
Ch. 11 Dimension

Seeing that his depleted soul force become full again, even growing a little bit. Ling Xi became elated. He again starts to practice on refining some medicinal pill, studying the recipes, making some notes and looking at its different uses. He wants to at least become a pro before trying to upgrading his pill and making a high grade 1st level medicinal pill one.

After finishing the last medicinal pill, Ling Xi wipes off his sweat on his face. Looking at the twenty bottles of medicinal pill he made for three days, all are different mid-grade first level medicinal pill. He found out that his speed is much better. Even his soul force become much stronger, he can now make ten medicinal pill before his soul force depletes and he started meditating again.

Maybe because his is now more familiar with the process making his speed increases considerably.

After tidying the room and washing his cauldron, Ling Xi goes into the kitchen making a quick fix on his lunch before resting and sleeping. He had not had any sleep or sustenance for three days and nights when he immersed himself on refining. And he is too hungry and tired to the bone.

He has been sleeping for almost an hour when someone shakes him awake, it is Cheng Li, out from his close door cultivation.

"A demon is at the foot of a mountain trying to get in, he now breaks down my first array. He is strong,much stronger than me. We have to leave." this is the first time Ling Xi saw him in panicking expression. Clearly the being trying to get in is really strong.

"But this place only has one path, the other is a cliff and the other side is loose soil." Ling Xi points out, even he is panicking now.

"We can use my dimension, hide in there before going down when the demon is gone. We are not safe here anymore."

"Then, what happen to this house?" Ling Xi ask, frankly speaking, he does not want to go, this place is the only place he is familiar with.

"Put it in your dimension."

"I don't know how." the only thing he ever put in his pocket dimension is a vegetable he can carry, this house? He can't.

"Just think and will it to go on your dimension and it will.!" Cheng Li explains before holding Ling Xi arms before going outside.

"Then, I can put the trees and vegetables also?" Ling Xi inquired, hopeful that he said yes.

"Yes, you can put different things, people and plants in there if you will it. And do hurry, the demon is coming."

A speed than can be seen in a naked eye, the courtyard vanishes, including the trees, the stream and the hot spring.

An angry roar clearly still far from where they are can be heard. Ling Xi's ears start ringing, he can feel severe pain in his body, just like when the demon roars and paralysed him. The other one is clearly stronger to the point that it can kill him even though he is still very far. Enduring and gritting his teeth, he will himself with Cheng Li to go in his pocket dimension. He had to go before he became completely immobile again.

"Do we have something to monitor what is happening outside?" Ling Xi asked after a while. He grows bored just sitting down and doing nothing, he knows that he is safe now so he asked Cheng Li.

"Yes, the demon is now sniffing the place where we previously standing." Cheng Li stated.

"How do you know? Are you using voodoo?" Ling Xi ask, curiosity can be detected in his voice.

"No, I'm seeing it because I activated some array in the persimmon tree near the cliff. And what is voodoo?" he questions.

"You don't have witches in here? Gypsies?"

"What are does? What do you mean by in here?"

Ling Xi stops, his and his mouth.

"Do you have something, some magical artifacts perhaps that i could use in seeing what is happening outside?" Ling Xi change the topics. He can't possible says that the soul swap and he is from earth. Cheng Li might not believe him or if he does, he might say that he is some kind of using a devil's technique.

Cheng Li just give him a hand held copper mirror before instructing him how to use it.

"Put your soul force inside the handle and think what do you want to see. He can show you anything as long as it is not too far from where you are."

"Just like beauty and the beast?" Ling Xi whispers before injecting his soul force in. Cheng Li just arch his eyebrows when he heard him mutters. Clearly this little one is hiding something from him. But it does not matter, he could wait until the little one decided to share his little secret with him, after all they have infinite time together. He would make sure that they would become immoral.

Ling Xi can see a black thing, like made of coal and ember standing and sniffing his surroundings. Clearly mystified how nothing can be seen while a human scent is still fresh. He stays like that for almost an hour when a roar erupted, this time full of anger and sadness, it came from the other mountain, the demon runs and a minute he is out of sight.

"They have found the ashes that I scatter. Demons are vengeful being, they would massacre a town for just wounding one of their kinds." Cheng Li stated.

"We have to go inside the Zhang City before nightfall. The human realm and the demon realm are in critical balance right now. Someone in the human realm opened a dimensional portal where the demon is currently using to come here." Cheng Li spells out, before going outside the pocket dimension making Ling Xi surprised.

"How can you go out without me willing you to?" he asked, following Cheng Li. They started to descend briskly, the sun is almost down so they have to walk quickly before the gate closes.

"I can enter and walk in your dimension because I'm stronger than you, so be very careful on bringing someone inside, when you bring someone in, the pocket dimension would not repel the person when he decided to come again without your permission and without you knowing it. The pocket dimension would take it as you welcome them in and you trust them for you to take them inside." Cheng Li reminded

"But, I don't trust you." Ling Xi points out. He again welcome a wolf on his home.

"But I'm your husband." Cheng Li answers seriously making Ling Xi not know if he should laugh it off or kick him.

First chapter of the day. Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

Empress_Aicreators' thoughts