
The Greatest Knight

Izayoi was raised by a knight which is not his father but a teacher. He didn't know he come from and who his parents are until the fated day that changed his life. Two continents, the Cyffredin where the human clans reside and Rhyfedd where Beast and demons Reside. Was held together in the middle by the great tree Yggdrasil. A world where clans are the ones that it consists and knights we're deemed to be the maker of the peace and prosperity of the world. A young boy strives to become the greatest of all Knight to protect his loved ones and the world. +++++ This story is pure fantasy the names and scenes here are only based on my ideas.

YumenoKiseki · ファンタジー
13 Chs

Don't leave me

He once again tried to touch it and put his ears on it so that he can make sure and then he can really feel and hear that it is throbbing, this is the first time he saw an egg this big and was extremely stunned. He then looked at the words that are written on the egg that has a name written on it.

"Camer, is this the name of the person inside?" he said though he really has anything to do with a huge egg, and even if he wants it there no way he can bring it with him since it looks heavy.

He then got out of the nest and look at the place more since he is quite curious about this place especially the dragon statues that looked real. The place is still dark but he can quite see it somehow because of the shining gems all over the place and it even makes this place even more beautiful.

He went near the wall where there are also writings that were engraved on it but he can't understand it which made him depressed, stayed there looking the until he saw a wall with drawings on it. There engraved drawings of dragons with different sizes and somehow all of them are around certain drawings of a woman and man. The woman is holding a round object and the dragons surrounding them is bowing at them, he then realizes that there are crowns on the head of the two people in the middle.

He just looked at there looking at that wall while there something happening on the nest where he just left. The egg is now shaking until a single crack was formed and a slender arm reached outside. That arm tried it best to until finally leave its current situation until the finally cracked and let the person inside feel the air. That person a little girl with long and flowy golden hair with a pair of beautiful eyes that has the same shade as her hair. She doesn't have anything covering her petite frame and she cannot help but shiver She then looked at her surroundings and was quite surprised that there is no one by her side she cannot help but feel lonely. There's no mistaking it, she felt someone's warmth but why is there no one by her side.

She then moved from her position and looked downwards from her nest and saw statues of dragons and a pile of treasure which made her tilt her head, she still can't understand anything since she just woke up. She tried to look around the place but there is no one in there which made tear up, she looks completely pitiful.

That is the first warmth that she felt for all those years and yet it left her as if nothing happened, it didn't wait for her to properly woke up. He was about to cry when she heard footsteps from behind and her face full of despair was changed to excitement, even though she is still having a hard time moving she lifted her legs and went to the other side of the nest to take a look.

He was extremely happy to saw a person, she looked at him and was extremely happy. The person has decent height for someone at his age and his hair that is up to his shoulder looks silky though she can't see his face yet.

She was about to call him but nothing came out from her mouth, she then holds her neck. The boy then stopped looking at the pictures on the wall and made a decision to finally leave.

"Wa… wait don't leave me *hik* " the little girl murmured but Izayoi can't hear anything and is heading to where he comes from, though when he looked at that place he was troubled.

He just falls into a place that seems extremely deep, even from here he cannot see the light from the top and he also didn't know how he just floats earlier.

He pondered like that until a loud sound came from behind, he saw where it came from.

From the nest earlier.

He cannot see what is happening in the nest but there is something over there.

'did the egg hatched?' That is what he thought thinking that it is a creature.

He stays there on guard on what is going to happen until he saw a pair of golden wings showed itself from the nest.

He was quite stunned and then something flew out of the nest which frightened him.

It is a dragon, a living dragon.

It is now flying towards him but somehow it flies quite unstable he somehow cannot help but cheer for it.

The dragon doesn't look intimidating just like the statues, it only even has one-eight of the size them and it looks pitiful, it has a golden color that is quite beautiful and dazzling.

When the dragon is finally near him he stretches his arm out so that he can reach for it. This gesture made the dragon even happier and somehow small droplets of water came out from its eyes.

When the dragon finally caught up to him he grabbed it and pulled it onto his embrace. This little thing looks pitiful; he cannot help but hug it so that it can stop crying.

"Are you the one inside the egg?" He knows that the little dragon can't understand him but he just said that on a whim to soothe it but he was surprised when it suddenly nod at his embrace.

'Are dragons capable of human understanding?' he thought since this is quite amusing.

"Awuu" He stopped thinking and soothe the little dragon who is crying in his arms.

"It's alright" he doesn't know but he sympathizes with the little dragon, it must have been very lonely in this place.

A Suivre…