
Chapter 2

consciousness slowly reaches towards me making me a bit aware of my surroundings as I'm covered with slimy substances.

I felt something fleshy and goey wrapping around my body as I wriggle a bit.

" Krrrkk..." I legit hiss out of the discomforting tightness.

I instantly clawed my way out, out of fear on suffocation.

slowly but surely.

I felt my claws pierced the fleshy wall as I tear apart, noticing that above me is hollow, I punch through it and grab the sides as it began to stretch open.

-Line Break-

In the unknown clearing of the forest is a 3-metre oval egg surrounded by a patch of beautiful flowers.

Various types of birds chirp quite happily as butterflies fly around the flowers and Bees buzz as they spread their pollen.

the weird gigantic egg squirmed in protest as if something from the inside struggled to burst open.

Unlike the other eggs. this particular alien egg has a unique hatch. As a sharp claw shoot out above the egg's surface as a bunch of acidic substances and fleshy eggshells accidentally melted nearby insects and flowers as they ran away. ( Butterflies are insects. )

The slime-covered fist burst above the egg as acidic liquid trickled down from the glimmering shell/carapace as it brandished the sky blue skies in desperation.

The hand goes down as two claws grasp the sides of the hole and tear it apart easily and an Unknown head of a menacing creature shoots out as it let out a loud screech.

" K'ryaaaaaaaaa!!!" The sheer magnitude of frequency made the ears of nearby animals bleed as they stumble in their steps.

The roar and negativity unknowingly attracted a predator as its eye glimmer in the dark corner.

-Line Break-

I finally got out of my egg as my yellow cat-like eyes scan the area for a possible threat.

confirming that I'm in the 'Normal' forest. I widened the hole as I stretched it further with my hands.

getting out of my egg with a flip. I landed in fours as I felt my tongue checked my newfound teeth. it failed of course.

The strangeness made me paused as I finally remembered my conversation with God.

I looked at my body that let out a quite amount of steam as I felt a mild burning sensation.

'Did. did I directly turned into a mature xenomorph?' I briefly touched the side of my head as I let out as shuddered moan in excitement.

" Fascinating..." My voice is weird. not really inhuman but close enough, still weird to speak though. hard to explain. it's like a mixture of a man's voice in a xenomorph version. not that I'm complaining, I found it cool though. good for intimidating preys and enemies if I growl.


I quickly scanned the area if Im is truly safe, and also to see what the inhabitants here look like.

I'm not exactly an expert when it comes to Biology or Botany.

But I do have some knowledge about it, And I can clearly see that I'm no longer on the earth I once live. The plants and trees here are tall and old. centuries perhaps, And no sign of settlements nor any kind of sentiment disturbances like a log or stump.

'but the animals here are...'

A doe hops around as it ignores my presence. either ignorant or used. which I hoped the former.

A normal doe.

'So... earth-like.'

there are however a few animalistic claw marks. Big claw marks. about in 2-foot length and few inches deep.

I'm not a hunter but I can tell I'm in something's or someone's territory.

I then checked the sky if the space is visible.

No. there's a sky a bit similar on earth.

Why a bit?

Because the sky looked fresh and blue. devoid of any kind of pollution.

It probably the rich vegetation of this planet made this place so habitable, and one of the factors of evolution is air. say.

if the earth has 50% more oxygen, we could've possibly evolved more than before...

but enough of that.

There's a high chance that the sentient beings here are either medieval or prehistoric.

...or maybe I'm on a planet where sentient beings developed a pollution-free tech.

I almost scoff at that if I didn't see the moon at the corner of my eyes...

A Shattered moon...

I would've calmed down at the lack of fossil energies side effects or prehistoric animals since I could just adapt in time... of course if not for the Shattered moon that made my confidence about my superior body quivered in shock.

"The moon... is... is Shattered..." I stared at the broken fragments of the moon in surprise.

and it's clear that it didn't Shatter out of normal means as I can clearly see that something or someone shot it with a lot of firepowers, something or someone shot it from this planet according to my estimation at the current angles of the rocks hanging in its sidelines.

not really hard since it only needs common sense a bit of Science so solve it.

what I fear is not only a fact that they have a weapon that can destroy small planets in half... or the fact that they have weapons on a Planetary level at all.

oh no. there's more.

The possibilities of extraterrestrial species that have pollution-free technologies. probably like the Yautja.

something that is may or may not be more advance than the Yautja species... possibly the engineers...

'This is bullshit...'

I shudder at the idea of getting hit by their own version of nuke... or laser.

From the looks of the moon. it does seem to be old. that means they are far more advance than I realized.

I felt my head wavered as headache once more assaulted me.

"of all planets... I've been pulled through... Why does it have to be a-" My monologue is interrupted by the snap of the nearby branch.

I know it's far away but it's getting close in my place. did I attract it with my screeching earlier?

