

                                                    The bloody knights returned to the capital after two weeks of traveling. Although Brien held back on sending his full report, the word had already traveled to that part of the kingdom, and many people received them with cheering. Besides, many members of the unit lived in the capital, so it was only normal.

                                                    However, Zaos didn't let that fool him. He had a pretty important job, and he already told by looking at some faces in the crowd since they couldn't see their friends or relatives that talking with them wouldn't be easy.

"Cohnal, I am going to give my report to the king," Zaos said. "Can you take the new soldiers and give them the papers in the headquarters? After that, everyone will have two weeks off."

"Yes, Captain," Cohnal said, and then he whispered. "Captain, maybe you should be more careful when referring to His Majesty."