
The Guardian

Neptunia Black was weird. Weirdly smart, strangely emphatic, abnormally selfless, oddly determined and supernaturally...magical? This is her story as she discovers new worlds and protects the ones she cares for along the way. Will she go above and beyond and protect everyone? Will she become a guardian? Will she be a part of the Celestial Council and become THE guardian? More importantly, will she ever be enough?

0Writing_Reader0 · 書籍·文学
23 Chs

Bye Bye Lizard

Neptunia was ecstatic. When she was woken up by millions of hugs on the 1st of August, she hadn't expected for it to be 12:01 in the morning. She had laughed and given each and every one of them a huge bear hug. She got up and marked an 'X' on the calendar that hung inside her cupboard.

After her morning run, Neptunia felt hungry and when it was time for breakfast, Neptunia didn't hesitate to pile up everyone's plates and when Juliet asked her if they had the money for this sort of food, Neptunia smiled and winked, "We can do whatever and nobody can stop us." The triplets, Lily, Rose and Jasmine looked up, and Neptunia looked at them sternly, "Nothing too mean or rude."

The three sheepishly laughed and went back to their food. Their morning was warm and cozy without the lizard and Neptunia felt a frown coming on but she shook her head. Today was her birthday; that lizard was going leave anyway. No need to waste her time. Neptunia smiled at the kids as they told her that she should take an off day and visit her friend. Neptunia laughed and took out her phone and began to call the cafe and restaurant. They told her that they had already given her the day off.

Neptunia waved goodbye to the others and walked towards Harry's house. It wasn't home, just a house. She checked her phone for the time: 11:30. She could see Harry through the window. She took a small pebble, softly flew it over to the window and used it to knock on it. Harry opened the window and Neptunia waved from below. She looked around to see if there was anyone and then seeing as there was no one. She used the air to lift her up and through the window(with much effort. She's sure she hit herself with a branch or two.).

"Hey Harry!"

Harry's eyes were wide and he was whispering, "Neptunia? What are you doing here?"

Neptunia tilted her head and whispered back, "Today's my birthday. I wanted to visit you so I came over."

Harry looked a bit apologetic and Neptunia wondered why "Happy Birthday Neptunia."

Neptunia smiled and hugged Harry before going over to the snowy white owl and started petting it. Neptunia looked at Harry, "What did you name her?"

Harry shrugged and gestured to a book labelled Hogwarts: A History of Magic. "I was going to read through it and pick a name. Wanna help me?"

Neptunia smiled and lay on her stomach beside Harry as they pointed out names to each other, soon they decided on 'Hedwig'. Neptunia and Harry started talking about their future subjects, classes and houses. Harry learned that he shouldn't start about stereotypes as Neptunia launched into a speech? He sat through it patiently and awkwardly as Neptunia finished another one of her rants. When she finished, she looked to Harry and they both quietly smothered their laughs so the Dursleys wouldn't hear.

Harry sat on the bed, reading a book while Neptunia's head lay on his lap as she too read a book, "Hey Neptunia?"

Neptunia hummed as Harry continued, "What's that thing you do with air, fire, water and rocks?"

Neptunia got up and brought out her usual friends made of rock, water and fire. This was hard. Harry looked around at the creatures and whispered out his amazement ("This is amazing.")

Neptunia smiled as the creatures seemingly disappeared. "I'm an elemental. They're a community of people with control over one element out of the total four. Somehow, I have control over all of them."

Harry looked at Neptunia in awe, "Wow, that's amazing! All the things you could do!"

Neptunia laughed, "Not to mention we could scare Dudley even more! The pranks we could pull." They sat there for a while, discussing how the houses would be divided before Neptunia glanced at the watch which read 5:45. Neptunia got up, hugged Harry goodbye and went on her way.

When she reached to the Library, her hair turned pink as Mrs Abby hugged her with a 'Happy Birthday Darling'. Mrs Abby sat her down on a bean bag and told her to wait as she got something. Neptunia's hair returned to normal and when Mrs Abby gave her a present wrapped in newspaper, she carefully opened it and gasped when she found a fiction book that she always wanted. Neptunia hugged Mrs Abigail and got down to read it. After a while, as always, Severus Snape walks in and sits in front of her. And as usual, she smiles, "Hello Uncle Sev!"