I quickly ran towards the tree and easily climb above expertly and silently.

There are a few slip-ups but quickly because I just received my body but my instincts fix it as I leapt and hid at the bushy leaves and let my skin glow ethereal blue to cool my body temperatures inside out.

My body is made for Assassinating and Hiding.

My body is built me to avoid:

Thermal Visions ( I have a special organ and veins that cool down my body temperatures manually. )

Pheromone tracking ( I can adapt towards my environment and copy their properties making me near invisible on the species that can only see via Chemicals around the air. )

Electromagnetic waves ( Creatures with electro-reception cannot detect me as my 2nd layered skin stopped the electromagnetic emitting from me. so they can't determine my location via heartbeat. Xenomorph has this and along with the 1st and 2nd. )

And with my Adaptability, I also indirectly gain a minimum optical illusion or Camouflage.

I waited for the creature's arrival and its a...


A black-furred beast that is the roughly same height as me, It leapt and Stand at the patch of flowers where my position has been.

sniffing and grumbled as it rummages the area.

This beast resembles a wolf or werewolf. not the teen wolf version though. the classic ones.

It has pitch black furs with protruding white bones and spikes around its body, acting as armour.

Mask with red markings attached in its head as it sniffs above, revealing its red and yellow dimmed eyes.

it stands in its hind legs as it reaches 7 foot 6 inches and fails to hide its bursting muscles beneath the furs.

Large and deadly claws, Unique Exoskeleton like that of an arthropod, perhaps a hybrid?

Intriguing. the evolution lines of the genetic genes of wild wolf here are clearly different.

Robust, Deadly and Unique.

I think it can give a challenge to the warrior xenomorphs. or even overpowered them.

wait... was it an arthropod or a mammal?

I failed to contain my inquisitiveness as I decided to do research.




I stop my thoughts there as I prefer to live. as much I felt joy uncovering the Unknowns.

it's not worth it if your life in the line.

Finding info about the sentient beings resides here is far more important...

but... what if they have barracks outside their borders? clearly, this wild animal can post a threat, assuming that this is a wild animal of course.

even the Yautja wouldn't leave their village and city unguarded... it would be hard to get inside...

" I should probably go now..."

An Idea sparked inside of me.

Remember when I was creating a Character earlier?

since I felt uncomfortable about giving birth through my D■■k, So I gave myself a Mana core and Magic circuits. that is able to hold a large capacity of Prana.

wait... why not mana?

Well... Mana is an environmental energy; the planet's vitality (breath). Od is an organism's vital force. Qualitatively, they are the same (life force). They have furigana specifically calling them that (mana and odo). Prana is this vitality refined by the Circuits into a mystic force that can be used to enact Thaumaturgy.

Since my body cannot handle both.

I was left to choose between Quality or Efficiency. And I pick the nasuverse version as they are far more Efficient, Versatile and Far more useful.

not destructive as the Magics of Yggdrasyl or The Ki from dragon ball S... Damn if only my soul is compatible...

While other parts of the universe have a large amount of mana. the possibility of me exploding due to the dense potency in the air is high, or the fact that the world I'll be stuck with is devoid in any form of magic.

Same can be said in Ki. though the reason for that is unknown, I just can't pick it, Either they don't exist or it is simply not compatible with me.

So that's why I choose the Magic of the nasuverse. seemed compatible even if my knowledge is... lacking.

giving myself Magic Circuits.

Magic Circuits reside within the magus's soul, and what is found on the body is just a physical expression of them that stretches itself throughout the body in a fashion similar to the nervous system.

They are composed of core components, which are the actual Circuits so to say, and bypasses that connect those components to the brain. Magic Circuits do not change and once damaged they cannot be repaired. Because the organic activity is necessary for the operation of Circuits, it is a common mistake to think that they are literally a part of the magus body. There are rare occasions in which the Circuits continue working even after the practitioner's body has ceased all vital functions. In these cases, destruction of the brain is necessary to stop the Circuits. Quality and Quantity are ranked through letters like Magecraft, and their Composition often varies between magi.

Like any other organ, the number of Magic Circuits that one possesses is determined at birth and cannot decrease or increase naturally, but since I can CREATE mine. I waste no time abusing it by giving myself 100 highest-quality of magic circuits.

...Hey if you can abuse it for your survival then do it.

It's not like I'm complaining besides my enemies.

"[Reinforcement]" I mutter a spell.

The veins that are not covered by my thick carapace glowed green. ( Even if they were covered by his 2nd layer of skin they are still visible. ) as I felt my right arms Enhance.

I created this body, every. bit. part. it. so I Naturally know how much the amount of prana I should've and shouldn't put.

- To be continued -

Should I make some lemons here?

you guys do know tha sooner or latert he'll build his own faction right?

Should I make lemons.

like him having ■ with the humans, faunus and female xenomorphs?

Demiurge_Oharacreators' thoughts