


It’s Time to Take a Break and Have Fun


With school, work, and the house repairs almost completed, Nate decided we needed a break. I finished my second semester of college, and he requested time off from work for us. The boys had the renovations under control.

We traveled to Nashville, Tennessee, for a long weekend. Nate had rented a place for us to relax. Plus, I wanted to check out the sights. Once we arrived, he pulled up to a log cabin.

/"If you wanted to go to a log cabin, we could have gone to your family’s cabin up north,/" I said.

/"Yeah, well, it’s cold, plus this trip puts hundreds of miles between my family and us./" He grinned as I laughed.

He opened the door, and we walked inside. We set our bags down, and he closed the door. I looked around as he picked me up and carried me to the bedroom.


/"Live a little, woman!/"