Snape nods and gives her a sheet of paper and Neptunia smiles, closes her book, brings out her pencil and starts the test.

After a while, she hands it to her uncle. He vanishes it and turns to her, "What's this I hear about you working?"

Neptunia panics, she flails her arms around in an 'X' before stilling, "It's nothing! Just to pass the time you know?!!"

Snape looks at Neptunia and she feels as though she is being X-rayed. Neptunia just imagines her usual chest on an island and borders. Snape raised an eyebrow before clearing his throat. "Yes, well how are things at your guardian's house?"

Neptunia bit her lip and looked away. Was she afraid of her uncle? No. Was she afraid of the lizard? Hell, no. Did she fear the fact that she would be separated from the others if she left this? yes. She was petrified. Neptunia looked to her Uncle and smiled a bright smile. "They're fine."


Neptunia held the case files in her left hand and held the hand of her little duckling chain as they walked towards the police station. It had been eleven days since she last talked to her uncle. She had spent the eleven days, vigorously poring over every law with Mrs Abigail and reminded everyone to be who they are. Neptunia sighed, she looked to her left and met the eyes of Mrs Abby who smiled and nodded at her, encouraging her to keep moving forward.

Right, she was doing this for them. They needed a good life, not a place where they kept flinching and starving. They walked in and Neptunia stood tall.


Neptunia sat in the interrogation room and they set up a recorder. She was the last to be interviewed because she had to repeatedly go to the other interview rooms because the others had started crying and then she gave a verbal smackdown to the person interviewing them. Neptunia sighed as the man sat down in front of her. He brought his hand on the table and Neptunia flinched and squeaked. Neptunia turned red and muttered out a sorry.

"So, Neptunia Black. My, you have a lot of degrees and PhDs."

Neptunia sat tall, "Thank you, sir."

The man was thorough and asked her everything. Neptunia felt tired and exhausted by the time he was done. "And she's coming back tomorrow?"


"We'll send a letter for your hearing which will be held tomorrow."

Neptunia sat rigid, "So soon?"

The man nodded, "All there will be in a hearing is your statement and the presentation of the proof and she will be judged guilty. I'll be damned if she isn't. That woman is a bi-" The man stopped.

Neptunia tilted her head, "A what?"

"A lizard. Her name is Crawley."


When the kids and Neptunia walked into the orphanage, Neptunia told them to pack their stuff and keep it near their beds. After all, was said and done, Zee and Bree rushed over to Neptunia and hugged her legs, "We'll miss you!"

Neptunia quietly sucked in a breath and let it out slowly, "I will miss my rhyming duo too."

Neptunia raised her head to look at the others, a few were trying to hide their tears. Neptunia smiled, "Don't hide your tears...they mean that you're strong." A few started crying and came rushing to Neptunia. Was this going to be the last time she was going to see them? Were they going to forget her? Would she ever meet them again?

Neptunia put a stop to her thoughts and laughed, "Besides, you're going to much better homes! And trust me, they're good." The children smiled, wiped their tears and went to bed. Neptunia kissed each and everyone on the head before turning off the lights in the rooms before going to the roof.

"Am I ready?" Neptunia asked the stars. Maybe she was asking for strength or maybe she was asking for help. Neptunia sniffed as a tear betrayed her and fell, "Am I ready?" to be alone.


Neptunia stood tall on the podium, recounting every incident, every whip, lash, beating or verbal smackdown she ever faced and saved the others from. While she was in the middle of one, the judge stopped her. Neptunia licked her lips and spoke out hesitantly, "But...there's like loads left."

The judge looked to her shocked before he turned to Ms Crawley, "YOU! Ms Crawley are GUILTY of child endangerment, abuse, and neglect. The new caretaker will be appointed by the 20th of the next month."

The kids laughed and Neptunia nodded and sighed in relief? happiness? Neptunia was confused but happy as the kids were escorted to good homes after the hearing. As Neptunia walked back to the orphanage, if one looked closely, you could see hints of pink and white in her hair. After all, Neptunia was happy but afraid too.

Neptunia stopped and stared at the sky, what will the world throw at her next?