




We showed up at the station for a large part of our testing. Caleb made us dress in full gear and go through different scenarios. The physical part of the test is the most difficult. I remember the first time I did it.

/"Gray! You’re up!/" Caleb announced. He blew a whistle, and I had to move fast with the hose along with searching for a person. I ran up flights, dropped the tube, then grabbed an ax while carrying my medical gear.

I went to a door, felt it, then used the ax to bust open the door. Caleb made sure the electricity was off, and a smoke machine blew smoke into a building. He wanted it as realistic as possible.

/"Gray!/" Kaylee yelled.

I didn’t turn as I continued. /"What are you doing?/" I yelled.

/"I have your back! We’re partners!/" Kaylee yelled.