'Oh my? did I accidentally activate my magic circuits?' I thought in confusion as I force it down.
I didn't actually expect it to work after all...
Forcing the mana course in my veins seems to intensify the lighting.
...This is getting annoying. I'll be found out at this rate...
I tried the opposite by calming my nerves.
and it works as I soothe my nerves - entire nerves- I look back at the werewolf and find him - he has a masculine feature- sniffing at my... eggshells? or whatever it's called.
I felt a bit anxious due to several reasons.
1. What if this creature is domesticated, and trained to scout the area.
the normal-looking doe is enough to tell him that the animals here are supposed to be modern. not prehistoric that the wild animals were Savage, Robust and Deadly.
'I can't rule out the possibility of them having the ability to create biochemical weapons or mutants considering they can make Planetary level weaponry. '
2. What if this Extraterrestrial species isn't the original inhabitants?
It seemed dubious that this advance civilisation hasn't expanded yet. based on the Shattered moon, he knew that they're supposed to be an old species.
so he had 2 theory.
1. this planet is only a temporary camp for them. due to whatever reasons.
2. They're having a war on a neighbouring planet or species... but that seemed unlikely as the environment is so... fresh and healthy.
All in all.
he gained no benefit killing the werewolf/arthropod, and the dangers outweigh its nonexistent benefit.
So it's stupid to make an Unknown enemy.
He's also not used on this body of his. so even if he has a superior body. he can still die out of his Cack-handed and inexperience towards his newfound body.
the worst-case scenario they'll only use his eggshells for research purposes.
either cloning or revelling his xenomorph existence.
but at least it might take decades or centuries.
so he waited.
he waited for the werewolf to leave.
- Line Break-
It took several minutes for the beast to leave and seemed agitated.
nonetheless, he waited for another 10 minutes just in case.
He used his Echolocation and Electromagnetic pulse just in case he's truly alone before dropping down silently and melts the remnant of his existence - his eggshells- with his acidic saliva. ( He can shoot a ball of acid in 2-foot diameter continuously. )
looking sceptical, he covered the melted ground with leaves etc before leaving, trying to find a cave system or something similar to his base.
Running around the forest, he made sure to use his layers of skin and carapace to copy the texture and looks of vegetation for Camouflage as he ran and leap throughout the tall trees.
he halts his movements as he finally found his ideal place for a temporary base.
An old abandoned and mossy cave.
It looked like a giant hole, it has an entrance of 5-metre diameter and it's above the cliff.
a tall cliff. nonetheless acceptable as his temporary base.
it took him an hour to locate a cave. and it's above the cliff, so he doubts that that werewolf can jump 20 metres above. unless it can wall run like him of course.
climbing above the rocky walls, he jumps at the entrance of the cave as he noticed that the orange light of sunset hit him.
it would be nightfall soon and he may have a night vision he is unsure if there are active predators during the night.
...he felt his stomach growled.
Huffing In annoyance.
He is a bit hungry.
...should he mark this cave as his territory?
"Hmm... Well, the animals seemed smart."
Before running into this cave, he occasionally spots some regular animals that are really similar that in the earth.
along with various beast similar to that werewolf.
for example.
Gorillas, Elephants, Wolfs and werewolves.
While there are 'normal' animals similar on modern earth, what makes this animal unique is their Black furs and skin. Neon red marks around they're mask, probably they're blood vessels similar to his neon green magic circuits.
and despite they're Savage and carnivorous image.
they are surprisingly Docile to the other animals besides territorial conflicts.
he did spot an 'Earth' tiger fighting a Black furred wolf, presumably the pack leader.
( AN: Yes. remnant has regular Grimm wolfs and it's not Beowulf. )
"...Calling them Earth animals and Strange black animals seemed mouthful... should I call the one's in my earth as Animals and the strange ones as Anima? well... at least it confirmed that they're not artificial creatures. but a given by nature... strange... was it their lineage that gave them superior physics?"
Lying down to sleep.
Due to his tired and heavy mind, he didn't notice a giant scorpion's red eyes gazing behind him.
- to be CONTINUED -
AN: Sorry guys, I got sick on a couple of weeks. I have a fever, headache and my eyes hurt.
With the lockdown, My medicines are actually limited. ( A bit paracetamol and wet towel in my forehead. )
I'm not actually cured for now.
so wish me luck or whatever...
I can still use the phone. albeit with limit ( 2 hours a day. ) so I can still read for entertainment. 🤔