
The guardian angel is here.

Von, he doesn't know whether he's a monster or an angel. He doesn't know who he is.. He knows nothing. But he has become a gaudian angel serving under the goddess auroravoneplis. Can he complete his task? Can he finally find answers to the questions left unanswered..

aurora_von_elpis · ファンタジー
1 Chs

von: the guardian angel

It was raining heavily. In an apartment a girl seemed to be standing in front of a mirror. The room was like every normal room that belonged to a normal girl. The lamp in the room was flickering, giving the room a scary vibe. One could faintly hear the girl in front of the mirror.

Erika looked at her appearance in the mirror. Due to the flickering lamp one could barely trace her facial features but the girl was staring in the mirror with dull eyes . She then said in a cool voice," I Am A Normal Human, Born In A Normal Family Of Four, With A Normal Appearance". Erika seemed to loathe her black hair and brown eyes which was a common feature of every elpis citizen. With a sound of click from the lamp, the room was lit brightly. Something seemed to have changed in her eyes. The dull eyes had become clear as if she had woken up from her dream. She calmly looked at the mirror again and turned back. She seemed to be looking at something with a faint smile in her lips.

Everyone except the owner seemed to be aware of how beautiful the girl was. Under the light of the lamp, the jet black hair of hers seemed to be shining and the light brown eyes which seemed a little dull had the power to make anyone who stared at them intoxicated. Her sharp yet gentle features gave her an elegant air. The whole person seemed to be shrowded in the light like a holy being favoured by all. But the girl had a melancholy feeling about her in someway but with the smile on her lips, even the unapprochable Erika at normal times was like an approachable goddess. Her smile could make anyone charmed but the saddest thing is that the girl who possessed these treasures seemed to be unaware about them.

The rainy night had passed and it was already morning. A dark shadow was floating above erikas head. The dark Shadow was staring at the girl who was sound asleep and a sigh escaped from it time to time. It seemed to be reminsing about something. The shadow gently touched the asleep girls head but it could not touch her. Yet it seemed to be caressing the girl tenderly.

That dark shadow was von.

He seemed to be reminsing again.'Today Is A Sunny Day In This Planet Called Elpis Which Is Very Similar To The Planet Earth Where I Resided Before. Yes, I Am Someone Who Transmigrated Into This World! Well I Used To Be A Human But Now I'm Just A Small Dark Shadow Now. One Would Think That I'm Some Omnipotent Creature.. Sigh.. I Also Had The Same Thought Before. I'm Not Even Sure What I Am Right Now, Neither Do I Know If I'm Actually Alive Or Not. All I Remember Is That One Day I Suddenly Found Myself Here In This World Called Elpis. That Day Was The Last Time I Heard The Voice Of God. I Wonder If I've Been Forgotten By Her.. What Was Her Name Again? Ohh. Right She Said Her Name Was Auroravonelpis. Since I Heard Gods Voice I Am Sure That I'm Not A Monster Or An Evil Creature. Anyway What I Am Honestly Doesn't Matter. I Don't Even Remember Anything, Yes.. I Don't Have Any Memories.. So How Did I Know I Was A Transmigarator? Haahh, Well Technically I Just Dreamed Of It.. I Rarely Fall Asleep And Whenever I Do, All The Dreams Tell Me That I Used To Be A Human Living In Earth But That's All, I Don't Even Know My Name. Really! I've Never Felt This Clueless And Frustrated In My Life.. Sigh.. Though I Really Don't Have Memories Of My Life. My Guts Tell Me That I Was A Calm, Collected And Smart Person (๑'ᴗ')ゞ Since All Of These Ridiculous Events Don't Seem To Faze Me. I Admire My Strong Mentality A Little. Ahahaha. So, Who Is This Girl Sleeping Soundly On The Bed? This Girl Is My Mission Target. Though I'm Just A Little Helpless Shadow, The Great Goddess Auroravonelpis Gave Me A Task. I Have Become Her Aide, So I Will Have To Travel Back In The Past Of Kids And Be Their.. Pfffttt Guardian Angel. Seriously, My Appearance Is More Suited To Be Called A Devil ಥ‿ಥ So, I'll Be Taking Care Of Cubs..'

Suddenly a divine voice could be heard. It was the goddess."Von, Help This Child Grow Up Nicely. Best Of Luck And Since You Were Complaining About Your Appearance I May Consider Giving You A Human Appearance Based On Your Performance!" The goddess then read some weird prayer and a huge crack could be seen in the air. Von was terrified and he became unable to move due to extreme shock. He could only helplessly stare while the crack got bigger and bigger. He glanced at the girl sleeping soundly and vowed in his heart to definitely complete the mission perfectly. He also wanted to look decent, At least close to a human being. (。ノω\。). Von got completely devoured by the crack.. His loud voice could be heard as he was shouting with all his might..


Erika woke up all of a sudden and the whole room became chilling. She scanned the whole room but didn't notice anything strange. What was the sound I had heard then? She was sure that the sound she heard wasn't an illusion.."So What Was It?"

Her question was left unanswered...