
Chapter 1

A boy in his teen died in a car accident when he was just leisurely walking down the pedestrian lane. a Lamborghini hit him and didn't even stop to help.

the man lying on his own blood curse him silently as he died.

MC Pov

I slowly wake up with confusion as I remembered the day I died.

and my surroundings were covered in white clouds, so it doesn't seem I've been hospitalized.

[ Ah... another one? probably the last one... wait... doesn't that mean I've made a mistake on counting? ]

A tired voice with a hint of confusion and curiosity spoke behind him as he turns around with a wide eye.

baffled at the Spiritual looking being floating in front of him.

his face returns stoic as if nothing happened as he checked his surroundings once more before raising his hand. The gestures piqued the being's interest as the MC gives himself a lick.

'Hmm... Skin flavoured, too realistic to be a Lucid dream...' I thought as I glance at the being in front of me.

" Where am I? the afterlife?" I ask with a bit of interest. who wouldn't? the discovery of afterlife is pretty... actually a bit exciting.

Does the concept of heaven and hell exist? if so, Where or how did the human guess it? why the scientist hasn't discovered it yet? Do those the other religions have different versions of afterlife exist? so many questions yet so little answers.

for the first time in his life.

something interesting happened that made his heartthrob a bit excitingly.

[ Aren't you mad that you die? you seem pretty calm. ]

" I'm guessing that I'm a soul now?" He nodded. " Well... losing my body is a bit annoying," I said with an indifference that made the God in front of me sweatdrop at my lacklustre answer.

" Besides... I haven't had anyone to mourn my dead body, and I doubt that I regret something other than the fact that the driver left me dying as I drowned my lung with my blood."

[ Right... ] the being awkwardly says. [ Anyway, I have been appointed to transport 5000 souls in another world, but since I've given all my blessings on the other people, I don't have anything left for you. ]

" Blessings... what Kind?"

[ A single wish. though limited they may be, they are still a wish. some wish for overwhelming Magic capacity, others are unique elements etc. ] He then hummed and look at my ever lifeless eyes. [ I also gave them a choice of their family for the background. the world I send them is a Fantasy one where they are various races, so it's very dangerous. ] He said waiting for my response.

" Why did you do it?"

[as I said, I miscounted so I can't give you any wishes. ] he says awkwardly, feeling a bit guilty on sending a mortal with no blessings.

" That's not what I meant. " I said blandly. "What I meant is, what is the purpose of sending foreign souls on the foreign land?" I am a bit suspicious, there are no such things as free meals.

[ Oh, to save the world and defeat the demon king! ] He said proudly. [ The adults don't really want it, even the Veteran soldiers! I'm quite angered by it so I chose the younger one's, And I'm glad they've all accept it! the younger ones are easily negotiable. even though they act and speak strangely. something about isekai or something like that. ]

' Seriously? why would anyone in my world accept this? were they perhaps dunce? wait... he didn't mean an Otaku right? This being in front of me is probably an Omnipotent being if he has this kind of power, and probably not accustomed to getting denied by its demands so I can more or less guess the fates of those logical people, and probably not exposed at the outside world or our perspective of reality. ' I think thoughtfully as I finally spoke.

Perhaps the 2nd life and wish outweigh the dangers posed by the Demon Lord?

unlikely. very unlikely.

And if the God is desperate enough to send foreign help then that world is already flooded by demonic entities etc.

So I can see why the much more mature deny the offer.

" I don't really care about the other souls, though... what's gonna happen to me?" I ask curiously.

[ Sigh... since I don't have any energy left to give Miracle spells, I'll just give you a free Character Creation like the rest and dump you on nearby universe/planet. ]


I was quite speechless at this lazy, Irrational, irresponsible and Childish God in front of me.

" You can't be serious. " I stated bluntly with more energy compared to my usual lacklustre indifference earlier.

[ What? you prefer the abyss where I put the mortal souls I disliked? besides, You are useless to me, what are you gonna do about it? ] He said arrogantly with a huff.

I then felt something inside.

something boiled underneath me as I felt a minor adrenaline rush.

I felt Anger, Frustration, Suspicion building up inside me along with exhilaration and anticipation. I long dreamed to be an astronaut after all.

the term Character Creation sounds like I could create my very own customized species.

And no Demon lords invasion?

I will take every advantage of it.

besides, since God has an obvious objection on using me. obviously some sort of pride that he doesn't like lower beings as his champion.

he seemed to quickly disregard me as he found no use on me.


I can probably guess that he thought that the Character Creation is useless. knowing that all he met was Otaku. He can more or less guess that they preferred more cosmetics like beauty etc.

Idiots... a lot of them.

