
The Greater Evil: (A Forbidden Romance)

(Slightly mature content) A wingless angel and a winged demon, destined to be soulmates become the saviours of the universe. Lilith is the princess and next Queen of Celestial but she was born without wings. Ramon is the ruthless, cold hearted ruler of the Haze (Hell) who dislikes angels. They are fated soulmates who together, will conquer a looming evil: Satan's release from the orb of doom.

Treasure_Love · ファンタジー
16 Chs

13. Jealous Princess

Ramon's POV

Usually, words have no effect on me but it is quite appalling that I am sulking because a tiny, naive princess said some insignificant words to me.

What did I expect? For her to see me more than the demon she thinks I am?

I cannot even claim to be a demon. I do not know what I am!

Sometimes I think if I were not Satan's son with extraordinary strength, I would have been executed a long time ago.

"Is the princess safely tucked in her chambers?" I ask Asmodeus who appeared beside me.

"Yes, my lord", He answers.

"You think she is the one?"

I nod in confirmation. I have known this since I was a child that the princess of Celestial is my destined mate.

It all began years ago when I started having recurrent dreams about a strange woman without wings. She looked to be an angel but then she was wingless...it was so confusing at first.

She always looked at me with a small smile and kept calling herself, 'The One'. I did not know what that meant until the princess was born and turned out to be wingless. It all made sense to me there and then, what I was supposed to do which is why I waited for the right moment.

This moment...

"Do you think she is the key to figuring out how to end this?"

I chuckle, "She has demon blood running through her veins, Asmodeus. She is the only being that is the same as me. Yes, she is the key to figuring it all out..."

For years on end, I have worked towards figuring out my curse and how to end it.

Yes, I have great power but the price that comes with being two powerful things at the same time, is one I have had to carry for years on end.

"Get me Jezebel and another succubus".

Lilith's POV

I cannot rest. I keep thinking of my people, the wraiths, Satan and now Ramon.

How did I get here? How did it even come to this?

I miss Merinda. She would have been a big help right now.

Merinda's whole purpose in life has been to please me. What is she going to do while I am gone?

I pout and look at the crystal ball illuminating my chamber. In Hell, it is always night and so there is always a crystal ball that appears anywhere you face if you will it, to brighten your way - Asmodeus had taught me how to will one. While it is not Celestial, it is quite comfortable. The chamber I was assigned to has a big bed, a wardrobe full of white female wears that are all my size, a mirror and dresser too.

I will not admit it openly but I like it - he gave thought to what a lot of female angels like.

I decide to face my fears and go find him as I have a lot of questions still.

I portal out of my chamber to the last place I saw him - the extravagant eating chamber.

It is void of demons. I start to sit when I hear voices. It sounds like its coming from the end of the corridor.

My curiousity gets the better of me. I walk towards the sound and hide behind the doors to the chamber. I then peep from behind them.

Alas! It is him and an extremely beautiful demon. She has literal glittering horns and a set of fangs. Her eyes glow like that of a seductress and her form is breathtaking. She is slender and elegant, the highly provocative gown she wears is the worst thing I have ever seen a female wear.

I gulp nervously as I stare at her. Why is she so skimpy?

They are talking and suddenly he leans in and she giggles.

She opens her mouth and seductively licks one of her fangs before uttering, "Master".

I quickly remove my eyes from the scene. I realize I can see energies again and hers is so dark that I can hardly breathe.

My heart is beating frantically and I try to calm myself.

"You know we demons have exceptional hearing. I can hear your heart beating so fast, princess".

Suddenly he is in front of me with a smirk on his face. How did he get here without me knowing?!

"Stalking your husband?" He raises his eyebrows and I hate myself for finding it so seductive.

"Walking around with skimpy females who are not your wife?" I bite back and quickly regret my words.

He looks at me in amusement for a long time before releasing a chuckle, "Are you jealous, princess?"

"Never!" I almost yell.

He nods and his voice turns serious, "Why are you outside your chambers?"

"To see you. How do you plan on assisting the angelic race with this incoming war? I need to know or I will not be able to rest".

"Follow me", He tells me much to my surprise.

Queen Gabrielle's POV

My daughter was taken captive right in front of me and there was nothing I could do about it. I do not know which is more painful - the fact that there was no other way or the fact that I feel played.

"Sister, you need to stop worrying. We will get the princess back soon. That abomination will not lay hold of her for long", Azar tries to assure me. We might both not agree when it comes to the throne but I know he loves the Everlight too much to let such things blind him from his sole purpose and duty - using his wisdom to defend Celestial.

I nod in response even though I am not convinced. Ramon is a sly son of a devil. He has a reason why he chose to mate my daughter and it is not just to spite angels. It scares me to my soul what it could be. What if he plans to conquer the whole of Celestial and finish what he started centuries ago during the great war?

"But sister, have you never wondered..."

"Wondered what?"

He goes silent as if in deliberation of if to speak or not.

"Out with it, Azar!"

"May the light shine on you always, sister but Ramon is Satan's son, we cannot trust him not to turn against us. We need to make our first move on our own without his knowledge".

I look at Azar in confusion, "You saw how it all turned out when the wraiths attacked. We are too weak and need the strength of the demon world".

He chuckles, his golden hair swaying as he shakes his head, "My queen, we have the element of surprise. We plan and attack first unbeknownst to Satan and his cohorts!".

It is madness but it is sensible. We cannot trust Ramon to stand by the angels till the end. We need to be strategic and plan our attacks coordinatedly.

If we succeed, Ramon will have no hold over my daughter anymore.

"What do you propose, Azar?"