
The only ones

            When Zaos turned around, he saw Luvon with a spear in his hands, and the tip of the spear had pierced his back. Fortunately, he only attacked and pierced a part below Zaos's right arm. The wound wasn't deep since the space wasn't that big, but the bastard still spun the weapon in order to make Zaos suffer more.

              Despite the damage, Zaos tried to turn around and attack Luvon, but he pulled back his spear and moved away from Zaos. Luvon didn't seem much of a fighter, but one didn't have to be an exhausted and wounded Zaos.

"My apologies, Camus," Luvon said. "But it would be a pity to lose a partner right now."

"... I get it, it couldn't be helped," Camus said and then got up while he was holding his left shoulder. "I changed my mind about him. Let's kill him and end this battle once and for all."