
The half-breed

They had her surrender and snarled at her with their sharp, long teeth. She knew she was doomed. She has finally met her end. Even if everybody forgives her and lets her go, Delta Logan won’t support them. He is dangerous. She examined her surroundings, her eyes wondering for a way out. However, it was a dead end. They were in the middle of a jungle. The only thing she could hope for was an unexpected miracle. Delta Logan strides forward, followed by Rebecca, and her witch friend, Rachael, while the rest of the lycans pack moves behind her. Instantly, an idea crept into her head. Rachael is a witch. That means she was not fast like those lycans. “You can do this,” she assured herself. As Delta Logan dived at her, at the last minute, she stepped aside and the Delta collided with a tree instead. Before any one of them could react, she dived at Rachael, her elbow aiming straight for her teeth. Before Rachael could blink, Joy’s elbow collided with her mouth and the force removed the front teeth in the process. She pushed her out of the way and then grabbed a tree branch she had seen earlier and used the force to propel her body on top of the tree. Joy was sure of one thing, she couldn't outrun Delta Logan and the pack on dry ground. But she could do it on top of trees. Dan had taught her that. He had been training her for a day like this. She swung her body on top of another tree, and then swivelled her body midair, did bar hop skills, and grabbed another branch. She could hear the rustling of leaves behind her which suggested that they were now chasing her. Yet, she did not panic. She has been in this wood many times without number, and she knew her way better than them. After jumping for what seemed like forever, she could see the exit of the woods. It was a few metres ahead of her, and that made her double her effort. She was sure that Dan would be waiting for her at the exit of the woods.

Alegria del Autor · ファンタジー
72 Chs

Chapter 21

Dawn of Glory [the half-breed]

Chapter twenty-one

Theme-Tracing, three

Micah Tyler caressed his face for the third time as the early morning sun shone on his face. How long had he been sleeping? He couldn't guess. 

The last thing he remembers is the warning from Lord Darius. He set up camp in Isengard after his victim mysteriously vanished. After that, he went hunting, and he caught a deer. He was coming back home when he saw that his tent was on fire.

Micah dashed towards the tent, but he was welcomed with something else. Ensuing from the flame which he had prepared earlier to burn his prey is Lord Darius. 

He was looking great—handsome and dangerous in his long red robe. Seeing him, Micah quickly got on his knees and bowed his head as a sign of respect. 

Slowly, Lord Darius turned back to face the other side. "You have a few days left, Micah Tyler." Lord Darius warned him with a stern voice. "If you fail, then I will make sure you face eternal punishment." Says Lord Darius before he evaporated.

Micah jerked out of his thoughts and stood up. He walked out of the tent, allowing the sun to shine more brightly on his face. 

Dipping his hand into his pocket, Micah brought out the compass he was using to track Joy and checked it. Now the shorthand is pointing towards the east, while the other one is pointing in the direction of the sea. 

At first, Micah was confused. He didn't understand what the compass was trying to tell him. After a few minutes of ransacking his brain, an idea suddenly popped into his head. If the short compass was pointing towards the east, that means it must be in the direction of the frozen island. However, it looks stupid to Micah. Besides, the east island is full of seven different territories. 

What could the half-breed be doing on the east island? Micah thought.

He shrugged the thought off and checked the compass once again. He focused his gaze on the long hand of the compass while his brain was trying to find the meaning of the sea. After several minutes, he started putting the puzzle together. The only places with the sea in the frozen island territory were the lower and upper Isles. Perhaps the half-breed was in one of those territories. 

Although it was a stupid idea for Micah because the territory had no boundary to protect them. He was wondering how and what on earth the half-breed would be doing in an exposed place. Another thought struck her mind again. 

It's very possible for his victim to be in one of those territories. If he was right, maybe she was thinking that Lord Darius wouldn't expect her to be there since it's exposed to danger. 

Letting out a devious smile, Micah Tyler returned the compass to her pocket. He went back inside the small tent, brought out his sword from the bed underneath, and strapped it inside the scabbard that was placed at his waist. 

Now, he was determined to catch the half-breed and end her life at once. He was tired of playing hide and seek. This time, he prepared for any unexpected things that might occur to make her escape again. Before the blink of an eye, Micah dashed towards the east coast of the frozen island with his speed.


Joy raised the blood sword and used it to thwart a blow. She swung her blade around and then used it to bring down the soldier's head. She dove to the right, twirled her blade twice, and whacked down another soldier's head. She was so busy with her fight, chopping, jabbing, and whacking, that she didn't notice the fight that was going on behind her. Besides, she trusted Dan to take care of any threat she didn't see. 

After she cleared all the soldiers on her path, she let her gaze wander around the field for the red widow. Not long after, she found her. She was fighting with a man who she presumed to be the commander earlier. 

Joy took a deep breath and made her way toward the red widow. Though she didn't have the intention of killing her. She believes that your enemy today might be your saviour tomorrow. So, she aims to stop her and have a chat with her.

