




I made it to the station to see Martinez on top of Kaylee as she laid face down on the cement. I saw red as I charged him, crashing into him. His pants were undone, and I felt rage.

/"You piece of shit!/" I roared as my fist connected with his face. I held his shirt with my left hand as I hit him over and over. I wanted to beat him to death.

While I beat the hell out of Martinez, my brothers tended to Kaylee and Hathaway. Parker opened a rig and grabbed supplies.

/"How is she?/" Parker asked Payton about Hathaway.

/"Breathing,/" Payton said as Parker tossed Payton medical supplies. Payton administered first aid to Hathaway with Pat helping.

Parker and Pax helped Kaylee. Martinez became bloody as I continued until someone pulled me from him.

/"Get off of me!/" I screamed, fighting the person.

/"Stop! You’ll kill him!/" Nixon yelled.

/"Good! He deserves to die!/" I yelled.