


Fall Festival Carnival


After Homecoming, the Grays were right. Bryson didn’t look as hot as I thought he did. A broken nose and two black eyes will do that for you. His girlfriend looked rough. Did I feel bad for them? Nope, not one bit.

People forgot what happened to me at Homecoming. Bryson showed up to school, resembling Frankenstein’s monster. Well, he has a good Halloween costume. He didn't need makeup.

I looked at posters plastered around the school about the fall festival carnival. I always go with my friends since there wasn’t much to do here. We took a moment to have fun. As I studied the poster, someone said, /"Oh, great, another carnival./" I turned and glimpsed Nixon standing next to me.

/"You’re not going?/"

He snorted. /"Oh, hell no! You won’t catch me dead there./"

Kat and Marcy walked up. /"We won’t catch you dead where?/" Kat asked.

/"Oh, Nixon considers carnivals beneath him,/" I said.