As Joy made her way towards the red widow's spot, she saw Dan fighting with a woman. The sight attracted her attention, and she decided to interfere. She had known Dan a long time ago, and she knew Dan wouldn't hit a woman. Besides, Joy was wondering when Dan started fighting with a woman when there were a hundred male soldiers out there on the field. 

"That's a cowardice act." She whispered inaudibly. "Hey Dan, will you stop your lily-livered attitude and pick a man to fight with?" Joy yelled louder as she approached the duo. 

Seeing that none of the beings was ready to stop their fight, she shouted again. "I'm talking to you guys! For goodness sake, will you pick your mate to fight with?" She yelled louder, and her voice cut through the battle. The two beings directed their gaze at Joy at the same time, and their eyes made her shiver in fear.

"Finally, we are meeting again," Sarah says as she turns her full attention to Joy. "I have been searching the whole middle land for you."

"Hmmm.. ma'am. I... I don't think we have met before." Says Joy with a shuttering tone. "Dan, did you know what she was talking about?" Joy asked, his gaze now resting on Dan, who had just stood beside her.

Sarah said with a smirk, "How can you forget me so easily? You don't remember biting someone in the city hall, did you?" She elaborated, and Joy went stiff. 

Hell No! She thought. 

She was sure that this must be some kind of trick. How could the being that she bit in the city hall become so powerful like this? This must be a trick. She concluded in her mind. 

She isn't an Alpha for goddess' sake. How could she turn someone with a bit? 

"If this is a mind game, I will advise you to stop." Joy managed to say it in a bold tone.

"Stop the doubt, young girl; I'm the one. I was also the one that led Nicci and Alpha Thane to the black venom pack when you were captured. Did you remember? I hate you. I hate you girl. You suck." Sarah said angrily. "You destroyed my life with your thirst for blood."

"I swear I didn't do it intentionally," Joy clarified. She raised her hand as a sign that she meant no harm, and she tried moving toward Sarah. "Look, I'm really sorry. I can fix this. I mean we can still fix this." She said,

"Sorry, little girl, it's too late for that. If you take another step, I won't hesitate to burn your flesh and present your bones to Lord Darius." Sarah warned with a dangerous voice. "Even though you destroyed my life, you just granted me immersive power. So, I won't allow a threat. That's why I'm going to enjoy burning you alive."

"Where is Mrs Sandra?" Joy whispered to Dan as she retraced her steps.

"She went into the fortress to look for her friend," Dan says, and Joy exhales a frustrated sigh. Now she was stuck with this witch.

"Listen up, Sarah, or whatever your name is; we can settle this peacefully." Joy mumbled, but she received a dead glare from Dan in return.

"Even though I don't plan on becoming any night-walking creatures, that won't stop me from thanking you at the same time." Sarah said as she started charging her hand with flame. "If we had met under normal circumstances, I would have become friends with you. However, the reverse is the case. We can't become friends, not when Lord Darius needs your head."

Sarah conjured a lot of Hado Hans in her palms, then threw it at Joy. The green Hado Hans was fast and more powerful than Sarah herself could imagine. 

It remained a few inches for the Hado Hans to collide with Joy when she raised the blood sword on instinct and used it to block the Hado. 

When the spherical Hado ball collided with her sword, she felt herself growing stronger. It was like a part of her power had returned. That is when Joy realizes what is happening: the sword is absorbing Hans. 

"Quick, help the good side. I will take care of her." Joy said to Dan. 

He looked at her with doubting eyes, but Joy nodded her head to assure him that nothing was going to happen. Reluctantly, Dan whooshes towards the front line of the battle. 

Seeing that Joy was distracted, Sarah directed another Hado Hans ball at Joy. It caught her unaware, and the force threw her some feet back. 

Before Joy could hit the ground, Sarah dashed at her with super speed, raining punches on her face. She slashed Joy on the neck with her full claw before hitting her on the abdomen with her leg. With a loud thud, Joy collided with the frozen ground and split out blood. She had underestimated Sarah. She had let her guard down which gave Sarah too many advantages.

Sarah drew a somatic pattern in the air, her hands were twisting like a snake, and she was mumbling some words inaudibly. Before Joy could guess what was happening, she felt something sharp bite her internally. It was like a peg was used to stab her intestine. The pain was so intense that she screamed out in agony. Out of the corner of her eyes, Joy could see Sarah moving closer to her while twisting her hand as she threaded towards her carefully.

Ignoring all the pain she was feeling, Joy managed to grab her sword with the intention of throwing it. As she raised her hand, she screamed in harder as the pain became unbearable.

The blood sword dropped from her hand, and she felt her vision becoming blurry. She could feel blood dripping out of all the holes in her body. Just when Joy thought she wasn't going to survive it, she heard Sarah screaming in pain. The suffering she was feeling disappeared instantly. It was like it wasn't there before.

