
David rescue to his beloved girl.

They are already in front of their house shaine because it delivered him so he can go home safely.

after david opened the car door for her she got out.

they also looked at each other for a few seconds.

the young man approached her.

"Come in" she said but it looks like she was just forced to say that because she still doesn't want them to be separated.

She smiled before saying "be careful when driving, don't drive too fast" she said to david.

after she said what she was going to say, david's lips met his delicious, tasty, thin and red lips.

Shaine responded wholeheartedly.

She used to hate those kisses very much.

She and James just kissed him on the forehead because she was disgusted.

but now she was enjoying responding to david's hot kiss.

david ended their hot kiss then stared at him "Good night Schatz" he said as he said goodbye.

shane just smiled and nodded "Good night too, be careful" she said then she opened the gate door of their house.