" I'm not complaining, As much as I dislike of dropping me into a foreign planet in a random universe. I'm still quite thankful that I would gain a 2nd chance. " I give him a fake enthusiasm and smile.

[ I am glad that you know your place. as a bonus, I'll give you a Magical rune inside the heart of your avatar to avoid being detected by other Gods that resides the universe. ] He wasn't fond that the weaker gods were complaining to him after all.

" ...M'mm" He then closed his eyes as he felt light-headed.

the man dissolves into dust particles as he was transported into the Character Creation chamber.

-Line Break-

Opening my eyes.

my vision was obstructed by a 3D model of a humanoid being.

there are selections of what superficials you want, Eye colour, skin pigmentation etc.

I mentally selected the "customization" button and I start to think about what species I'm going to select.

From what I know.

I'll be dropping into a foreign habitable planet with Unknown landscapes and species inside the ecosystem.

A planet that ranges from primitive to futuristic.

I needed a Highly adaptable host towards both.

knowing the true aspect of dominant species.

I started to think hard.

' I need something highly adaptable towards its environment and dexterous.' He hummed. ' Tenacious, Savage, formidable, intimidating, something well versed in the physical aspects, perhaps a giant insect?' An imaginary light bulb blink beside his head.

" I got it. I think I should create my very own xenomorph. preferably a Queen type. err... King type that is capable of producing... Eggs..." He shuddered in disgust of the idea of pregnancy. then again. aren't male seahorses capable of birthing? "And a capable male reproductive organ to respect my past life. "

He then started abusing his Character Creation.

It takes a few months just to put everything he knew from the wiki along with new additions into the Character Creation.

This body is vital for his next life.

and unlike with the other reincarnation, he doesn't have any Wish advantage such as magic items or powers Etcetera.

knowing that his competitors are anime lovers he has something that they didn't.

Cruel Experience of reality.

though they might've learned it in time, their overconfidence and naivety along with idiocy would be the cause of their deaths.


His version of the xenomorph is capable of high Regeneration that can more or less match with the Iconic character wolverine. ( Not really. He could regrow limbs in a few hours though, and highly resistant in poisons and corrosion. )

I then gradually diminished my Avatar's sensation of acute pain. Oh, I can still feel them alright, just enough to alarm him. very useful against distraction and giving... birth. or he can just remove the self birthing system and go to the old fashion sex. him being a male of course.

I dramatically decrease to an almost nonexistent level my chronic pain though. I don't see it at any value after all. and with my new Regeneration properties. They're more of a nuisance than a necessity.

I didn't change my nociceptive pain though, because they are valuable for my growth and I may or may not gain some six sense. Alerting me instantly on guard if something hit me.

And I lowered a bit my Visceral Pain.

My blood is more acidic that able to melt titanium. of course, depending on its mass and density of course.

to support my acidic blood.

I created a highly resistant and elastic Blood vessel, arteries and flesh.

along with additional Glands.

but first.

the appearance of my xenomorph more or less resembles with the Runners.

only mine is much more practical and exotic. Who wouldn't like to be an awesome looking alien? even an apathetic person like him values arts. especially if it's his body in the future.

His Xenomorph is much slimmer, denser and taller. roughly 8 feet 6 inches tall when standing in hind legs.

he didn't particularly like the idea of protruding spine for extra blades for his tail as he feared the possibility of being stuck or trapped when he thrust his tail on a dense fatty flesh because of it. and breaking it far more easily without providing extra protection of flesh against kinetic energy. via blunt objects such as mace or falling.

He made sure that his xenomorph Strength, Speed and reflexes were far superior to his predecessors.

he also changed his characteristics like the head.

I've put 3 layers of external supporting covering not counting the skull. I've even mixed titanium on my renewable carapace, dramatically decreasing one of my weaknesses.

Though he is aware of the dangers of long term exposure of Titanium, Via inhaling, it matters not with the help of his unique regeneration properties.

his alien has a 'mouth-within-a-mouth'

He created a complex apparatus inside the head that allowed the face muscles to be moved using a 10-cable system. Jaw tendons were made from shredded condoms while the teeth were made from polyester coated in chrome-plating.

Capable of

( Ps: his flesh and bones also has titanium properties or as strong as titanium, albeit a much smaller scale compared to his natural armour)

Most of the guns used for hunting as well as handguns for self-defence and personal use could not penetrate the sheet of titanium.

However, the repeated shooting of the titanium with higher-powered firearms eventually worn down and weakened the titanium so that it was eventually penetrable.

Titanium, however, doesn't stand a chance against bullets fired from high-powered military-grade firearms such as those used to penetrate tanks. Titanium can take single hits from high-calibre bullets, but it shatters and becomes penetrable with multiple hits from military-grade, armour piercing bullets.

