
The Greatest Sin in DxD

A man who was unsatisfied with his life received a chance to live out his fantasies what will he do with such an opportunity read and find out ------ A/N: I am a newbie writer so the chapters may be rough to read but Ima try my best to make it bearable

J0K3R_ · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Chapter 2

It was another magical day in the world of high school DxD there were 4 more days until Raynare's attack I decided to wait until then to expose myself to the supernatural

the only bad part was I had no experience when it came to using my powers there was not a designated spot to summon fireballs or practice swinging an axe I

also, have to figure out how I was going to show off during the night when sunshine is almost useless there is no use worrying about it right now I have to

book it to school before I am late

This time when I arrived nobody was awaiting me which was a little depressing I kinda liked being greeted by cuties but today I wasn't as lucky as I was yesterday

It was kinda funny how something small can make such big changes to someone's plans while I was minding my business walking to my next class I accidentally ran into Issei

while he was running away from the kendo club members the issue here was it was during the day and he knocked my glasses off so Sunshine took effect and my magic levels rose

sharply I was lucky enough to get the glasses back on before my body could grow so I wasn't completely fucked but I could almost guarantee that my cover was blown and soon Sona

and Rias will notice that I wasn't normal on the positive side it makes my life easier in some ways though I won't get my badass intro that doesn't I was just gonna sit around until they got here

I quickly left the scene which was accidentally timed perfectly as right after I left the scene Sona and Rias with their respective peerages arrived at the scene ready for combat though they saw nothing

I sat down in my next class I wasn't gonna let that mishap mess with my head too much they were going to find out no matter what I did so as long as I play it cool I should be safe

Sona and Rias were never the type to kill or hunt down without any proper reason while I was assessing the situation in my head I failed to realize Issei walking up to my desk

"Hey, Escanor I think your name is I am sorry for running into you earlier" he bowed towards me as he apologized for what happened earlier "Don't worry about it was a small accident and

no one got too badly hurt" We chatted for a bit but the conversation stopped when the teacher began class things continued as they did yesterday pretty much I sat down in my class

and zoned out well until Tsubaki walked into class asking for me to follow her it seems my interview has begun

I walked into Sona's office 2 days in a row getting sent to this office that can't be a good thing "Please sit down" she pointed towards the chair in front of her

she fixed her glasses and then started speaking "I called you in here for a quick chat, Escanor... Do you believe in the supernatural" I can't believe I am receiving this Iconic

talk I was having a hard time containing my excitement "Of course I do I see an angel in front of me" Sona let out a tiny giggle "Such a charmer but I am being serious

do you believe in the supernatural" It was game time " I was being honest Ms. Sitri I am a strong believer in Angels, Devils, and what not" She was stunned before she gave me

a stern glare "Who are you and what are you doing within my territory" I slouched back into my chair "You know who I am, I am a Human named Escanor who accidentally awakened a

Sacred Gear I am here because what better location to live peacefully and grow than one managed by two beauties and protected by 2 Satan's" Sona's face softened "You aren't wrong though

you should have entered through the proper supernatural procedure but I will give you some slack... You said you awakened a Sacred gear if it's not too much to ask may I see it"

It seems I have caught her interest so I have to deliver I stood up and took my glasses off allowing my magic to surge and my body to grow to its natural size it was refreshing to

say the least and to end my show I summoned Rhita and rested it on my shoulder Sona just stared at me she wasn't impressed at my display she was more focused on The Divine Axe Rhita

she was analyzing it trying to Identify it I heard her whisper "Is it Regulus Nemea... no it couldn't be there was already a documented user what is it, it couldn't be a normal sacred gear

the mana signatures are too strong" I decided to help her it wasn't a good sight watching someone as smart as her struggle "This axe is Called Divine Axe Rhita it's insulting for you to compare

it's beauty and power to that stupid cat" I put Rhita away and put my glasses I completed everything I was there to do so I exited the room and went back to class


**With Sona**

No one had to say it for me to understand that Escanor is going to bring a whole bunch of trouble to this town but that extreme power of his could be useful if we can manage to bring it

to our side I had to discuss this with Rias "Tsubaki please let Rias know I would like her presence" We now had 2 possible peerage recruits That pervert Issei or that monster Escanor

My thoughts were disrupted by the door opening and Rias and Akeno walking through "Sona what's going on why such an urgent call" "I managed to find the source of magic from earlier and I have

a new name to add to the recruits list" I filled Rias in on everything that just occurred she was just as interested as me in recruiting me "Rias I understand your situation but I cannot let you

have both of them and since you got first dibs on Issei so I get Escanor" She stood up to shake my hand "You say that Sona but at the end of the day they decide to join who they want"

I shrugged Rias did have a point we chatted for a little bit after but after a little bit we went our separate ways


**Back to Escanor**

I have already made an impression on Sona I need to figure out how to make one on Rias I mean the easiest way would be to solve her marriage issues but It's going to be a little complicated

unless I join her peerage but I don't want to give up my humanity unless it's necessary I could wait til he visits Rias and then kick his ass then or I may be able to convince them to add

me as a substitute or something I need to give up trying to be this great big mastermind I don't understand how all of those other protagonists do it the only thing I could think of was to

Meet with Rias tomorrow and try to make a deal beneficial to us both I have the only thing she didn't right now information and she had access to what I want a training space and the familiar forest

I was so excited that I could barely sleep at night I was so excited but I managed

Day 3 in Highschool DxD and today was the day I make the first big move I went to school but instead of heading to my class I went to the ORC classroom in the back and knocked on the door

and waited until someone answered someone was the "prince" of the school himself Yuuto Kiba " Hello I recognize you you are that new student Escanor I think I heard your name was

Escanor right how can I help you" " Hello I am here to visit Rias I have an important conversation to have with her" I was going to be straightforward forward there was no reason to hide anything

"I think she's busy right... I take back my earlier statement she is ready to talk" Kiba guided me to her location honestly that went smoother than I thought it would go not gonna lie

Rias truly was a beauty I can see why Issei went so far for them gazongas though in life he wouldn't get the chance as they would belong to me. She sat down behind a large desk

with a polite smile it seemed like she was trying to make a good impression even though she already had one but she didn't know that. I sat down in front of her " I am going to make this very

simple Ms.Gremory I would like to make a deal with you but first before we get into details I would like for this to be private between us and if you like your Queen" Rias was put on edge by

the mention of her last name and so did her peerage they all went into combat mode but they got shut down and sent away except for Akeno by Rias " So you already know my Identity that's interesting but

I am more interested in what is this deal you would like to make. She rested her chin on her hands staring at me "The deal is I help you get rid of your marriage and in return, you give me a training ground

and entry to the Familiar zone" I watched Rias think and waited for her response " How do you plan on helping, and something so important in exchange for something so little I don't understand

"The solution is simple so the reward should be as well, as for how I would help it's easy I will defeat the riser for you all you have to do is convince your brother to let have a substitute in the rating game

or I could just handle him outside depending on how you want to handle it and I will help you in another field make sure you get Issei into your peerage having the Red Dragon emperor will make future situations

easier" It was hilarious watching Rias and Akeno's jaws drop they both had some questions for me so I had to be incredibly precise in choosing my words so I didn't reveal more information

then I was willing but everything ended well with a deal being made I got access to the Rias peerage training grounds and I was allowed to join her when she takes her peerage to the Familiar grounds


A/N: Next chapter we get see some action finally, I never mentioned it but the MC looks like Escanor but he has muscles 100% of the time just in his released for they are bigger also whether or not he has a

mustache depends on your imagination Idk what else to say bye