

Dive into a novel about the rise of a legendary sportsman. Follow Zachary Bemba on his journey to become the G.O.A.T (Greatest Of All Time) in the soccer world. He travels back to a time in his past where opportunity abounds. Access to a system capable of propelling him to greater heights is just the icing on the cake. From a nobody born in one of the poorest and most remote places on the planet, he relentlessly pursues his goal of becoming the greatest sportsman the world has ever seen. **** ---- G.O.A.T SYSTEM INITIALIZING ---- ACTIVATION SUCCESSFUL **** My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Mujunel_the_Mystic Book Discord Link: https://discord.gg/NK4Uaw8GRN

Mujunel_the_Mystic · スポーツ
699 Chs

Fitness Concerns

Zachary woke up early the following morning and headed to Lerkendal. Since he was still in the process of mastering the Robinho-step-over Juju, he wanted to put in a few hours of practice before the actual team training session. However, on reaching the training ground, he noticed that there was someone who'd arrived even earlier than him.

He was surprised after seeing Coach Johansen's lank form standing in the middle of the training ground while glancing far off into the distance. It was as if the coach was a shepherd overlooking his flock. Yet, there were no animals or even people anywhere in the vicinity.

"Coach, you're very early today," Zachary said as he stood next to the coach in the middle of the almost-empty training ground.

The coach slowly inclined his head and smiled at Zachary. "You're finally here," he said. "Welcome back."