
In Trouble Again

Several miles off the north west coast of the country was an island that served as the home to a Lord's family that was entrusted with the safe keeping of the light house, defense of the mainland, oversaw trade and migration.

No other house had so much power, nor so much at stake! Lord Sirro, more precisely, Jayden Sirro was a grey beard with scars. He had sharp dark eyes that missed little detail. His son and his son's sons helped carry the heavy burden. He grew up in a time of constant warfare. He and his generation fought hard to bring peace and prevent suffering. He thought of this as his youngest grandson stood before him. In trouble again for the countless time. The young man was already fourteen years old.

"Jace, what was it this time?" Jace was trying to figure out what to say. Jayden noticed shadows under the door. It was very indicative of his older brothers wanting to hear what was happening. "I allowed myself to be persuaded to ride the chute in the barn and up set the livestock." "That is putting it mildly! I understand that isn't the only reason the farmer is pissed at you?" "No, sir." "Don't make me ask!"

"I rode the chute down because I was nearly caught in an intimate situation with his daughter." Jace studied the floor. Jayden went red with indignation. "What is the first rule of island life?" He shouted the question at his grandson. "We all contribute to our survival. Do not upset the balance." Jace said . "And did you?" "Yes, my lord." Jayden stood up and paced behind his desk.