


Genuine Kindness or A Game


So, the entire week, the brothers have been decent to me. Even Nolan had stopped stealing my bras. Living with them wasn’t too bad. They still had their moments, but I got used to them.

Seeing the brothers in action was even better. It fascinated me to see the boys bicker over everything or threaten to hurt each other. It’s better than me.

I needed a break from the boys, so I hung out with Kat and Marcy. Sometimes, you need more estrogen when you’re stuck in a house full of testosterone. One girl can take so much farting and burping.

I left for the day. The boys had other plans which I would discover when I returned.



/"Will she like it?/" Noah asked.

/"Well, gee, Noah. We won’t know until we do some work,/" Nixon said.

/"Dude, you need to chill. You’re worse than a chick on her period,/" Nathan said.

Nathan earned a glance and punched from Nixon.