
To Find Something (1)

(A/N: Sorry if Kathyln and Alex talk too much in this chapter, I know that it wasn't really suitable for Kathyln to talk too much but hey, I can't help it)

Alexander's POV:

I never thought I need to be a real child that makes friends and just be a normal kid... I always think I need to be a real son for my parents where I can make them proud and happy. In my previous life, I live like a dog, trying to survive by eating leftovers and rotted foods.

It wasn't pretty memory... I just wished that I never had my previous memory, I hate my previous life. I'm just a murderer and a monster.

No, maybe that would be too be good for me. But I... don't know anymore.

But when I feel lost between being Alastair and Alexander, I want to find a purpose for myself. To be happy? To be lost? I just want to find out an answer in this world. Then, when I found that purpose, do I need to discard my previous life and really accept my life as Alexander Leywin?

That is why I am determined to find my own purpose.

. . .

"Alex, are you okay?"

Ah, right. We were running away to the forest. Kathyln told me that she wanted to find out about a legend that has been passed down through generations.

The Staff of Voice World

The Staff that existed after a powerful race created the staff to fight mana beasts in the Beast Era, when mana beasts ruled the Dicathen. But then they suddenly disappeared, and no one managed to find the staff. However, clues that it was somewhere hidden deep underground in Dicathen spread around the continent, but even then, none could find the unknown staff.

I think it's pretty cool, but I really don't know if it's true. I've never heard of Staff of Voice World before. But Kathy seems eager to find this staff member of Voice World, even though she felt hesitant to go with me a moment ago.

3rd POV: (Sorry for the short 1st POV)

"I'm alright, just thinking that I feel like my master gonna be angry at me." Alex shuddered.

"...Your master is Lucy, right?" Kathyln pondered.

They were currently walking in the dense forest, some people said to see a mysterious tomb but no one has confirmed it.

"Yeah, she's my master. I've been training under her for a while now." Alex answered.

"Then... you are a mage?" Kathyln stared at Alex.

Alex suddenly stopped on his track. Kathyln only tilted her head in confusion about why Alex had stopped.

Alex, out of nowhere, laughed hysterically. He held his belly, trying to stop his laughter. After a while, his laughter subsided as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

Kathyln became flustered when Alex suddenly laughed.

"S-Stop laughing..." Kathyln was on the verge of embarrassment as she tried to command Alex to stop.

"Haha... Alright, Alright, Princess. Let me ask you a question, how could I leap so high if I didn't use magic?" Alex grinned.

Kathyln's eyes widen, she turns red, and she suddenly covers her face to hide her embarrassment. Her usual expressionless face is no longer visible.

'What a cute girl and here I thought I will be talking to a cold girl but I'm just overthinking... She is just a normal girl like others.' Alex thought as he felt bad making the princess flustered.

Alex sighed, "How about this, I'll answer one question you will ask and I'll try my best to answer it. Good deal, no?"

Kathyln became silent for a few seconds until she...

"I noticed that you didn't have staff or wand... What kind of augmenter are you?" Kathyln asked as her face is full of curiosity.

"Well, I don't think I ever really introduce myself so let me take the honor... My name is Alexander Leywin! I'm a quadra-elemental augmenter with one deviance which is ice and I'm Dark Yellow Core Mage." I smiled as I bowed in a courteous manner.

"W-What? No... that's impossible! Even Geniuses I have seen, there is no quadra-elemental augmenter with one deviance." Kathyln stammered.

Alex shook his head and chuckled, "There's nothing impossible if you didn't see it, Princess. Certainly, you are still narrow-minded."

He opened his palm and created a sphere of ice, but that's not it. Four small but noticeable elements circle around the ice.

Kathyln was speechless... Her face isn't like her usual self; there's no expressionless face covering that cute face.

Alex dispersed the ice and the four elements. An enjoyment that Alex feels strange but enjoyable. He doesn't feel familiar with the feeling, but he's truly happy to talk with someone the same age as him.

"Don't call me narrow-minded! ...And call me Kathy." Kathyln pouted.

"Hahaha, how can someone be this cute?" Alex laughed, "Alright then Kathy, shall we continue our journey?"

(A/N: I have the f8king urge to make Kathyln say umu but I realize this isn't anime so I feel depressed now)

Kathyln nodded as she still pouted. Alex only chuckled as they continue their journey to find a particular spot Kathyln used to see when she snuck out into the forest. But when they arrived, one stone stood out more than the rest.

"What is this stone? It's... weird?" Alex pondered.

"I have never seen this stone before when I always come here before..." Kathyln said in confusion.