Instantly, she jumped to her feet, grabbed the blood sword, and examined Sarah to see what happened to her. To her surprise, it was her dog that saved her life. Bingo had just saved her life by plunging her sharp teeth into Sarah's left ear from behind. 

How had the dog managed to jump so high for her to reach Sarah's neck? She thought. However, she ignored that and made her way toward Sarah.

"Bingo, stop." She said as she walked closer to the scene. Instantly, the dog obeyed her. She released Sarah's left ear and ran towards Joy. Her mouth was now filled with blood and Sarah's ear. 

"I didn't mean to kill you," Joy said with a melancholy tone. But I have sworn to kill anybody that stands in my way, or makes an attempt to slay me. She tightened her grip on the blood sword and dashed towards Sarah who was still suffering from the dog attack.

Letting out a great battle cry, she raised her sword and aimed straight for Sarah's heart. Before the sword could strike its target, it was parried by another blade, followed by a loud clang as the two blades met. 

"I'm sorry for interfering, but I couldn't watch you kill her." A voice said, and Joy moved back at the hearing of that voice. It was Micah Tyler. He had just found her again and stopped her from killing Sarah. Without being told, Joy knew this wasn't going to end well. To make matters worse, Mrs Sandra isn't here to help her.

"You know, I have been too easy with you recently." Says Micah Tyler, as he started to inch toward Joy. "But know this: I won't let you escape. You have run out of luck, half-breed." Micah Tyler said. He held his blade more firmly and stood a few steps away from Joy.

With a quick survey, Joy searches for Dan. It took her a few seconds to locate him. He was struck in the middle of a heated battle with the Red Widow while General Drax and General Rick were fighting the leftovers of the upper Isle men. 

Seeing that she didn't have any choice left, Joy used her leg to push Bingo aside and decided to face her nemesis. She might be new to the supernatural world, but she trusted her skills. Joy believes in herself. She was ready to end this assassin's life, just like he had been doing to the previous half-breed.

Tapping into her super speed, Joy dashed at Micah Tyler. She put all her fear aside and pushed forth her power. With a heavy blow that was meant to kill, she attacked Micah Tyler, and the being barely had time to evade it.

In the same motion, Joy wheels back, and attacks again. As she did this, her long hair covered her face, a bead of sweat dropped from her face, and she slashed at Micah Tyler again. The being parried the blow, but Joy quickly followed back with a kick. 

She planted her feet on Micah Tyler's chest, and the force made him tumble to the frozen ground. Before he could stand up, Joy leapt up, the sharp mouth of her blade coming downward with the aim of pinning Micah to the ground. At the last moment, the latter moved out of the way. He tapped into his speed and hit Joy in the mouth with his boot.

As his boot made an impact on Joy's jaw, she tumbled backwards. Micah darted at her and yanked her up by holding her hair tightly. Joy screamed in discomfort as Micah Tyler held onto her hair firmly. 

She knows that she might not live long if she doesn't do anything. Joy imagines her power lashing out, and hitting Micah Tyler. Joy allows it to flow out of the body involuntarily. She gave the power permission to use her body as a passage.

Just like she had imagined, a bright light lashes out of her body which slaps Micah and throws him several feet away. It was like he had been electrocuted. Joy felt herself healing faster than her eyes could comprehend. She could feel her broken jaw regenerating while her hair had stopped itching.

She bent down, grabbed the blood sword, and dashed at Micah Tyler again. This time, she channelled all of her rage and frustration into the sword. Right in front of her eye, the blood sword turned red. Then Joy felt something unexpected happening. It was like the sword was coming to life. Joy could feel all the power of the souls that the sword had killed, coming alive and consuming her. 

Her eyes turned bloody red, her eyes matching the colour of the blood sword. "The great soul consumer," Joy yelled involuntarily. Cad'hor mode had been activated.

She didn't know what was directing her. All she knew was that the power of the blood sword was consuming her. 

"The blood rages!" She yelled, and thunder flashed in the sky. Without being told, Joy knew she had just used her Cad'Hor again. Just like she had done when Delta Logan and Rebecca's crew cheated on her.

Lighting from the sky descended on Micah and pinned him to the floor. He tried to resist the force, but it was too much; and they engulfed him. Joy leaps high and then draws an X pattern with the sword. A huge Hado Hans ball emerged from the sword and went straight for Micah. 

A few inches before the ball hit Micah, it stopped mid-way. Standing beside Micah is Sarah. She was stretching her hand forward, and a shield was stopping the Hado Hans ball from killing Micah. 

But the power was too much for her to handle, and she could feel herself vomiting blood. She could feel herself growing weak, and her legs weren't helping matters at all. Just when she thought of giving up, Micah Tyler stood up, grabbed her, and whooshed away with his vampire speed.

Finally, Joy felt herself blacking out. She had just tapped into a power she didn't know was inside her. Her body came plummeting down from the sky with unimaginable speed. 

Even though she was trying to stay alive, her strength was failing her. When she thought that it was over, she found herself landing on some hairy being instead. Without being told, she knew it was Dan who had just saved her.
