in defence.

Stop lying, will you? Sarah scoffed. "It's visible in your eyes. It was written all over your face."

"You are just making assumptions," Micah Tyler retorted. "Besides, you aren't bad after all."

"You are in the shit, and you still have the gut to flirt with a girl you just met," Sarah said. She picked up a small stone from the ground and threw it at Micah. However, he caught it with his fast reflex. "Aren't you scared of Lord Darius? You know, he could cut off your head for not producing his demand on time. " 

"He won't dare do that," Micah replied boldly. "He knew that I had never failed any mission, and I wouldn't fail this small task." He said with pride. "Besides, it always took me three full moons before I delivered my victim, and this is just day four." He clarified, and Sarah only shook her head in understanding while the being remained silent again.

"So, what led you into this killing stuff?" Sarah asked again to break the silence between them. "How does it start? Where are your parents? How does it feel to be a Lycan?" 

Micah Tyler took a deep breath and stared directly at Sarah. Finally, he stood up and moved towards her. He sat beside her and placed his head on her shoulder. Reluctantly, Sarah patted his shoulder before ruffling his hair. "I wasn't born as an assassin; neither is any of my family." Micah began.

"I was born, raised, and bred in Isengard. Isengard is my home town and my everything. We were all living in peace until the invasion of Lord Darius." Micah paused and took a deep breath. He rubbed Sarah's lap gently with his hand, and she could feel her shivering. "My family used to serve in the temple and protect it with their skills. However, they were forced to kill with those skills when Lord Darius invaded Isengard."

"Your relatives, are they still alive?" Sarah couldn't help but ask.

"No," Micah Tyler replied, with a melancholy tone. "Some were killed during the invasion, while the rest were killed by Lord Darius himself." He explained, and Sarah gasped in shock.

"When Lord Darius started using them for his selfish reasons, they decided to help the resistance. They were halfway through with their plan when one of the resistance sold them out. Lord Darius becomes furious and slaughters them all." He clarified, and Micah couldn't help the tear that slipped down his face.

"I'm deeply sorry. My condolences to them." Sarah's console "You said none of your generations is supernatural, right?" Sarah asked, and Micah nodded his head to show that she was right. "Then how come you are still alive? Or has all this happened recently?"

"No," Micah Tyler shot back. "The incident occurred a long time ago. Perhaps a thousand years ago. "

"That's impossible!" Sarah said, in disbelief. "How come you possess supernatural power?"

"Seeing that I was the only one alive," Micah said. "Lord Darius turned me into one of the night-walking creatures. He did this with the help of Alexander's son. Together with my generation's skills, which were passed down to me, and the lycan ability, That's how I'm still alive, and also great access to Lord Darius." He clarified, and Sarah exhaled loudly.

"What about you?" Micah asked. He raised his head from Sarah's shoulder and faced her directly. "How did you become so powerful? Why are you after the half-breed? What is your aim? " He asked with curiosity in his eyes.

"I was once a human," Sarah began. "That girl, the half-breed or whatever you are calling her, turned on me without my permission. I hate superpowers. It's a curse." She spat angrily.

'I prefer my normal life, and I don't dream of becoming any of these night-walking creatures. That's why I'm hunting for her. I want to hurt her the same way she does to me." Sarah elaborated and the pain she goes through when Joy bites her replayed in her head. She could remember it clearly. It was like her body was on fire. Sarah could remember how the transformation began, the twisting of her intestines and everything nearby. "I will make her pay." Even if it's the last thing I will ever do, I don't care." She said this while clenching her fist in anger.

"We have the same reason to kill her," Micah said. "Lord Darius turned me against my wish, binding my soul under his command, which made it hard for me to resist his order. I also hate supernatural life. It sucks."

"It will soon be over," Sarah assured him. She returned her gaze to the fire she was boosting. She twisted her hand, which made the fire grow larger. Suddenly, everything became heated. Sarah jerked and took a battle stance. The same goes for Micah. He drew out his double-edged blade, his eyes wandering around for any unexpected attack.

A bright light blew out of the fire that Sarah was preparing, which made them close their eyes. A strong aura started radiating throughout the small tent, and it nearly forced the two beings to go on their knees. Emerging from the fire is Lord Darius. He was wearing his red royal robe, and a scroll was seen in his hand. Seeing Sarah and Micah in a battle stance, he let out a small chuckle. "I have interrupted something important, isn't it?"

"No, my Lord," Micah replied, and quickly went to his knees. Seeing this, Sarah followed his actions. She had never seen Lord Darius in her entire life, and that made it hard for her to recognize him.

"Isn't this the human that was turned by the half-breed in the city hall?" Lord Darius asked as he took a few steps away from the fire. "What are you doing with a royal assassin?" He asked, in confusion.

Before Sarah could reply, "We are after the same being, my Lord." Micah retorted, and one could see that he was trying to defend her.

"I see," Lord Darius said with a scoff. "Anyway, I have a new mission for you." 

"What mission could that be, my Lord?"s

Says Micah Tyler.

"I want you to stop chasing the half-breed for now," Lord Darius said, while Micah and Sarah raised their heads in confusion. "Yes, you heard me right." Lord Darius repeated.

"If I may ask, why, my Lord?"

"My spy reported to me yesterday that another ring of terror was found in Moab under the care of General Clark."

"Why are you sending me there when one of your generals could do the simple task?" Besides, you can order General Clark himself to bring it." Micah asked with a low tone. He was trying to reject the task and also not sound too rude at the same time.

"I can even send the son of Alexander to get the ring, but I chose you for a reason, Micah Tyler." Lord Darius said as he walked back to the middle of the fire. "Micah Tyler," Lord Darius called him again, this time he attached an authority to his voice. "I will be waiting for you in the holy temple by this time tomorrow. Don't keep me waiting." Lord Darius concluded and disappeared out of sight.


For the third time, Jerushah, daughter of Zodak, checked her liquid, and everything was still the same. She couldn't believe that after she had warned Joy about the dangers of going to Moab, she was still going. Ever since she returned from the lower aisle, she had been checking her magic mirror in the hope that Joy would change her mind. 

However, it was still the same, which can only mean one thing. She's going to Moab, and nothing could change the vision. Her fate is sealed. She is doomed to fail in her mission, just like the former half-breed. Sorrow gripped her heart.

"My mistress, what shall we do now?" Jotham asked with a melancholy tone. "We can't stay and watch them go to Moab. We can't take the risk of knowing fully well that Lord Darius would kill us all once the half-breed fails." Jotham complained bitterly.

"I don't think there is anything we can do to avert the prophecy. May the spirit be with them," says Jerushah.

"No, mistress, we can't leave them like that," Jotham argued. "There must be something we can do to change the vision."

Jerushah took a deep breath and walked down from her altar. "If the sons of Alexander hadn't turned dark, there might be something we could do to help them. But now, I'm afraid that there is nothing we can do." She clarified and walked out.

"Mistress," Jotham called and started to walk after her, but he stopped for a reason. He knew better than to follow her. Once she said "there is no way," then it's final. Taking a deep breath and shaking his head in disappointment, he walked out of the temple.