When Alex touched the stone, suddenly, he felt a sting on his finger as he was touching the stone. Alex's finger was bleeding a little bit.

"Alex, you are okay?" Kathy asked.

"Good, just nothing to worry about." Alex waved it off. He only lost a small bit of his blood; he doesn't need to make it a big mess.

As Alex wiped the blood off his finger, out of nowhere, the stone suddenly glowed a yellow color. Alex and Kathyln didn't expect this. They looked surprised and astonished at the same time.

However, something unexpected happened.

The ground becomes distorted, they feel light dizziness, but Alex feels familiar with this feeling... They are being teleported!

"Kat-" Not giving him a chance to say more, they quickly teleported with the stone to somewhere.

Somewhere... deep in the underground, where only a teleport will help you escape.

Lucy's POV:

Lucy stared out the window as she sipped her wine.

"Bleh... I still didn't like wine, huh?" Lucy chuckled quietly.

She is currently alone as she doesn't like crowds that much. It's not like she doesn't have the ability to interact with others, she doesn't feel like doing it.

Lucy sighed, "I should stop both of them, but... seeing as Alex is happy, I don't have the ability to ruin their fun."

She put her glass of wine on the small table and opened the window, "Fresh air is better than wine..."

Alexander's POV:

If people tell me that fun like this doesn't last very long, then I would believe them. And true to my words, we ended up in a tomb.

I thought the legend wasn't true... No, I'm narrow-minded. Anything is possible in this world, but even if anything is possible, it wouldn't be pretty.

"Kathy, stay near me." I solemnly said.

She nodded calmly. Thankfully, she is calm even though the situation is not good.

I let out a low sigh. I thought my uneventful life would continue until Xyrus Academy, but I'm being too greedy.

"We should find a portal that would teleport us back." I said.

I have a slight headache... I don't think teleporting would cause me to feel headaches, but it should be better soon.

I took Kathy's hand in mine and moved forward, not wanting the Princess of Sapin to become lost in this tomb. I would be in a lot of trouble if something happened to her, since I was the one who brought her with me.

The tomb looks very old and abandoned, but even so, I must be cautious.

Time seemed to stop... No, it wasn't time that stopped. It's my instinct soaring.

A golem that was camouflaged suddenly came alive, with red eyes glowing from the golem's eyes. It was hostile. As the golem stood up, the golem then charged at us.

I pushed her away as the golem sent a punch in our direction.

"Alex!" Kathy shouted.

[Wind Burst]

Focusing mana on my feet, a strong wind exploded on my feet. I leaped so high that I reached the roof. I flipped upside down with the help of my wind magic. I used the roof as momentum to get back down fast enough that everything around me blurred.

I swiftly took out my daggers and tried to analyze the golem's weaknesses with the little time I had before I reached the ground.

'The core is glowing golden... it must be the weakness, I must destroy it.'

As I shot down from the roof, I clad my dagger in the sharp wind. My cold eyes were ready to take it down.

But before I'm on the range to destroy the core, the hand of the golem changed to... a flamethrower?

A flame burst from the golem's hand, and I was too careless.

The flame is too thick and wide for my wind to handle, and water won't do me any good. I would be boiled if I covered myself with water.

"ICE SHIELD!" I shouted.

I summoned a good amount of thick ice that could withstand the flame. However, as the flame finally dissipated and my ice shield melted. Suddenly, a small, fast-moving fireball was targeting my left eye.

I quickly slashed the fireball but not without a price, I can feel my left eye burning in pain.

"GAHHHHH!" I screamed in agony.

The other half of the fireball missed my head, but not the other half as I could feel my left eye burning.

I used my water magic to extinguish the flame before it could spread.

But the golem didn't waste any time and threw another hit at me. I took a quick sidestep to the side and avoided the blow.

I hurl my dagger into the core with all my strength.


The core cracked as the dagger stabbed the core. The eyes of the golem dimmer and the golem finally died.

I still feel a burning sensation on my left eye and the left side of my cheek.Kathyln ran to me in worry.

"Alex, are you okay?!" She anxiously said.

I slightly smiled, "Is... my left side of my face is bad?"

Kathyln became silent... I tried to open my eyes but when I did...

I can't see anymore with my left eye.

- To Be Continue.

(A/N: Alex is now half blind?! Will it affect his skills or abilities and life? FIND OUT ON THE NEXT EPISODE OF DRAGON BALL Z)

(Author's Extra Note: I do not know if this chapter is bad but I do know that I try my best. Anyway, if you see some grammar mistakes or spelling mistakes, please contact the authority)