


A Halloween Chapter of spooky tales, well, sort of


Do you know how, when you’re sleeping, you have this fantastic dream, then some dipshits think it’s cute to wake you up? Yeah, that would be my brothers, who thought it was lovely to throw ice water on me.

I felt something wet and cold hit me, making me jump up in bed.

/"Oops, we should have thought this through,/" Parker laughed, holding a bucket.

Payton and Patton stood on each side of Parker as I got out of bed and chased them, drenched. They ran down the stairs, and I took a shortcut, jumping the railing and landing on the tools.

/"Ugh,/" Payton grunted.

/"Thanks for breaking my fall, you dicks,/" I said, smacking each one in the head.

Parker threw me off him. /"What have you been eating?/" He asked, stretching.

/"Food,/" I replied, standing up. I’m small, but I’m compact. Pat and I are the shortest ones in our family besides Ma.