

                        Much to Zaos's disappointment, the thief didn't lie about the fact that there weren't any traps in the hideout. Still, his disappointment disappeared when he found dozens of gold coins stored there… in a single day, he obtained the double of coins that job was supposed to pay him and ten others more soldiers for two weeks.

                        In the cave, Zaos didn't find only money. He found some armor, weapons, wine, and food as well. They sure have been enjoying a good life for thieves. Although the carriage had a lot of space, Zaos didn't know what to do with it. If he brings it in the carriage, then some people will ask questions. 

"What are we supposed to do with stolen goods?" Zaos asked.

"Well, usually, the guards that capture them give those to the kingdom since it is impossible to track down those who were robbed, some of them are probably dead, after all," Merkin said.