




I straightened things out with my brothers. I went back to the store to buy gluten-free foods since Pax has a gluten allergy. Josie went with me and helped me find the food that we needed. Thank God because I didn’t have a clue. Pops teaches me how to cook for college next year.

We bought what we needed as we came out of the store. The two guys I dropped in the store confronted us. We exchanged words; then, they tried to attack me until we heard someone yell.

/"Well, that’s a damn shame that you think you’re going to jump our brother!/" Parker said, walking up with my brothers.

/"What’s it to you?/" A guy yelled.

I looked at my brothers and nodded. They smiled and dropped the two guys. They laid on the ground, groaning while holding their stomachs.

I looked at Parker. /"What are you doing here?/" I asked.