


I’m sorry


I awoke to find flowers on my nightstand. I pulled the card out of them and looked at it with confusion. The small card read, get better soon.

I had no energy to deal with who gave me flowers. I used the bathroom, took my meds, and fell asleep.

A few hours later, I laid in bed like a lump. Someone knocked at my door.

/"Come in./"

I coughed. The door opened to show Grayson holding a brown paper bag. I sat up and looked at him, bewildered. He took a seat on my bed, setting the bag down and pulling out a styrofoam container. He removed the lid and handed it to me along with a plastic spoon. I took it and looked at him.

/"You brought me soup?/"

/"Chicken soup which is the best food when you’re sick./"

/"What’s the catch? Are you going to give me a bunch of tasks when I return?/"

I furrowed my brows at him. I didn’t trust Grayson because he isn’t a sweet guy.

/"No. Your mom brought your doctor’s note to me. She said you were sick./"

I sniffed the soup, pausing with a bite.

/"You didn’t poison it, did you?/"


He chuckled. I shrugged and took a bite. I ate what I could, then gave Grayson the container. He looked at it.

/"You ate little./"

/"I’m not hungry. I’m more tired than anything./"

I laid back down and hugged my pillow. Grayson looked at the flowers.

/"I see you got flowers./"


I laid there.

/"I’m sorry./"

/"Are you sorry that you’re a king-size tool, or are you sorry that you’re an ass?/"

I didn’t care if I offended him. I didn’t feel well.

/"I deserve that./"

/"Don’t worry. When I return to work, I’ll be on my best behavior. I learned my lesson./"


I looked at him, confused.

/"Lucille, I don’t want you to change. You make work fun. I was wrong for how I treated you./"

/"Who are you? What did you do with Grayson Gray?/"

He chuckled as I looked at him. The dude has more mood swings than the weather. Within a few minutes, I drifted off to sleep. I needed rest which had become my new best friend, thanks to the medicine.

A few hours later, I found Grayson sitting there, observing me sleep.

/"That’s creepy./"


I didn’t want to leave my bed which was way too comfy.



I’ve never seen Lucille this lethargic. It bothered me more because I caused it. I don’t want to see her sick again.

I noticed she had lost weight. God, I’m an ass.

/"Want to view a movie?/" I asked her, clearing my throat.

/"Do I look like I can check out a movie?/"

/"Okay, how about something to eat?/"


She won’t take it easy on me. I shouldn’t have pushed her away.

/"Shouldn’t you be at work harassing someone for not doing their job?/"

/"It’s my day off./"

/"And you spent it with me. Oh, joy./"

/"Is that a problem?/"

/"It depends. Will you be a tool when I’m better?/"


I shook my head.

/"Fine, you can stay and stare at me while I go back to sleep./"

She yawned as her eyes closed. I made a phone call.



Every day Grayson came by, bringing me soup and popsicles. He would stay and talk to me. I didn’t have the energy to fight with him. I hope he wasn’t a vast tool when I returned to work.

I asked why he wasn’t working. He told me the store gave him time off. Liar. Grayson never takes time off from work. When he’s off, he works.

I started getting better, and we observed movies together. It’s nice not to be comatose. I hate being sick because it’s horrible.

I even lightened up with Grayson as he lightened up more. He even laughed somewhat, which surprised me.

Eating actual food is even better. I’m sick of soup. I wanted something more substantial. Grayson brought a pizza over, and we sat on my bed while eating it.

/"Actual food./"

I took a slice of pizza and bit into it. That was pure heaven.

/"You like food, huh?/"

/"Food is life. Mom said you should have excellent food, wonderful drinks, and a delightful chat./"

/"Yeah, your mom ripped me a new one when you got sick./"

I looked at him.

/"I’ve learned never to piss her off./"

His comment made me laugh.

/"My parents are a trip. They wanted me to get a job and meet someone./"

I shook my head.

/"Is that a bad thing?/"

/"It wouldn’t be, but I met twits along the way. Guys are absurd. I’m waiting for a guy who can show me why he’s the one for me./"

/"You never know. The person is closer than you think./"

/"He might be, but until he proves to me he’s the one, the single life is fine with me./"

I took a bite and smiled as he smiled at me.

I refused to settle with a guy. I wanted more than most guys offered. I wanted someone that would show me why they deserve me. Give me that spark. I wanted a never-ending kiss. When a guy held my hand, he’d never let it go.

I wanted it all, getting it, even if I waited forever. At least, I’m too old to give a shit. The latter would happen before the beginning.