In the end, titanium is bulletproof for the most part against bullets fired from guns that one would likely find on the shooting range, on the street or on the hunt in the mountains. Most guns legally bought and owned by individuals will likely not penetrate titanium.

Because of this bulletproof and bullet resistance properties, along with its lightweight and heat resistance. he chose this for Mobility and removing the weakness against high calibre heat and energy-based weapons.

His natural armour might be a little weaker than the xenomorph that can withstand against Rpg and Larger-Caliber of weaponry. and compared to the, he has a smaller but much denser covering compared to the others which are evident on his a little more exposed joints. making him far more lightweight and giving stronger protection on certain vital spots.

He also made his xenomorph give a blue-green ethereal light like lines ( Like the mouse of my computer) for Cosmetics. but it also doubles as a cooling mechanism to protect him against the thermal vision of yautja's tech if he encounters one. ( Not Really since he's in the RWBY verse. )

So he can hide far more easily and assassinating preys would be a walk in a park. Snakes are a delicacy or so he heard and since he's a carnivore, might as well try it.

His xenomorph has two types of natural armour.

first is a Thick carapace which covers his Head, Chest, Upper limbs, Arms, Forearms, Hands, Groin ( retractable), thighs, butt, Back, Calfs, Legs, patellar, and foot.

highly resilient against :

Energy-based weapons, Kinetic Energy, Thermal visions, Corrosive properties and Heat etc.

And lastly and importantly. Magic Energy-based weapons. just to be sure since he figured out that fantasy worlds exist out there.

His 2nd armour is a 2nd layer skin which is a red skin-tight Head to toe bodysuit that provides protection against :

Electricity, Parasites, Minor cuts and Kinetic energy, Minor magic and Hear properties and Thermal vision along with the acidic properties of his blood obviously.

He traded his Physical Defence for Flexibility, Maneuverability and Versatility. not a bad deal if you think carefully about it.

unlike the xenomorph head carapace that has an oval-like black lens that acts as an eye via electrical impulse and protection.

my xenomorph also has similar traits. but he is uncomfortable of being blind as a bat so he made a set of eyes that resembled the yellowish reptilian ones, covered by thick clear caps of Armoured carapace.

He put a bit longer claws in his hands, same with his Hind legs.

his Tail is far slimmer and flexible than his predecessor and unlike them.

not only he can use the tip of his tail like a blade.

he can use it to pump Acid / Poison too that can surpass the black widow spider, roughly 10× more potent. and the amount I have is equivalent a gallon.

But with his 2 glands of poison sacks. he can refill them in an hour or two.

( See the cover of my book? )

Let's see...

Poison sacks for my tail? Check.

Unique Bone marrow for my acidic blood and me not dying in pathogen and major blood loss? Check.

An Adrenaline Gland that can be manually used? check.

2 hearts that has the magic to prevent Gods from spying me? Check.

...Should I need the Electrical ell ability to shock its surroundings? actually... it might've been a good idea since I will have to grapple or pounce my enemies. not to mention. fuck you Yautja's.

so... check.


I almost forgot the night vision.

and... Done!

It looks more cat-like though... oh well.

sensitive nonexistent ears that I can protect with my retractable skin? maybe...

'I already have Echolocation and Electrical impulses. so do I even need one? let's give me a human level of hearing. ' I paused.

"on second let's make it a Bunny level. I can probably protect them with my 2nd layer anyway."

Dense muscles that maximize my mobility?

"Puh leash... I can tear in two an adolescent Yautja with my bare hands at this level. much less a puny human." I mockingly said as I blink. " Huh... I wasn't this expressive ever since Mum died... was it the anticipation and excitement?"

Shaking my head, I stop that sort of thinking immediately. It wasn't productive, thinking about my Mom wasn't going to do anything for my state of mind, and I had to accept that I... have to change for my survival.

I give a weary smile when I remembered my mother's caring gaze and a small smile that is filled with hopes and dream.

And to her last dying breath in the hospital because if the long exposure in the chemical factory she worked to.

body pigmentation with cosmetic lighting effects? Double-check.

{ Are you sure about your Permanent body? Y/N }

Selecting the Y button. light engulfed my body as I prepared myself to challenge the Unknown biome of a foreign planet and universe.

imaging myself as the top dog of the food chain subconsciously made me smile in a Sadistic manner.

As a Teenager that tries to do anything for survival in the modern age, along with the impact of losing my single parental figure.

the Anxiety, Depression and Anger of being a slave of Corruptions gradually grew and now that I have a mean to relish my steam.

...I wOn'T LeAvE mY AnGeR AnD FrAuSTrAtIoN UnPaId.